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STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT This training course is intended to be given to Innovation Team Leads and Blitz Facilitators The purpose is to train these people to effectively lead and hold Lean Product Development Blitzes to develop the highest quality and value product concepts with minimal delivery time. The training lasts for three days with three sessions for a maximum of 16 participants. Full Training Course Overview Training Objectives
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Training Guidelines Please do not use your computers during training except on the break, or if the Team uses the virtual collaborative whiteboard later in the training session. If you leave the room during a break, please be back in the room ready to start when the scheduled break is over. Lively team discussions and questions are encouraged, however, side conversations during training are a distraction not allowed. Please mute the ringers on your cell phones and only used them during break times.
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Training Agenda: First Session The first session is a total of 5 hours and 40 minutes.
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT What, Why and How of the Lean Product Development Blitz LEAN is a business culture not a system LEAN is customer centric LEAN culture focuses on identifying and minimizing waste Review of LEAN Culture Methodology
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT What, Why and How of the Lean Product Development Blitz WASTE is defined as any activity, material, process or design element that does not support the needs or wants of the customer, or the main objectives of the business LEAN culture is data and fact driven LEAN processes focus on the highest value at the lowest cost Review of LEAN Culture Methodology
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT What, Why and How of the Lean Product Development Blitz A blitz is a lean process similar to a Kaizen event as applied to new product development concepts. The blitz consists of a multi-disciplinary team of Stakeholders, Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and other product development associates working together to create the highest value product concepts with minimal delivery time to market. The objective of the blitz is for the team to collaborate in a structured process pooling their diverse knowledge and expertise to create innovative product concepts using the Voice of The Customer (VOC) and Critical Business Requirements (CBR) and then effectively “down select” the concepts into the highest quality, most cost effective product concept with minimal time to enter the market. What is a Blitz?
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT What, Why and How of the Lean Product Development Blitz Effective method for capturing ideas from a diverse team and then narrowing the ideas into useful lean product concepts. The foundation of the blitz is customer VOC’s and requirements focused so waste is inherently avoided. The blitz is a true search for best value that is achievable within various customer and business constraints. A proven process for developing product concepts and down selecting them to arrive at the concept that has maximum value and can be delivered in the minimal period of time to the market. Assures that the final concept selected meets quality objectives and provides a solid quality foundation for the product design process. All key aspects of product requirements including cost, quality, delivery, safety, supplier selection, risk, sales and marketing, production, service, etc. are considered during the process. Why conduct Lean Product Development Blitzes?
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Question and Answer Session / Quiz Six question quiz in each participant’s course package Please take 7 minutes to complete the quiz Team review of quiz questions and answers Take other questions from training participants Quiz Questions What are the cornerstones of LEAN Culture? In LEAN culture, what is waste? What kind of people make up a Blitz Team? What is the ultimate goal of the Lean Product Development Blitz? What is the purpose of the first blitz team meeting? What LEAN tool is used in the objective concept selection process? Quiz: What, Why and How of the Lean Product Development Blitz
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Question and Answer Session / Quiz Q – What are the cornerstones of LEAN Culture? A – Focus on customer, minimizing waste, data driven and maximizing value Q –In LEAN culture, what is waste? A – Any activity, material, process or design element that does not support the needs or wants of the customer, or the main objectives of the business Q – What kind of people make up a Blitz Team? A – A multi-disciplined diversified group of Stakeholders, SME’s and product development associates. Q – What is the ultimate goal of the Lean Product Development Blitz? A – To use lean methodology and a team approach to develop a product concept through innovation, brainstorming, feasibility evaluation and an objective down select process. Q – What is the purpose of the first blitz team meeting? A –Brainstorm concept ideas & categorize by impact & effort/delivery Q – What LEAN tool is used in the objective concept selection process A – Pugh Matrix DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? Quiz Questions and Answers
