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Explore the origins of Soviet-American distrust post-war and the Cold War strategies of containment, alliances, the Marshall Plan, and the Berlin Blockade.
Postwar World: The Cold War ML Chapter17: Sections 1 & 4 Ms. Garratt
Soviet-American Distrust Before and After the War American Soviet • Communist Ideology • Non-Aggression Pact • Betrayal at Yalta • US assistance to the Whites • Delay in opening second front
Yalta Conference • Big Three • Discussed: • Japan • Postwar occupation/division of Germany • Some postwar reparations to Soviets • Free elections in eastern Europe • Soviet betrayed promise on “free elections”
United Nations • International organization similar to the League of Nations • General Assembly • 15-member Security Council • 5 permanent members w/ veto power
Postwar Soviet Objectives • Encourage communism as part of a worldwide workers’ revolution • Rebuild its war-ravaged economy using Eastern Europe’s ram materials and industrial equipment • Control Eastern Europe to protect its borders and balance US influence in Western Europe • Keep Germany divided
American Postwar Objectives • Encourage democracy and prevent spread of communism (containment) • Gain access to raw materials and markets for American goods • Rebuild European governments to promote stability and create new markets for US goods • Reunite & stabilize Germany as bulwark against communism
Eastern Europe’s Iron Curtain • Why Soviets wanted buffer zone • Invasion from Poles, Swedes, Fr & Germ • Ignored Yalta pledges • Installed communist “puppet” governments
Containment • Dominant US foreign policy between 1947 and 1991 • Objective: Stop the spread of communism • How did US attempt to achieve this? • Alliances • Truman Doctrine • Marshall Plan • Involvement in regional conflicts
Truman Doctrine 1947 • US promised economic & military assistance to all nations resisting Communist aggression. • “support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures • Greece & Turkey were the 1st recipients of aid because Britain could no longer afford to assist them.
Marshall Plan • Was economic equivalent of the Truman Doctrine • Europe was in econ turmoil and needed funds to recover. • Marshall Plan provided $12 billion plus • Necessary to rebuild Europe to prevent it from becoming falling to communism • Funds helped rebuild & stabilize Europe • Was spectacularly successful.
Berlin Blockade 1948-49 • The Allies decided to withdraw from their occupation zones in Berlin • Soviets object because they want to keep Germany weak and divided. • Berlin which was deep in the Soviet-occupied zone was also divided. • Soviets cut off all water, highway & rail traffic into West Berlin. The city could starve • What did US do? • Berlin Airlift for 11 months
NATO • Direct result of the Berlin Crisis was creation of the 1st American peace time alliance • Defensive • “an attack one is an attack on all”
Warsaw Pact • This was Soviet dominated alliance • Unlike NATO it was not voluntary • Included Eastern bloc nations • Rivalry between the US and USSR will be symbolized by the Berlin Wall
Nuclear Arms Race • 1949 Soviets exploded their own A-bomb • Truman authorized work on an even deadlier Hydrogen bomb (H-bomb) • US successfully tested it in 1952 • Soviets followed by 1953 • Arms race was on
Brinkmanship • Eisenhower admin practiced “brinkmanship” in which the US would “retaliate instantly, by means and at places of our own choosing” • Was implicit threat to use nukes. • Req’d reliable source of nukes and means of delivery • Military budget focused on air force • Contributed to arms race
Cold War in the Skies • Soviets were 1st to develop ICBM which they used to launch the world’s 1st unmanned satellite, Sputnik • US felt they had fallen behind the Soviets which led US to pour $ into science edu • US launched its own satellite by 1958 • The Space Race was on (see page 537)
U-2 Incident 1960 • US proposed in 1955 that the 2 superpowers allow reconnaissance flights to ensure against surprise attacks • Soviets refused • CIA however, began high altitude flights in U-2s • In 1960 the Soviets shot one down and exposed the US • Incident heightened CW tensions • End section 1
Fighting for the Third World Africa, Asia and Latin America Defined by degree of industrialization Contrast with 1st, 2nd & 4th world countries
Third World Nations • Many were economically poor and politically unstable. • Due in part to history of colonialism. • Some suffered from ethnic conflicts • Lacked financial resources, technology & edu • Needed a political and econ system around which to build its society • Soviet style-communism and US-style free-market democracy were the two choices • Both US and Soviets competed fiercely.
