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IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied Physics C11 Commission of Particles and Fields. Gregor Herten Chair of C11 Freiburg University, Germany. ICSU – International Council of Science. 27 Unions 73 Scientific Nat.Members.
IUPAP International Union of Pure and Applied PhysicsC11 Commission of Particles and Fields Gregor Herten Chair of C11 Freiburg University, Germany
ICSU – International Council of Science 27 Unions73 Scientific Nat.Members IUPAP – International Union of Pure and Applied Physics 20 Commissions C11 – Commission of Particles and Fields 13+2 Members NC – National Contacts 55 Contacts +35 through ICTP IUPAP C11
C11 Members Oct. 2005 – Oct. 2008 G. Herten Germany Chair P. McBride USA Vice-Chair T. Yamanaka Japan Secretary M. Aguilar-Benitez Spain W. Carither USA J.W.A. Cleymans South Africa W. Li China A. Olchevski Russia R. Petronzio Italy D. Saxon UK Associate Members S. Stapnes Norway D.-O. Riska, C12 G. Taylor Australia E. Zas, C4 G. Wormser France http://www.iupap.org/commissions/c11/members.html IUPAP C11
C11 Activities • Oversight and sponsorship of two international conferences: ICHEP and Lepton-Photon in alternate years • Other current activities: • WG on Authorship, Final Report submitted • IUPAP Young Scientist Prize • Future IUPAP-C11 sponsored conferences IUPAP C11
C11 sponsored conferences Tradition of more than 40 years Past Conferences Present, Future ICHEP-96 Warsaw ICHEP-06 Moscow LP-97 Hamburg LP-07 Daegu ICHEP-98 Vancouver ICHEP-08 Philadelphia LP-99 Stanford LP-09 Hamburg ICHEP-00 Osaka ICHEP-10 Paris LP-01 Rome ICHEP-02 Amsterdam LP-03 Batavia ICHEP-04 Beijing IUPAP C11
Conference Program • C11 gives general guidelines for conferences. Recommendation on LP Format (2001) Recommendation on ICHEP Format (2004) • The organizers and the advisory committees are responsible for the conference program. • Continuous improvement of conference program needed to adapt to the changing environment of Particle Physics research: • Talks are available online with a delay of a few hours. • Fewer, larger experiments. • Conference talks important for young physicist in large collaborations. IUPAP C11
Conference Program: C11 recommendations • Revised Concept of International Advisory Committee • Change membership from year to year. Important to include experts from all fields in particle physics, who are knowledgeable of excellent (young) speakers . • Consult extensively with local organizers on program and speakers. • Attract young participants and speakers • Find ways to engage young participants. Especially important for Lepton-Photon, because there are only plenary talks. • Poster sessions should be planned and advertised, with invited topics. Award for posters. • Talks at major conferences are important for career advancement. Preference should be given to young speakers without permanent positions. • We need to adapt to changes! Your comments and suggestions are welcome. Contact C11 members! IUPAP C11
C11 Working Group on Authorship • C11 formed a WG to • Examine current practices of authorship in HEP and other fields • Explore potential modifications and alternatives • Members of the WG Vera Lüth (chair) Hiro Aihara, Lorenzo Foa, Jacques Chauveau, Dmitrienisov, Hans-Ake Gustafsson, Gregor Herten, Max Klein, Pippa Wells, Jack Sandweiss, Steinar Stapnes, Daniel Whiteson, Taku Yamanaka • WG report available at: http://docdb.fnal.gov/C11-public/DocDB/ShowDocument?docid=4 • Report has been discussed by C11 and approved. IUPAP C11
WG on Authorship: Recommendations • Physics publications, published Scientific Notes, published Technical Notes • Belle collaboration • Every eligible author has to declare that he wants to be author of a specific paper (has reduced the no. of authors by 50%). • Primary authors can be listed. Great incentive to become primary author. • Option to create sub-groups in large collaborations e.g. QCD, electro-weak, b-physics, searches,.. with a reduced number of authors. Whatever measures one introduces – the author lists of LHC experiments will never be below a few hundred. IUPAP C11
Questionaire on authorship Alphabetic listing of all members. Support Scientific Notes? Only 2 contact authors, others on file. Judgement of Belle practise Neg. impact on career if fewer papers 10-20 primary authors Partition in physics groups also ensures hardware support. Partition in physics groups IUPAP C11