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Customizable Incision Vacuum Therapy Device Team Lead – Jane Smith, (210) 555-1234 Blitz Objectives 1. To develop a concept for a vacuum therapy system with customizable dressings that can be used in multiple incision configurations. To have two viable concepts that meet all requirements and VOC’s to present to the company CEO. To complete feasibility analysis on each final concept so it is ready for the product design phase. To consider manufacturing, marketing, distribution, sales, service, engineering, quality and customer support factors during the development of concepts Blitz Purpose To develop two viable design concepts for a incision vacuum therapy system with customizable dressings that meet all VOC’s, customer and business requirements that have been determined to be feasible. List of Assumptions The product has to be introduced to the market in Q4 of next year The product quality must significantly exceed existing systems on the market. The product price point must be less than $1,500 USD for a system and less than $250 USD for a dressing kit. The product at a minimum will must comply with regulations in the USA, Europe, Japan and Australia. • In Scope • Dressing is new product design • Therapy Unit is existing product with software changes • Packaging is new • Clinical trials are required • Initial offering will be limited to the USA market • Out Scope • Outsourced manufacturing • New sterilization process • Blitz Project Plan • Initial concepts due end of Q1 this year • 1st Pugh Matrix concept selections April this year • Feasibility complete July this year • 2 final concepts selected for presentation to CEO August • Expectations • Concept feasibility must include accurate financial projections for product cost, R&D cost & capital equipment • Final concepts shall be presented with viable high level program plans and risk analysis • Final concepts plans must demonstrate a viable path to regulatory compliance. First Segment: Blitz Charter
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment The charter is developed to document the blitz objectives, initial assumptions, scope, timeline and expectations. The Team Lead is responsible for drafting the initial blitz charter Blitz Objectives – clearly states each objective of the blitz. Blitz Objectives 1. To develop a concept for a vacuum therapy system with customizable dressings that can be used in multiple incision configurations. To have two viable concepts that meet all requirements and VOC’s to present to the company CEO. To complete feasibility analysis on each final concept so it is ready for the product design phase. To consider manufacturing, marketing, distribution, sales, service, engineering, quality and customer support factors during the development of concepts First Segment: Blitz Charter
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Blitz Purpose – A purpose statement for conducting the blitz Blitz Purpose To develop two viable design concepts for a incision vacuum therapy system with customizable dressings that meet all VOC’s, customer and business requirements that have been determined to be feasible. List of Initial assumptions such as price point, target customer or market information, target for releasing product into the market, projected sales volume, where the product will be produced, etc. First Segment: Blitz Charter List of Assumptions The product has to be introduced to the market in Q4 of next year The product quality must significantly exceed existing systems on the market. The product price point must be less than $1,500 USD for a system and les than $250 USD for a dressing kit. The product at a minimum will must comply with regulations in the USA, Europe, Japan and Australia
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Blitz Project Scope – List what is in and out of scope for the blitz In Scope Dressing is new product design Therapy Unit is existing product with software changes Packaging is new Clinical trials are required Initial offering will be limited to the USA market Out Scope Outsourced manufacturing New sterilization process First Segment: Blitz Charter Blitz Timeline – provide a high level project plan for when each milestone segment of the blitz process should be completed. • Blitz Project Plan • Initial concepts due end of Q1 this year • 1st Pugh Matrix concept selections April this year • Feasibility complete July this year • 2 final concepts selected for presentation to CEO August
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Expectations – Set expectations for what the blitz needs to accomplish. Include any acceptance criteria for the outcome of the blitz. Expectations Concept feasibility must include accurate financial projections for product cost, R&D cost & capital equipment Final concepts shall be presented with viable high level program plans and risk analysis Final concepts plans must demonstrate a viable path to regulatory compliance. First Segment: Blitz Charter
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Obtain available VOC’s (Voice of Customer) Obtain CRB’s (Critical Business Requirements) Obtain product requirements that have been determined from VOC’s and CRB’s. Assemble the requirements into a matrix mapped to VOC’s / CRB’s by the following categories: Required – regulatory or safety requirements Must Have – product is not saleable if these requirements are not met. Highly Desirable – These requirements yield a level of value and quality that is significantly higher than any competitor’s product or existing products. Desirable – These requirements are the mark of innovation and are on the “wish list” of most customers and prospective customers. They can lead to expanded market share. Not Core Market – These requirements are in addition to other requirements that can help the product expand into new markets and applications. Second Segment: Customer / Product Profile
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Second Segment: Customer / Product Profile Example of a Requirements Matrix R= Required MH=Must Have HD=Highly Desirable D=Desirable NCM=Not Core Market
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Create a Customer Product Profile that the Blitz Team can refer to similar to the one below Second Segment: Customer / Product Profile
