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DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN UTTARAKHAND. A.K. Singh Zonal Project Director zpdicarkanpur@gmail.com. ZONAL PROJECT DIRECTORATE, ZONE-IV, KANPUR http://zpdk.org.in.
DISASTER MANAGEMENT IN UTTARAKHAND A.K. Singh Zonal Project Director zpdicarkanpur@gmail.com ZONAL PROJECT DIRECTORATE, ZONE-IV, KANPUR http://zpdk.org.in Conference on Partnership for rural prospority-Rebuilding Uttarakhand at OneWord at the Indian Habitat Centre, New Delhi on Aug. 29, 2013
16th and 17th June, 2013 heavy rains, affected Rudraprayag, Chamoli, Pithouragarh ,Uttarkashi and Haridwardistricts. • In district Pithouragarh damage took place in two blocks, mainly in Munshihari • In disttRudraprayag , all the devastation have taken place in Kedar valley- loss of human and animal lives,land ,crop ,houses, infrastructure ,roads ,etc • In Uttarkashi loss to apple orchards in the Harshil area and loss of vegetable crops like tomato, bringal, cabbage etc. • In Haridwar loss of 18000 ha of sugarcane crop • Because of road damages, transportation of apple, tomato and other vegetables disrupted
Uttarkashi • Damage to tomato fields • Agricultural Land Fully Destroyed due to Flood in village Dilasur • Heavy Rain damaged polyhouses in Singoti village of Dunda block • Agricultural land devastated due to flood in Didsari village of Bhatwari block • Dharali village of Harshil area affected by flood, many apple orchards have been damaged by flood and cloud burst
Rudraprayag • Losses in Kedar Valley - fields, crops, drainage channels and transportation . • Movement from Rudraprayag towards Kedarnath by road was virtually impossible. • The damage to the human and livestock lives have shaken local people to further initiate rebuilding exercises.
STRATEGY Natural Resource Management • Measures for immediate redressal • Cleaning of drainage lines, desilting of irrigation channels and construction of drainage channels for safe runoff disposal. • Terrace risers if damaged need restoration with provision of shoulder bunds reinforced with vegetative barriers (Erect growing grasses like Napier grass upto 600 ft elevation and winter grasses at high altitudes like perennial rye, Tallfescue etc). • Leveling of agricultural fields • Removal of excess water from fields and spilt dose of nitrogen • Gap filling should be done in case of causality to standing plants. • Grass seeding and plantation should be done on exposed surfaces of eroded lands alongwith mechanical measures.
Long Term • General awareness creation and capacity building on various aspects of natural resource conservation and climate change impacts. • The stream bed which has extended due to recent flash floods should be protected with bio-engineering measures and plantations. • Area banned for new construction at least 300 m away from protected stream bank. • Mechanisation of small farms - Use of hand operated farm tools/implements, animal power implements and small tools for field operation and tillage, use of power tiller wherever feasible and promotion of minimum tillage. • Water harvesting – series of small check dams may be constructed in the lower order stream for runoff harvesting and sediment control on watershed basis.
Long Term • Across the slope cultivation to be popularized for resource conservation. • Task Force at Panchayat Level for cleaning of drainage channels. • Headwater catchments treated on priority. • Preparation of landslide Susceptibility Atlas. • Use of GIS/GPRS for planning of typical zone identification vulnerable from soil erosion. • Afforestation of barren lands with trenching. • Revisit of watershed programmes completed for post treatment follow-up services. • Greater scope of MNREGA for watershed development works.
CROP & HORTICULTURE • Assessment and analysis of losses when the situation further improves in severly hit areas by a joint task force comprising ICAR/SAU/development officials. • Joining hands with DOA so as to reach to farmers with technology and related inputs through KrishiMahotsava being organized at NyayPanchayat level. • Providing seeds and planting material specially of vegetables for the ensuing rabi season. • Training of farmers in stress and disaster management techniques in respect to agriculture and allied activities by ICAR / SAUs . • Use of ICT / mobile phones for regular advisories through voice and text messages. NARS institutions can give advisories to KVKs • Focus on water harvesting, polythene mulching, polyhouses • Preparation of contingency plans for block specific recurrent problems • Seed and fodder banks • Distribution of small farm tools, water bags, power tillers, chaff cutter, feed block.