Open Access Publishing in HEP Motivation: • Journal costs are increasing every year. • Public money is used to produce publications. • Public money is used to buy publications back. • HEP is well organized and could take the lead to Open Access (OA) publishing. Questions: • Shall HEP use the start of LHC to move to OA journals? • Sustainable business model for an OA journal? IUPAP C11
Open Access Publishing in HEP Action: • Working group set-up at CERN (physicists, publishers). • WG Report is available. • WG proposes OA journals (sponsored by labs, funding agencies) • Publishers intend to convert existing journals to OA if long term funding is secured. C11 supports the transition to OA publishing. In agreement with the IUPAP mandate to guarantee free access to scientific results. IUPAP C11
IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in PP C11 decided: IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Particle Physics. • Criteria Outstanding contribution to PP. Up to 8 years of research after Ph.D. • Type of prize • 1 or 2 recipients every 2 years, given at ICHEP conferences. • Prize is a certificate, a medal, $1000 provided by IUPAP. • invited talk, waive conference fee (after consultation with conference organizers). • Selection Committee will be formed by C11 • First prize will be given at ICHEP-08. IUPAP C11
International Instrumentation Conference C11 sees a strong need for an International Instrumentation Conference in Particle Physics sponsored by IUPAP for various reasons: • Global projects require a truly international conference. • HEP methods are being used in other fields (medicine, photon science, astrophysics). An international conference will help to keep the center of activity and competence in our field. • Large participation of PP at other instrumentation conferences, e.g. IEEE. It should continue, but it demonstrates the need for a major instrumentation conference in PP. • No intention to suppress successful, existing regionally organized conferences on instrumentation. IUPAP C11
International Instrumentation Conference C11 proposal: • Discuss with organizers of successful existing instrumentation conferences whether they support the transition to a truly international conference. Clearly a better solution than creating a completely new conference. • 2-year cycle of International Instrumentation Conference • The intermediate year can be used for existing regional conferences. IUPAP C11
Assessment of scientific achievements in PP Motivation: • Widely used procedures (publication list and impact factors) not suitable in experimental Particle Physics . • Disadvantage for particle physicists in competition with scientists of other fields. • Group leaders in PP have difficulties to convince colleagues in other fields that the assessment should be based on more factors: internal notes, talks, letters of recommendations, physics coordinator position, ... IUPAP C11
Assessment of scientific achievements in PP Goal: We need a catalogue of objective criteria, transparent to people outside of PP, for the assessment of scientific achievements in large collaborations. Intended for: • Decision makers at universities, laboratories, prize committees. • Experiments: to adapt their procedures to allow excellent physicists to obtain a track record, which is understood outside PP. • Young particle physicists: to have a bench mark for their scientific work. • Group leaders in PP: to convince colleagues in other fields. IUPAP C11
Assessment of scientific achievements in PP Actions: • C11 has the intention to address this issue. • Not decided yet, how to approach it. • One option is to form a working group: • members could be particle physicists with experience in selection, promotion, prize committees, young physicists, representatives from large experiments, non - particle physicist • WG could collect information: current experience at labs and universities, which criteria have been used successfully? How can this be implemented inside large collaborations? • Propose a catalogue of criteria for assessment. IUPAP C11
Assessment of scientific achievements in PP next steps: • Please send your suggestions or comments to C11 members how we should address this matter and which criteria should be adopted. • We should start this effort if we see a clear need and a high chance of success. IUPAP C11
Farewell and thanks to Moscow ICHEP 06 • Excellent and rich physics program. • Beautiful facilities, very good technical support and organization. • Exciting city. • Many thanks to the organizers: V.A. Matveev, A. N. Skrinsky, A.N. Sissakian, V.I. Savrin, G. A. Kozlov and their team. IUPAP C11
Lepton - Photon 2007 in Daegu / Korea See you next year in Daegu , Korea 13-18 August 2007 http://chep.knu.ac.kr/LP07/ IUPAP C11