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FUNGI Importance of Penicillium is well known. Many fungi used as food. E dible mushroom s very important as food + medicine . Penicillium. Researchers have shown the healing benefits of natural (organic) foods, causing a renewed interest in plants as
FUNGI • Importance of • Penicilliumis well • known. • Manyfungi used • as food. • Ediblemushrooms • veryimportant • as food + medicine.
Researchers have shown the healing benefits of natural(organic) foods, causing a renewed interest in plants as sources of bioactive substances. Some of the most exciting developments in future plantuseprobably will come from traditional &non-traditional drug making organizations& pharmaceutical companies.
Functionalfoodscience- one of thefastdevelopingbranches. Has evolvedfromtheawareness of interelationshipsbetween diet & disease. It is quitedistinctfromtheMedical & PharmaceuticalSciences.
Nutritionessentialfor life but can causemanychronicdiseases. Thoseattributedtodietare: coronaryheartdisease, diabetes, strokes, atherosclerosis, obesity, certainforms of cancer– Regularconsumption of fruits & vegetables (classicalfunctionalfoods) -nowconsideredessential in CANCERprevention.
Severalnamesusedforfunctionalfoods; 1-dietarysupplements, 2-designerfoods 3-nutra-ornutri-ceuticals, 4-vitafoods, 5-medicalfoods, 6-pharmafoods, phytochemicals, 7-myco-chemicals, 8-biochemo-preventatives, 9-foodsforspecifichealthuses. Termdietarysupplement (DS) -morewidelyaccepted & recognised→productintendedtosupplementthediettoenhancehealth.
MedicinalValue of MUSHROOMS • LargeFleshyMushrooms • Functionalfoods. • Fearof mushroompoisoningdoesexist. • BUT EdibleMushroomsareincreasingly • beingevaluatedfortheirnutritional • value.
Valuedas nutritionalfoods + • dietarysupplements. • Extensivelyused as • nutriceuticals + sourceforthegeneration of • pharmaceutical-grademedicines • totreatmanydiseases, includingCANCER
History Mushrooms-usedbyhumans in antiquity. Earlycivilisations had practicalknowledge ofedible & poisonousorpsychotropicforms(trialanderror).
Ancientusagerelatedtothepsycho-active, hallucinogenicpropertiesofPsilocybe, Panaeolus&Amanitamuscaria- wellknown. Mushrooms-usedin ancientreligiousbeliefs & practices. Mushroomstonesdatingbackto 3000 BC havebeenfound at Mayan excavationsites in Guatemala.
Ancient Romans regardedthem as “thefoods of theGods” resultingfrombolts of lighteningthrowntotheearthbyJupiterduringthunderstorms. Egyptiansconsideredthem as “a giftfromtheGodOsiris”(god of dead) andChineseacceptedthem as “theelixir of life”.
ManystoriesaboutdeadlypoisonousmushroomslikeAmanitaphalloides. Claudius II andPopeClement VII arestronglybelievedtohavediedbymushroompoisoning. Somelegendssuggest -Buddhadied in thisway.
Amanitamuscaria var. guessowii Deathcap (Amanitaphalloides)
MUSHROOMS Heterogeneousgroup of non-photosynthetic organisms →over12,000 species- macroscopicfruit-bodies, seenbythenakedeye. ± 2400 taxa of mushrooms - in Turkey. 2 Groups→Ascomycetes(morchella,truffles)
Wide range of shapes:umbrella, kidneyetc. Great color diversity. Weighing from few to several hundred grams. Majoritysaprophytes -on fallen leaves, animal droppings, & stumps of the dead wood. Multiply by millions of spores, (germinate - branch to form mycelium in a suitable environment), whichcolonizes the substrate and uses the available nutrients.
Some mycelia pre- grown under sterile conditions -called spawn. Colonizes the growing substrate. 35 species of mushroomshavebeencultivatedcommercially± 20 cultivatedon industrialscale.
Nutritional Value Fresh mushrooms -high moisture content ± 90 %-so shelf life isveryshort. Goodsource of digestibleproteins, values>abovemostvegetablesBUTlessthanmostmeats, milkRange10-40 % on dryweightbasis. Containall essential amino acids-amount varies withthe species, growth medium, growth conditions & stage of maturation at the time of picking.
