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AFTER-THE-FACT PAYROLL REPORTER. The After-The-Fact Payroll Reporter provides easy year round collection of payroll data from check stubs, payroll registers or one-write systems. Program automatically calculates and then prints the government forms needed for payroll reporting purposes.

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  1. AFTER-THE-FACT PAYROLL REPORTER The After-The-Fact Payroll Reporter provides easy year round collection of payroll data from check stubs, payroll registers or one-write systems. Program automatically calculates and then prints the government forms needed for payroll reporting purposes.

  2. After the easy to use installation menu you will see the After-The-Fact main menu. The program utilizes the fast and easy windows menuing system to move you through the processing of your payroll clients. Starting from the far left to get or enter the information on your client companies. The information is complete and allows as many companies as you wish.

  3. The data is stored on the drive of your choice, so you can keep the data on a local or network drive or on removable media like a floppy or memory card. But the information is always under your control, it never has to leave your office computers.

  4. The information stored for each client covers all the data necessary for completing the federal and state tax forms for payroll. Even for complicated states like NJ with the 8 rates for disability and unemployment calculation the program can handle it with ease. After completing the client’s company information the next pull-down on the main menu is used to enter and maintain the information on the payees, both w-2 and 1099 types, for the company.

  5. Enter State Unemployment Insurance wage maximum and percentage rates.

  6. Only enter information here if your client pays SUI/DIS to more than one state.

  7. Keeps track of sixteen individualized deduction categories for each of your clients. Categories can be set up to track either dollar or non-dollar amounts (weeks, hours, etc.).

  8. Payee Update Program is used to enter new payee information, change payee information or delete and remove payees from a client company.

  9. To Change Payee

  10. Delete a Payee

  11. Print Payee List

  12. Flexible Transmittal Letter

  13. To add a new payee’s information into the system, you will fill out the screen below.

  14. Once the information on the company and its payees has been entered, it’s time to enter the transaction individual checks or totals for the payees’ wages and taxes. The program has an easy to use and user friendly interface to enter these amounts. The program will calculate the FICA and Medicare taxes automatically, and if you purchase the PLUS version, withholding taxes for federal and state can be calculated. Transaction can also be repeated or stored; transaction can be entered without reentering any information. John Smith 1 242342453 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 1000.00 You can review and edit each transaction before posting on the screen or print a transaction register for review. Transactions can be stored before posting to allow for review and corrections. After posting all repots and forms are available for printing. A “unpost” is in the program in case you made a mistake.

  15. Editing Transactions

  16. Automatic repeat and standard transaction features which saves you time when entering repetitive information. Post complete detail quarterly payrolls by entering transactions only once. Also you can enter a transaction once and have the program automatically calculate the data of each transaction in the quarter.

  17. Easy to use entry procedure with automatic prompting of payroll check stub information. The ATFP also allows you to modify each individual transaction after posting along with the year to date, quarter to date and period to date summary information used to generate the forms and reports in the program. This unique feature gives you complete control over all the amounts in the client’s payroll.

  18. The detail register report is available for any period in the year. You choose a date rage and an employee range to print the report for. The report is available on the screen or printer. At the end of the report a full analysis for the transactions reported.

  19. Prints forms 940, 940EZ, 941, 941 Sch B, 941C, 943, W-2, W2C, W-3, W-3C, 1099 MISC, 1096, 8109 and state forms: NY:NYS-45, NYS-45-ATT and NYS-1 NJ: WR-30, NJ-927/W, NJ500SM, Newark PK-3, CT:UC-5A/UC-2, CT-941, TX:C-3 & C-4, CA:DE-6/7 SC:UCE-120 VA:EQT, FL:UCT-6/6W PA:Summary. Call for availability of other states. Before printing reports a quick review screen is available and for some reports a PDF file is available for viewing, printing, and stored as a file for transmittal to your client. Transaction can be set to automatically apply to taxes due on the Federal and State forms.

  20. New Jersey forms NR-30 and NJ927 can be filed electronically.

  21. New Jersey Forms

  22. Form 941 shows a complete review on the screen.

  23. The tax liability section (Schedule B) is completely under your control.

  24. Form 940 automatically calculates the tax due and credit for payments made to your state UI account.

  25. Form 940 Review Screen

  26. W-2’s can print 4 to a page or 2 to a page for the employee’s copies. The “A” copy of the W-2 and W-3 can be printed on a plain paper, no red copy needed.

  27. A complete set of utility functions are available to handle the client’s data files.

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