Cold War Strategies • US, USSR & China used a variety of techniques to gain influence in Third World. • Backed wars of liberation or counterrevolution • CIA & KGB engaged in covert activities from spying to assassination attempts • Aid to nations
Nonaligned Nations • Not all third world countries wished to play a role in the CW. • Some vowed to remain neutral • Indonesia struggled to stay “uninvolved” • 1955 it hosted the Bandung Conference which created a “third force” known as the nonaligned nations meaning they were neutral • While others may have taken sides in the CW the nonaligned did not.
Latin America • Sought aid from superpowers • US had long been involved in LA but US had supported leaders who backed US interests but who had oppressed their people. • After WWII communism and nationalistic feelings inspired rev’y movements • In response US provided mili & econ assistance to anti-communist dictators
Cuban Revolution 1959 • In the 1950s Cuba was ruled by unpop dictator, Fulgencio Batista who had US support • Fidel Castro led a rev which overthrew him • At first Castro was praised for some social reforms but he was a harsh dictator who: • Suspended elections • Jailed or executed his opponents • Tightly controlled the press
Cuba: Bay of Pigs 1961 • Castro nationalized American businesses without compensation • In response, Eisenhower ordered an embargo on all trade with Cuba. • Castro then turned to the Soviets for aid • In 1960 the CIA began to train anti-Castro Cuban exiles. • In 1961 these exiles invaded Cuba & were easily defeated which humiliated the US
Cuban Missile Crisis 1962 • To protect Castro the Soviets began to build 42 missile sites in Cuba • US found out about it in October 1962 and demanded their removal and a naval blockade • US and Soviets were on collision course • Brinkmanship • Finally Soviets agreed to remove missiles in return for a US pledge not to invade Cuba • This left Castro completely dependent upon Soviets • Castro backed Communist revolutions thru-out L.A. • Soviet aid to Cuba ended in 1991
Civil War in Nicaragua • US supported dictator, Anastasio Somoza since ‘33 • Somoza was overthrown by Communist Sandinistas • At first, both US & USSR gave aid to Sandinistas but Sandinistas began giving aid to other Marxist rebels in nearby El Salvador. • To help the El Salvadoran gov fight the rebels the US began supporting the Contras or counterrevolutionaries • CW lasted a decade
Iran 1953 • Oil wealth fueled a growing clash between traditional Islamic values & modern Western materialism. • Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi embraced the West • This alienated a segment of the Iranian pop led by Prime Minister Muhammed Mossadeq. • He nationalized a British-owned oil company & forced the Shah to flee. • Fearing that Iran would turn to the Soviets the CIA helped restore the Shah to power
Iran1979 • With US support the Shah westernized Iran while ignoring the millions who lived in extreme poverty • Shah was unable to weaken the pol influence of the ayatollahs who opposed Western influences • The leader of the religious opposition, Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, who lived in exile, made taped-recorded messages to incite riots in Iran • Faced with overwhelming opposition this caused the Shah to flee in 1979 • A triumphant Khomeini returned to Iran & established an Islamic state
Khomeini’s Anti-US Policies • Young Islamic revolutionaries seized the US embassy in Teheran in 1979 & took 60 American hostages • Revolutionaries demanded that the US force the Shah to face trial. • Prisoners were held for 444 days • Khomeini encouraged Muslim radicals to overthrow secular govs. • This led to war with Iraq. • US secretly gave aid to both sides as it did not want to see the balance of power in the region change