Sulphur-containingamino acids, methionine&cystinearelimited, butlysine is dominant in almost all mushrooms. Most relatively poor in crude fat(2-8 %on dry bases), but less than 1% on fresh weight basis. Most Fattyacids are unsaturated, include all main classes of lipid compoundsincludingfreefattyacids, mono-, di- andtriglycerides, sterols, sterol esters & phospholipids.
Fresh-contain 3-21 % carbohydrates. Total carbohydrates generally represent more than 50 % of the dry matter. Rich in crude fiber (3-35 % on dryweightbasis) not easilydigestedbyhumans. Calorificvaluebmostlylow.
Severalvitamins -thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin, biotin & ascorbicacid (VitC), B1 , B2 , niacin , but are poor in vitamin C. Vitamins A & D relativelyuncommonbut somespecieshavedetectableamounts of β-carotine & ergosterolwhichchangeintoactive vitamin D underlight. Good source of minerals-substantialquantities of P & K, lesseramounts of Ca & Fe + a full range of trace elements.
Mushrooms & Medicine TraditionalChineseMedicines BOOK publishedin 1575 documentssome 20 mushroomspecies. Presently± 270 speciesknowntohavevarioustherapeuticproperties. Morethan 100 speciesusedbytraditionalpractitionersforhighbloodpressure, diabetes, anti-bacteria, antioxidant, freeradicalscavenging, anti-viral, andhypercholesterolemia, .
Bestknownmedicinalmushrooms on global scalebothedibleandnon-edibleare; Ganodermalucidum(ReishiorLingZhi), Lentinus(Lentinula) edodes(Shiitake), Grifolafrondosa(Maitake), Pleurotusostreatus(Oystermushroom), Phellinuslinteus, Poriococos, Auriculariaauricula, Hericiumerinaceus, Trametes(Coriolus)versicolor, Tremellafuciformis, Schizophyllumcommune. Flammulinavelutipes,
Agaricusbisporus-Basidiomycetes Reishi/Lingzhi - Ganodermalucidum Chinese
Auriculariaauricula-judae Auriculariapolytricha Hericiumerinaceus
VerypromisingresultsobtainedfromGrifron-D (Grifolafrondosa) on breast, prostate, lung, liver & gastriccancers in Japan & USA. TwocompoundsPSK & PSP derivedfrommycelialcultures of Trametesversicolor- Goodanti-cancerproperties; withstomach,oesophagus,nasopharynx, colon, rectum, lung, andwithsubsetsof breastcancer; whengivenwithtraditionalchemotherapeuticagentswith no side-effects. Depends on; dosage, administrationrouteandfrequency, timingand, mechanism of actionorthe site of activity.
Therapeuticallyconsumedas powderedconcentratesorextracts in hot water. Extractalsoconcentratedandusedas drinkorfreeze-driedorspray-driedto form granularpowderspermittingeasierhandling, transportationandconsumption. As dietarysupplements in capsularform ormushroomnutriceuticals(crudemixtures& differfrompharmaceuticalswhichare a chemicalpreparation). Continuoususeincreasesimmuneresponses of body, resistancetodisease, evencausesregression of thediseasestate.
Cancerimmunology has become a rapidlygrowingfield. Anti-tumourpolysaccharidesin mushrooms: water-solubleβ-D-glucans, orβ-D-glucan-protein complexes-proteoglycans. Schizophyllan (Schizophyllumcommune) has proveduseful in gastriccancersand has alsoincreasedthesurvival time of patientswithheadandneckcancerswithoutanysideeffects.
Schizophyllumcommune Flammulinavelutipes
AmongthepolysaccharidescompoundswithclinicaltrialsLentinan (Lentinusedodes) has demonstratedstrong anti-tumouractivitywithhumanclinicaltrialsbyprolongingthesurvival of patientswithgastricandcolorectalcancerwith no sideeffects. Approvedas a drug in Japanand is considered an importantadjuvanttreatmentforseveralcancers.
