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Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 73 Topic: 6.5 Traits and Probability Essential Questions :

6.5 Traits and Probability. 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules. Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 73 Topic: 6.5 Traits and Probability Essential Questions : How did Mendel’s dihybrid crosses help him develop his “Law of Independent Assortment”?.

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  1. 6.5 Traits and Probability 2.1 Atoms, Ions, and Molecules Set up Cornell Notes on pg. 73 • Topic: 6.5 Traits and Probability • Essential Questions: • How did Mendel’s dihybrid crosses help him develop his “Law of Independent Assortment”? • How did Mendel’s dihybrid crosses help him develop his “Law of Independent Assortment”? KEY CONCEPT The inheritance of traits follows the rules of probability.

  2. KEY CONCEPT The inheritance of traits follows the rules of probability.

  3. Punnett squares illustrate genetic crosses. • The Punnett square is a grid system for predicting all possible genotypes resulting from a cross. • The axes representthe possible gametesof each parent. • The boxes show thepossible genotypesof the offspring.

  4. A monohybrid cross involves one trait. • Monohybrid crosses examine the inheritance of only onespecific trait. Ex: color of flower

  5. Punnett Squares A green pea plant (GG) is crossed with a yellow pea plant (gg) G G Genotype= Gg g g g G G Phenotype= 100% Green g g g G G

  6. A purple flowered plant (Pp) is crossed with a white flowered plant (pp). What are the genotype and phenotype of the offspring? • A long tailed cat (TT) is crossed with a short tailed cat (tt). What are the genotype and phenotype of the offspring? Is it possible to have short tailed offspring?

  7. P p Pp pp G: Pp, pp p pp Pp P: 50% purple 50% white p T T Tt G: Tt Tt t P: 100% long tail NO!!!! Tt Tt t

  8. A testcross is a cross between an organism with an unknown genotype and an organism with the recessive phenotype. bb BB or Bb

  9. Sponge Bob Genetics: Monohybrid Crosses (In Pairs)

  10. Adihybrid cross involves two traits. Ex: color of peas & shape of peas

  11. Adihybrid cross involves two traits. Y=Yellow Pea y= Green Pea R= Round Pea r= Wrinkled Pea YyRr • YR • Yr • yR • yr

  12. YY, Yy=Yellow Pea yy= Green Pea RR, Rr = Round Pea rr= Wrinkled Pea

  13. Can use ratio when determining phenotype • Write the # biggest to smallest Please figure out the ratio. 9: Yellow smooth 3: Yellow wrinkled 3: Green smooth 1: Green wrinkled 9:3:3:1 Will follow Dominance patterns

  14. Investigation (Pg. 72 in Notebook) • In Pairs complete the “Allele Combinations and Punnett Squares” Investigation on pg. 188 in the textbook • Read the background information • Set up your dihybrid cross • Answer the 4 questions

  15. RR or Rr= purple kernels rr= yellow kernels TT or Tt= Smooth kernels tt= wrinkled kernels Genotype: Ratio:

  16. Rt Rtrtrt RT RT rT rT Genotype: Ratio:

  17. Rt Rt rt rt RT RT rT rT • Genotypes: RRTt, RrTt, rrTt • Phenotypes: 12: Purple Smooth Kernels • 4: Yellow Smooth Kernels • reduce= 3:1

  18. 1. List the genotypes and phenotypes produced by this cross: • Genotypes: RRTt, RrTt, rrTt • Phenotypes: Purple smooth, yellow smooth • 2. What is the genotypic ratio resulting from this cross? The phenotypic ratio? • Genotypic: 4RRTt: 8RrTt: 4rrTt = 1:2:1 • Phenoypic: 12:4 purple-smooth to yellow-smooth = 3:1 • 3. If the genotypes for kernel texture of two plants are tt and tt, what is the probability of their having offspring that have smooth kernels? Why? • Zero; neither parent plant has a dominant allele (T). • 4. Suppose that corn plant C has a known genotype of RRTT. Could corn plants with cobs that had some yellow and wrinkled kernels be produced by crossing Plant C with a plant with a genotype of your choice? Why or why not? • No. All alleles are dominant, therefore no cross could lead to a recessive phenotype.

  19. These findings led to Mendel’s second law: • The law of independent assortment states that allele pairs separate independently of each other during meiosis. • Ex: • Hair color is inherited independently from eye color • Pea color is inherited independently from pea shape • Hair line inherited independently from earlobes

  20. Probability = number of ways a specific event can occur number of total possible outcomes • Probability is the likelihood that something will happen. • predicts an average number of occurrences, not an exact number of occurrences. • .

  21. Sponge Bob Genetics: Dihybrid Cross

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