Location specific response • Management of standing crops through plant protection measures • To improve the soil health, nutrient management and promotion of vermi composting . • Planting of improved varieties for timely sown and late sown conditions as per the requirement of districts. CROP & HORTICULTURE • Rudraprayag • Raddish, fenugreek, Coriander, Spinach and vegetables pea can be taken up in Sept. • In low hills cabbage, cauliflower, bringal, capsium, tomato and onion may be sown in Oct. • In Sept. Toria (PT-303, VL-Toria-3) can be initiated. • Lentil (PL-4, VL-507, PL-5) and wheat (VL-829) can be sown. • In Feb. Vegetables (Chilli, capsium and tomato) can be planned. • Sprinkler irrigation for Oct. sown crop
CROP & HORTICULTURE • Uttarkashi • To provide vegetable seeds of garden pea (VivekMatar-10, Vivek M-11), Palak (All green, Pahadipalak), coriander etc. • To provide seedlings of onion (V L Piaz-3), cabbage (NS-22), cauliflower (PSBK-1) etc. • Introduction of high yielding variety of pulse crops (Lentil (V L 103, VL 507), Field pea V L 47) in affected areas. • To rejuvenate damaged orchards of temperate fruit crops like apple, peach, plum etc. (Including basin preparation, training and pruning etc.) • Marketing of produce in the event of such tragedies to reduce damage to harvested tomatoes,apples,etc • To impart trainings on short duration vegetable crops • Scientific sheep rearing for quality wool production • Promotion of dual purpose (fodder and grain) wheat variety (VL -829) in affected areas. • Planting of erect growing grasses (Hybrid napier, seteria, winter grasses) on the top of the field terrace risers for stabilizing the terraces.
CROP & HORTICULTURE • Chamoli • Raising seedlings of cabbage, cauliflower and broccoli for distribution • Hybrid napier and fodder tree plantation on bunds • Providing chicks to farmers for backyard poultry • Planting of malta during Oct. and Nov. • Rai, Methi, Palak, Golmuli during Aug.- Sept. • Early sowing of Toria PT-303 during second fortnight of Sept. • Sowing of wheat varieties VL 616 & VL- 829 during October • Pithoragarh • At high altitudes cultivation of green leafy vegetables like rai, muli, palak, methi can be taken up during August to Sept. • Seedlings of cabbage and cauliflower can be provide to farmers during Aug, to Sept. • Mushroom cultivation can be taken as an alternate enterprise. • Cultivation of vegetable pea from the month of Sept. • Sowing of wheat variety VL-616, VL-829 in the month of Oct. • Early sowing varieties of toria PT-303/VLToria-03 in Sept.
Mid Term • Seed production and planting materials programme in the State. • Diversification of the crops as per the suitability of the locations including preferably high value crops, soil protective crops in synergy with horticulture/ agroforestry/land races. • CITHLodh apple-1, a low chilling variety may be tested in the Uttarakhand hill districts at 1000 to 1500 m above msl • Long term • Establishment of high tech nurseries and small processing units at village and block level through Public Private Partnership (PPP) mode. • Forecasting modules to be strengthened. • Use of site specific agroforestry/agro horticulture modules.
Livestock • Treatment of the injured animals, cases of intoxication and vaccination (HS, BQ, FMD, PPR, Enterotoxaemia etc.) and their rehabilitation. • Long-term antibiotic coverage en-masse. • En-masse De-ticking/de-worming of animals. • Supply of compact /compressed feed block/urea-molasses feed block / concentrate and mineral mixture to affected areas along with feeding trough. • Clean drinking water supply by chlorination • Provision of Temporary Shelter (Rehabilitation center) in the form of tarpaulin, plastic sheets etc. • Repairing and disinfection of old and damaged animal sheds/areas. • Preparedness for handling disease outbreak/epidemic • Community cattle camps for feeding shelter, treatment and vaccination of animals. • Conservation of germ plasm. • Insurance coverage of costly animals. • Referral investigation and diagnosis of important diseases of livestock. • Distribution of livestock to livestock owners on subsidized rates as per their needs.
Poultry • Investigation and diagnosis of important diseases of poultry • Distribution of poultry on subsidized rates as per need. • Fisheries • Renovation and stocking of fish seeds in the affected ponds • Advisory and technical support for establishment of integrated fish farming units. • Ranching of fish seeds (Mahseer, snow trout etc.) in the natural ecosystems. • Provision of fish sanctuaries and refuge shelters in suitable locations. • Integrated watershed management to restrict silts and sediments reaching river course and regulation of extraction of river bed materials should be adopted.
Integrated farming modelFish-Poultry-Vegetable: 1000 sq m-Rs 59000
Fish, Poultry & Vegetable production village – Dungrifertiyal Farmer: RaghuarMurari
Integrated farming modelProtected Cultivation:1500 sq m – Rs 89000