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Narcolepsy Project

Narcolepsy Project. Overview. By Jessie Y. Shen Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003. Objectives. Background on Narcolepsy Project Goals Medical Collaboration Preliminary Results Future Work. What is Narcolepsy?. Chronic sleep disorder 0.03% to 0.06% of North Americans

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Narcolepsy Project

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Narcolepsy Project Overview By Jessie Y. Shen Wednesday, Oct. 15, 2003

  2. Objectives • Background on Narcolepsy • Project Goals • Medical Collaboration • Preliminary Results • Future Work

  3. What is Narcolepsy? • Chronic sleep disorder • 0.03% to 0.06% of North Americans • Loss of REM sleep regulation • Disabling and under-diagnosed

  4. REM Sleep NON-REM Sleep Physiological Rest REM Sleep Psychological Rest

  5. Symptoms of Narcolepsy • Excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS) • Cataplexy • Hypnagogic hallucination • Sleep paralysis • Automated behavior

  6. Treatments Lifestyle Changes Plan naps Medication Stimulants + Antidepressants

  7. Effect on Patients • Physical hazards • Difficulty at school, at work, socially • Academic performance • Work • Social • Strained interpersonal relationship due to peer pressure and misunderstanding

  8. Problems • Fall asleep at inappropriate times • Medication’s side effects • Plan naps, driving times, etc.

  9. Project Goal

  10. Detection Algorithm Detection Algorithm • Channel Selection • DSP • Noise reduction • Source Separation • Artifact Removal • Dimensionality reduction • Classification • Alertness index • Probability • Alertness • Sleep attack • Verification • Waking mechanism • Medication allocation • Activity planning • Naps • Driving • Meetings • Sensor • Processor • Waking mechanism • GUI • Wireless sensors • Conceal sensors • Power management • Additional features Predictive Model Predictive Model Expert System Design Expert System Design Prototype Construction Prototype Construction Refinement Refinement Design Steps

  11. EEG Acquisition Unit Detection Algorithm User Interface Classifier DSP Feature Extraction Analog EEG signals Current Alertness Level EEG Segments Patient’s current alertness Predictive Model Wired connection ADC buffer Statistics on Future Probability of patient’s future alertness Digital EEG signals Alternative Connection Medication Dosage Expert System TX RX Activity Plan Wireless transmission channel Wake Mechanism Signal whether patient fell asleep Prototype

  12. Previous Work ANN Awake / Asleep EEG HMM Sleep Stage

  13. Collaboration • Dr. C. F. P. George • Physician at LHSC • Professor at UWO • Research focus on narcolepsy and performance in sleepy patients

  14. References • http://www-med.stanford.edu/school/Psychiatry/narcolepsy/ • http://www.ninds.nih.gov/health_and_medical/disorders/narcolep_doc.htm

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