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413 當我憑著自己思想 WHEN I AM IN THE NATURAL MAN. 當我憑著自己思想, 我覺自己很是剛強; When I am in the natural man, How very strong I feel I am; 不知自己卻是怎樣沒有力量。 I do not know, I cannot scan, How very weak I am. (二). 當我生活世人中間, 我就不覺自己虧欠; When in the world I have my life, I cannot sense my failure rife,
413當我憑著自己思想 WHEN I AM IN THE NATURAL MAN 當我憑著自己思想, 我覺自己很是剛強; When I am in the natural man, How very strong I feel I am; 不知自己卻是怎樣沒有力量。 I do not know, I cannot scan, How very weak I am. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(二) 當我生活世人中間, 我就不覺自己虧欠; When in the world I have my life, I cannot sense my failure rife, 只覺自己如何奮勉,如何上前。 But boasting in my earnest strife, Proudly I forward press. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(三) 當我住在黑暗裏面, 我就不知自己浮淺; When I within the darkness dwell, My shallow state I cannot tell; 以為自己何等無限,不必虛謙。 I only think how I excel, Needing no modesty. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(四) 當我來到袮的面前, 亮光剌破遮蔽幕簾; But when at last I come to Thee, Thy searching light uncovers me; 我就看見前所未見,完全露現。 I see what I could never see - My ugly self exposed. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(五) 在袮面前我只萎縮, 一切萎縮、一切消沒; Wither'ng beneath Thy scorching ray, I find my all fading away. 所有驕傲都變軟弱,都變赤裸。 My self-esteem in dust I lay, My weakness I embrace. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(六) 沒有可驕,沒有可傲, 沒有可依,沒有可靠; There's not a thing that pride can claim; There's not a member but is lame; 只有自慚,只有自懊,能否禱告? There's only deep regret and shame; O Lord, how can I pray? Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(七) 幸有袮血免我定罪, 袮的生命免我銷燬; Thy blood from judgment sets me free; Thy life from doom delivers me. 但我真是何等污穢,何等慚愧。 How filthy yet I still must be, In shame my head I bow. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(八) 所有驕傲都是愚昧, 看見實在,何必謙卑; In blindness I'm puffed up with pride, Thinking no need the facts to hide. 所有自恃都是因為心中墨黑。 My self-conceit has multiplied, While I in darkness boast. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(九) 靜,我也錯;動,我也錯; 不說,不安;說,又太過; Whether I stay or move along, Whate'er I say, I'm always wrong! 都是失敗,都是軟弱,都是不妥。 So weak am I and never strong, Nothing I do is right. Silicon Valley Christian Assembly
(十) 我要禱告,沒有信心, 我要倚靠,如何求尋? I want to pray, but faith have not, I fain would seek Thee as Thou art, 不知如何方能重新…主阿,憐憫! Oh, canst Thou e'er renew my heart, Have mercy, Lord, on me! Silicon Valley Christian Assembly