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QUESTIONS present continuous

QUESTIONS present continuous. Questions. YES / NO questions. WH - questions. začínají tázacím výrazem odpovídáme tím, na co jsme se ptali, např. W hen …? What …? How …? Who …? Why …?. žádáme potvrzení / popření obsahu otázky před podmětem je sloveso odpovídáme: Yes , …..

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QUESTIONS present continuous

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Presentation Transcript

  1. QUESTIONSpresent continuous

  2. Questions YES / NO questions WH - questions začínají tázacím výrazem odpovídáme tím, na co jsme se ptali, např. When…? What…? How…? Who …? Why …? • žádáme potvrzení / popření obsahu otázky • před podmětem je sloveso • odpovídáme: • Yes, ….. • No, …

  3. You are wearing a blue shirt. Are you wearing a blue shirt? Yes, I am. What are you wearing? A blue shirt.

  4. My friends are playing football at the moment. Are your friends playing football at the moment? Yes, they are. What are your friends playing at the moment? Football.

  5. Compare Is he playing football in the park? Where is he playing football? Are they doing their homework? What are they doing?

  6. Practise • He´s reading a magazine. Whatis he reading? • We are having lunch at school now. Where are you having lunch now?

  7. We´re sitting in the kitchen. Whereare you sitting now? • Mary´s talking to her sister now. Who is she talking to? • They´re dancing now. (Co dělají?) What are they doing now?

  8. Work with the table. Make questions and answers.

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