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment The blitz should be diversified with a combination of Stakeholders, SME’s and key product development associates. The core team should consist of the core groups that will be responsible for key responsibility in product development such as: Project / Program Management Regulatory Affairs Design / Engineering Product Verification and Validation Supply Chain Management Manufacturing Sales & Marketing Quality Other team members might come from other parts of the organization that have secondary responsibilities in the product development process. The Team Lead will choose the core team prior to the first meeting and obtain approval for there participation from their supervisors. Third Segment: Establish Blitz Team
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Additional team members should be suggested and chosen by the team on an as needed basis. The Blitz Team Lead should make a team contact list like the example below: Third Segment: Establish Blitz Team
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Role of the Team Leader To lead the team to achieve the objectives of the blitz charter Role of the Facilitators To assure the blitz process is conducted effectively and facilitate the team with documenting results, data collection and management. Objectives of the first team meeting First meeting of core team Review the blitz charter Introduce purpose of blitz to team members Present the requirements matrix Present the product profile Brainstorm new product ideas and consolidate the ideas by types Rate each idea type by it’s projected impact on the product design (high, medium & low) and effort / delivery (low/near term, medium/midterm, high/long term). Blitz Purpose The blitz purpose is explained and discussed in more detail than the purpose statement in the charter. It is important that the team understands the purpose of the blitz process, the first blitz meeting and the expected outcome of the blitz. Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment First Team Meeting Process Have each team member introduce themselves Review the blitz meeting agenda Review the blitz charter Review the requirements matrix and customer product / profile Set the challenge for the team Hold an individual and then group brainstorming sessions Team discussion on the ideas generated The team consolidates similar ideas and types The team rates each idea/type for product impact and product effort/delivery by placing the ideas in the appropriate region of the Impact/Effort chart Facilitator(s) capture all the idea data and ratings in a spread sheet Review of purpose and team expectations for the next meeting The team determines if any other members need to be added to the team Team is congratulated by the Team Lead for their work Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Example of a blitz first team meeting agenda Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Brain Storming Process Form sub-teams with diverse members of no less than three members and no more than five. Pass out stacks of post-it notes to each team member or have them log onto a virtual collaborative white board. Each member is encouraged to develop as many ideas as possible in the time allotted, one per post-it note or line on the virtual white board. The team is encouraged by the Facilitator that there are no bad ideas, to think outside the box and all ideas relative to the blitz charter, requirements and challenge will be accepted initially. One sub-team member in each group collects the ideas and reads them to the other team members, they are discussed and any other ideas that emerge from the discussion (consolidation of ideas, combination of ideas or new ideas) are documented in the allotted period of time. All individual and team ideas are submitted to the Facilitator(s). Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Brain Storming Process Post-it Notes or virtual whiteboard entries should contain the following information: Brief legible description of idea Name of team member or team that created the idea Ideas should be simple and concise. The creator should strive to only put one idea per Post-it Note or virtual whiteboard entry. Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Idea Consolidation Process All ideas from all teams are collected by the Facilitator. The Facilitator them reads each idea generated to the entire team. Team members can ask the originator of the idea for clarification. Similar ideas are grouped together. Some ideas may fit into types or categories such as design, process, supply chain, manufacturing, regulatory, marketing, etc. Any ideas that seem to fit into natural categories should be grouped that way by the Facilitator When all the ideas have been read to the team by the facilitator, clarified and grouped by similarity or category, each idea should be posted by the grouping on the white board or flip charts. The team members should be given some time to review the ideas that are posted to become more familiar with them. Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Marketing Supply Chain Design Distribution Manufacturing Other The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for significant weight savings John Doe The control box enclosure should be made of carbon fiber composite plastics for 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STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Idea Rating Process Each idea, group of similar ideas or perhaps type of idea should be rated based on the following criteria: Impact on product objectives, requirements and innovation. High impact means that the idea will definitely meet or exceed objectives, requirements and is very innovative. Medium impact means the idea may meet some objectives and requirements. Low impact means the idea probably does not meet any or few objectives or requirements. Effort / Delivery. Low effort / quick delivery means that the idea requires less than expected effort and can be delivered to the market in less time than expected. Medium effort / delivery means that the effort and time to deliver the product to market is about what is expected. High effort / slow delivery means the idea requires more effort that expected and requires longer term delivery to the market than is expected. Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Idea Rating Process As each idea or group of similar ideas are called off by the Team Lead, the Team needs to determine the impact and effort/delivery rating for each idea. In some cases the Team may debate these points before deciding on the ratings. It is the role of the Facilitator to keep the debates & discussion on track so the ratings can be accomplished in the allotted period of time. As each idea or group of similar ideas is rated, the Team Leader places them on a whiteboard or flip chart similar to the one shown on the next page. When the rating process is complete, the Facilitator(s) will capture all the ideas and ratings for future reference in a spread sheet. Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Examination of the Blitz Process By Segment Example of Idea Organization by Rating IMPACT Fourth Segment: First Team Meeting EFFORT / DELIVERY
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Question and Answer Session / Quiz Six question quiz in each participant’s course package Please take 7 minutes to complete the quiz Team review of quiz questions and answers Take other questions from training participants Quiz Questions What are the six components of the blitz charter? What information is contained in the product requirements matrix? What are three objectives of the first team meeting? What are the main objectives in the brainstorming process? What are the two factors used to rate ideas in the first meeting? What is the main role of the Facilitator during the first team meeting? Blitz Process and Effectiveness Quiz
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Question and Answer Session / Quiz Q – What are the six components of the blitz charter? A – Objectives, Purpose, List of Assumptions, Scope, Project Plan and Expectations Q – What information is contained in the product requirements matrix? A – VOC’s/CBR’s, requirements and requirement categories Q – What are three objectives of the first team meeting? A – 1st Core team meeting, review charter, introduce purpose, present requirements, present product profile, brainstorm ideas and rate ideas for effort and impact Q –What are the main objectives in the brainstorming process? A – To generate as many ideas with diverse perspectives as possible relative to the charter objectives, scope and purpose Q – What are the two factors used to rate ideas in the first meeting? A –Effort/Delivery and Impact Q – What is the main role of the Facilitator during the first team meeting? A – To assure the blitz process is conducted effectively and facilitate the team with documenting results, data collection and management DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? Quiz Questions and Answers
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Blitz Workshop The purpose of the workshop is to become familiar with idea generation and organization during the first meeting of the blitz. You will receive: A charter, A requirements matrix and A product profile Then you will follow: The brainstorming process, The consolidation process and The rating process Through these processes you will generate ideas for the product, categorize and rate them. I will act as Team Leader and Facilitator. Please feel free to ask questions about the process so you can learn it. In Session 2 and 3 training, we will use the ideas generated in the workshop today in subsequent workshops to demonstrate the entire blitz process. Workshop Instructions
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Blitz Workshop Product – New low cost, light weight innovative hands free operation flashlight Voice of Customer Has to emit 20% more light intensity as a 3 D-Cell incandescent bulb Maglite. 131 Lumens Has to have equal or greater beam distance than a 3 D-Cell incandescent bulb Maglite. 364 M. Minimum life on one battery is 200 hours continuous use on a 3V battery. The battery must be replaceable for a maximum of 30% the cost of the flashlight. Must weight a maximum of 85gms with the battery (about 1/3 the weight of a 3D-Cell Maglite). Must have hands free aiming capability. Must compete in cost to a 3 D-Cell Maglite retailing for as low as $15. Must be as reliable and rugged as a Maglite flashlight. Workshop Scenario
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Course Exam and Wrap Up 25 Question multiple choice exam in each participant’s course package Please take 20 minutes to complete the exam Unlike most exams, cheating is allowed. We want you to learn the process. You will not take the exam in groups, however, if you do not know the answer to a question, you are allowed to ask one of the other participants or the trainer the answer to the question. After the 20 minute testing period is up, we will review the exam answers as a team. Course Exam
STRATEGIC SOLUTIONS 1 WINNING STRATEGIES ● BUSINESS PROCESS CONSULTING ● LEAN SYSTEMS ● PROGRAM MANAGEMENT Course Exam and Wrap Up Look ahead to next meeting: Covers Examination of the Blitz process by segment: concept development through feasibility. Ideas become concepts, then concepts are down selected using the Pugh Matrix and concept feasibility is determined by the team The next meeting will be 5 hours in duration. Thank you for your participation in the Blitz training and congratulations on a job well done! Meeting Wrap Up