Afghanistan 1979 • Soviets invaded Afghanistan to prop up the Communist regime • They expected to be out soon however, they found themselves stuck like the US was in Vietnam • Mujahideen, holy warriors, fought the Soviets supplied with US weapons • US considered the invasion a threat to Persian Gulf oil • US cancelled grain shipments to the USSR & boycotted the 1980 Moscow Olympics • Soviet troops withdrew in 1989 (Gorbachev)
Taliban • Taliban were among the Mujahideen who fought the Soviets • In 1996 they seized power & established an Islamic gov • Imposed a repressive rule esp against women • They gave sanctuary to Islamic terrorists • In 2001 anti-terrorist coalition led by the US drove them from power • End section four
Cold War Thaws – Section 5 • During postwar years Soviets held tight grip on satellite countries • They were not allowed to direct their economies independently of the USSR. • Instead they were to develop their economies to meet Soviet needs which hampered their econ recovery
Destalinization • After Stalin died, Krushchev took over & in 1956 denounced Stalin for jailing & killing loyal Soviet citizens • This signaled the beginning of the Destalinization policy or purging the country of Stalin’s memory • Khrushchev also shifted policy by calling for “peaceful competition”
Hungarian Revolution 1956 • Resentment against Soviets exploded in 1956 • Hungarian army joined protesters to overthrow Sov controlled gov • A popular communist, Imre Nagy, formed new gov • He promised free elections & demanded Soviets leave • Soviet army attacked, pro gov installed & eventually executed Nagy
Prague Spring 1968 • Khrushchev is ousted from power due to CMC & is replaced by Leonid Brezhnev who quickly adopted repressive domestic policies • Brezhnev made clear he would not tolerate dissent in E. Europe • In 1968 Alexander Dubcek loosened controls on censorship in Czech to offer Socialism with a “human face.” • Period of reform when Czech “bloomed with new Ideas” was known as the Prague Spring
Brezhnev Doctrine • Warsaw Pact nations invaded Czech to end the Prague Spring • Brezhnev justified this invasion by claiming the USSR had the right to prevent its satellites from rejecting communism, a policy known as Brezhnev Doctrine. • US did nothing. • Showed that the US would not push containment in countries which were satellites of the Soviets
The Soviet-Chinese Split • Mao & Stalin signed a 30-year treaty of friendship which ended in ten years. • WHY? Because China resented being in Moscow’s shadow. • China began to spread its own form of communism in Africa & Asia. • Khrushchev punished the Chinese by refusing to share nuclear secrets & then stopped technical aid • Fighting broke out along their border
From Brinkmanship to Detente • Brinkmanship under the Eisenhower, Kennedy & Johnson admins led to one crisis after another • U-2 incident • CMC • Vietnam • US policy of détente began under Nixon • Policy grew out of realpolitik which meant dealing with other nations in a more flexible & pragmatic manner • US continued to try to contain comm’m but also to reduce tensions
China • Détente represented a person reversal for Nixon as well as for the country • Nixon was virulent anti-communist – now he becomes the 1st president to visit China & the USSR • Nixon began the process of normalization of relations with China • Trip made sense in world where there were 3 not just 2 superpowers • “We want the Chinese with us when we sit down & negotiate with the Russians.”
Soviet Union & SALT • 3 months after visiting China Nixon goes to USSR • Successfully negotiated the SALT I Treaty • SALT limited to 1972 levels the number of ICBMs each country could have
Helsinki Accords 1975 In 1975 33 nations joined the US & USSR in signing the Helsinki Accords which committed them to détente and cooperation
Collapse of Detente • Under presidents Nixon and Ford the US improved relations with China & the USSR • In the late ‘70s however, Carter was concerned over harsh treatment of protesters in USSR. • This threatened to prevent second round of SALT negotiations • In ‘79 Carter & Brezhnev finally signed SALT II however, the US Senate refused to ratify it after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan