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Confirmation 2011-2012

Confirmation 2011-2012. September 28, 2011. God Preserves His Fallen Creation. Genesis 8:22. I Kings 17:1-16. Usually by natural means, but at times by miracles. My Creator Preserves (takes care of, provides for) me. God Preserves His Fallen Creation. Psalm 91:11.

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Confirmation 2011-2012

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Confirmation 2011-2012 September 28, 2011

  2. God Preserves His Fallen Creation Genesis 8:22 I Kings 17:1-16 • Usually by natural means, but at times by miracles. My Creator Preserves (takes care of, provides for) me

  3. God Preserves His Fallen Creation Psalm 91:11 My Creator Preserves (takes care of, provides for) me He sends his angels (messengers)to watch over me.

  4. God Preserves His Fallen Creation Psalm 91:10 Romans 8:28 • He either keeps evil from me or makes it work out for my good. My Creator Preserves (takes care of, provides for) me

  5. God Preserves His Fallen Creation Romans 8:32 I Corinthians 10:31 • He gives me what I need out of grace (undeserved love) because I am his child. • So I don’t want to worry or grumble and I do want to thank and serve God in everything I do. My Creator Preserves (takes care of, provides for) me

  6. 1. Mankind was first created in the image of God (holy and perfect. Genesis 1:26 Why do I sin against my loving God? 2. Mankind lost God’s image when Adam and Eve fell into sin. Genesis 3

  7. Why do I sin against my loving God? The one who tempted Adam and Eve to sin was the devil

  8. The Devil’s work… • Devil = Liar, slanderer • Satan = enemy, adversary • Temptation = the devil’s attempts to get us to doubt or disobey God.

  9. 2 Peter 2:4 Revelation12:9 Where the devil came from: He was a good angel who fell into sin along with many other angels who are now called demons.

  10. Romans 5:18-19 Why do I sin against my loving God? 4. All people are now born lost in sin, and condemned to death. Genesis 5:3

  11. Our original sinful nature is called: Original (inherited) sin

  12. How can I be saved from sin? Genesis 3:15 God promised sinful mankind a Savior from sin. God sent his Son to destroy the devil’s power. By trusting in Jesus Christ, I am saved. I John 3:8 Acts 16:31

  13. I love God my Heavenly Father because… He created me. He preserves me. He sent Jesus for me. Lion of the tribe of Judah…

  14. Assignment for next week • Multiple Choice • Word Study • Bible Books

  15. For the Quiz next time • Review lesson 3 • Memorize: VIP 3-4 VIC 1-5 • Memorize: Lord’s Prayer (The SecondPetition) Your Kingdom come. What does this mean? God’s kingdom comes…. How does God’s kingdom come? God’s kingdom comes when…

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