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Understanding Facial Muscles: Functions and Control

Explore the intricate muscles of the face responsible for expressions like smiling, frowning, and more. Learn about their origins, insertions, actions, and nerve innervation.

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Understanding Facial Muscles: Functions and Control

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  1. Myology Muscles of the Face

  2. Muscles of Facial ExpressionEye Muscles • Orbicularis oculi • Under both conscious/unconscious control i.e. blinking • When entire muscle is contracted eyelids & surrounding area will be drawn medially decreasing amount of light entering eye • Levator palpebrae superioris • Attaches from sphenoid bone to upper eyelid. • Nerve memory hint: columns (CN III) opens the eye. • Corrugator supercilii • Draws eyebrows inferiorly/medially as in frowning causing vertical wrinkles superomedially to eye.

  3. Orbicularis Oculi O: Medial side of eye I: Medial side of eye (returns to same attachment encircling the eye) A: Closes & squints the eye. Also assists in tear transport and drainage N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 35

  4. Levator Palpebrae Superioris O: Sphenoid Bone I: Upper Eyelid A: Elevates upper eyelid N: CN III (Oculomotor nerve) Palpation: page 38

  5. Corrugator Supercilii O: Inferior frontal bone I: Skin deep to medial eyebrow A: Draws eyebrow inferomedially N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 40

  6. Muscles of Facial ExpressionNose Muscles • Procerus • Often blends with frontalis superiorly and nasalis inferiorly • Gives look of frowning and also helps shield eyes from bright light • Person may convey air of superiority (hence “procerus” meaning chief, noble or prince). • Nasalis • Transverse part sometimes called compressor nasi and alar part dilatator nasi • Blends with procerus superiorly • Depressor Septi Nasi • Sometimes considered part of alar portion of nasalis

  7. Procerus O: Fascia over nasal bone I: Skin between eyebrows A: Draws down medial eyebrows. Also wrinkles the skin of the nose N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 42

  8. Nasalis O: Maxilla I: Cartilage of Nose and Opposite side Nasalis muscle A: Flares nostrils N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 44

  9. Depressor Septi Nasi O: Incisive fossa of the maxilla I: Cartilage of Nose A: Constricts nostrils N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 46

  10. Muscles of Facial ExpressionMouth Muscles • Levator Labii Superioris • Main elevators of upper lip are levator labii superioris & zygomaticus minor. • Contraction alone will elevate upper lip as in showing someone our upper teeth. • Zygomaticus Minor • Blends with levator labii superioris • Zygomaticus Major • Contributes to smiling and laughing • 6 muscles attach into modiolus (fibro muscular condensation ≈¼” lateral to angle of mouth): zygomaticus major, levator anguli oris, risorius, depressor anguli oris, buccinator, & orbicularis oris.

  11. Levator Labii Superioris O: Inferior orbital margin of the maxilla I: Upper Lip A: Elevation of Upper Lip N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 51

  12. Zygomaticus Minor O: Zygomatic bone I: Upper Lip A: Elevation of Upper Lip N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 54

  13. Zygomaticus Major O: Zygomatic bone I: Angle of Mouth A: Elevation of Angle of Mouth as in smiling. Also draws laterally at the angle of the mouth N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 57

  14. Muscles of Facial ExpressionMouth Muscles • Levator Anguli Oris • Also known as the caninus because contraction can result in teeth especially canine tooth becoming visible – “Dracula” expression. • Contraction alone can manifest a sneer.

  15. Levator Anguli Oris O: Maxilla, just inferior to the infraorbital foramen I: Angle of Mouth A: Elevation of Angle of Mouth N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 60

  16. Muscles of Facial ExpressionMouth Muscles • Risorius • Drawing angle of mouth laterally is involved with grinning, smiling, and laughing. • Depressor Anguli Oris • Blends into the platysma • Contribute to facial expression of sadness or uncertainty. • Depressor Labii Inferioris • Contribute to facial expressions of sorrow, doubt, and irony.

  17. Risorius O: Fascia Superficial to Masseter I: Angle of Mouth Action: Draws Laterally the Angle of Mouth N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 63

  18. Depressor Anguli Oris O: Mandible I: Angle of Mouth A: Depresses the Angle of Mouth. Also assists the risorius in drawing the angle of the mouth laterally N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 66

  19. Depressor Labii Inferioris O: Mandible I: Lower Lip A: Depression of Lower Lip. Also assists in drawing the lower lip laterally and everting it. N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 69

  20. Muscles of Facial ExpressionMouth Muscles • Mentalis • Contributes to facial expressions of doubt, pouting, or disdain • Buccinator • Parotid duct pierces through buccinator to enter mouth • Action of compressing the cheeks against the teeth by the 2 buccinators working bilaterally is important for forcefully expelling air from the mouth. • Latin word for trumpeter is “buccinator” • Important with whistling, blowing up a balloon and with helping keep food from lingering in vestibule of mouth. • Contributes to expression (puckering the cheeks) made when person eats something sour. • Orbicularis Oris • Causes kips to close and protrude as in puckering lips or whistling.

  21. Mentalis O: Mandible I: Skin of the Chin A: -Elevation of Lower Lip -Eversion and Protracts the Lower Lip - Wrinkles the skin of the chin N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 72

  22. Buccinator O: Maxilla and Mandible I: Lips (buccinator muscle is located in the tissue of the cheek) A: Compression of Cheeks (against teeth) N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 75

  23. Orbicularis Oris O: Surrounds the mouth Action: Closes mouth and protracts the lips N: CN VII (Facial nerve) Palpation: page 77

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