InJapan, Korea &Chinamushroompolysaccharidesused on largescalesinglyor in mixtures as adjunctstostandardradio- & chemotherapy. Whentaken as a supplement, byintravenousrouteororallytheyshowbeneficialeffects on thequality of life forsomeadvancedcancerpatients. Mushroom-derivedpolysaccharideswhentakenpriorto & duringradiotherapy &/orchemotherapytheysignificantlyreducetheside-effects of thesetreatments.
No significantshortorlong-termadverseeffectsreportedwithpurifiedmushroompolysaccharidesfromGanodermaspp., Lentinusedodes, Schizophyllumcommune, Tremellafusiformis, Trametesversicolor, andGrifolafrondosa, andmorerecentlyPhellinusandHericiumerinaceus. Thesafetycriteriaformushroom-derived β-glucanshavebeenstudied at length in pre-clinicaltrials. Acute, subacute & chronictoxicitytestshavebeencarriedouttogetherwithadministrationduringpregnancy & lactationwithoutanyadverseeffects, as well as no evidence of genotoxicity.
No members of Panaeolus are used for food, though some are used as a psychedelic drug. species - contain the hallucinogenpsilocybin including Panaeoluscyanescens & Panaeoluscinctulus.
Advantages in usingmushroomproducts: -Majoritycommerciallycultivated (no wildcollection) guaranteesidentification & relativelypure, unadulteratedproducts. -Easyvegetativepropagation– kepttooneclone.
-Myceliumcan be storedfor a longtime. -Genetic& BiochemicalConsistency can be checkedany tim. -Abilitytogrowmostmedicinal mushroomsas myceliumin fermenters undercontrolledconditionsensures improvedproductpurity.
Medicinalmushrooms-richsource of biomedicalmolecules. Manyclassifiedas anti-tumourchemicalsbythe US NationalCancerInstitute. Froma holisticconsideration, consumptionof wholeediblemedicinalmushroomsorextractsorconcentrates (dietarysupplements) maywelloffernovel, highlypalatable, nutritious & healthbenefitingingredients as functionalfoods.
TwoOldProverbs • Hippocrates: “Letfood be yourmedicine & medicine beyourfood” • Chinese:“Medicine & Foodhave a commonorigin”
HistoricalLandmarks:ETHNOBOTANY Prehistory(60 000 years B.C.) Herbal medicine is the oldest from of healthcare known to mankind The Middle Paleolithic Neanderthal graves (60,000 to 70,000 old) in Shanidar caves in Iraq were found to have the remains of flowers - Yarrow, Cornflower, Bachelor’s Button, St. Barnaby’s Thistle, Ragwort or Groundsel, Grape Hyacinth, Joint Pine or Woody Horsetail, and Hollyhock, which are long-known to have curative powers as diuretics, stimulants, astringents and anti-inflammatory agents Shanidar IV
Side Effects of Modern Drugs : Source: 17 March 2008 | Nature Many non-steroidal drugs cause 7,000 deaths & over 120,000 hospitalizations in the U.S. annually. Acetaminophen overdose is the leading cause of acute liver failure & cause of 10 % of all cases of kidney failure. Adverse drug reactions are known to be responsible for between 3% & 12% of admissions to hospitals in Sweden. Fatal adverse drug reactions arethe 7th most common cause of death in Sweden.
Problems in the PAST: ″I have an earache″ Solution: 2000 BC - Here, eatthisroot. 1000 AD - That rootisheathen, saythisprayer. 1850 AD - That prayeris superstition, drink thisportion. 1940 AD - That portion issnakeoil, swallowthispill. 1985 AD - That pillis ineffective, takethisantibiotic. 2000 AD - That antibioticisartificial, hereeatthisroot.
AS in the Past,even to-day, medical knowledge ispassed on byword of mouth from generation togeneration. Earliercommunications between the tribes werepoor, remedies wereprobably discoveredindependently manytimes in several parts of theworld. Sumerian drawingsof opiumpoppy capsulesfrom 2500 B.C. suggest a good knowledge of medicinal plants.
Mostimportant record-a series of tablets curved, code of Hammurabi, underthe directionof the king of Babylon in about1770 B.C. .