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gaming formats for the masses. 23% of the Spanish parents game 40% play computer or consol games 6-14 h a week Compared to 47 % spend 6-14h a week watching TV Average age of gamers in Spain is 26 years (in GB 33) 28% of the 16-49 games € 7,3 billion overturn in EU , same as Asia
23% of the Spanish parents game 40% play computer or consol games 6-14 h a week Compared to 47 % spend 6-14h a week watching TV Average age of gamers in Spain is 26 years (in GB 33) 28% of the 16-49 games € 7,3 billion overturn in EU, same as Asia Only in Spain € 0,7 billion Increases 25% 2007-2008 What about the gaming industry?
In the major league World Cyber Games more than 800 proffesional gamers from 78 countries are competing Proffesional fulltime gamers compete of more than 100 000 € in pricemoney Attracts a large audience Online via webb TV streams Large companies like Samsung, Intel, Adidas, AMS, HP and even Rolex invest millions of € Starcraft, Warcraft III, Counter Strike, FIFA, Virtual Fighter, Guitar Heroe etc. E-sports
E-sports in South Korea • 5 TV stations broadcasting gaming (2 of them 24/7h) • The highest broadband penetration
Amok Studios develops and sellsinternational TV formats and gaming communities based on popular computer games What we do
Technique Amok’s Gaming Broadcasting Platform (GBP) bridges the technology gap between the gaming and TV worlds. Regardless of gaming platform (PC, console), gaming genre and media (TV, web, IPTV, mobile), GBP lets Amok Studios make gaming a spectators sport.
What have we achieved? • The racing competition with most participants: 26 000 drivers • A significant rise in TV-viewers • An impressive activity on the community • Satisfied sponsors and TV channel • Massive PR coverage • Massive interest at events
We help TV networks keep an important audience and target lucrative advertisers in the gaming. We also crates lucrative new revenue streams We give game developersunmatched opportunities for product placement and marketing on multiple media platforms We let advertisersexpose themselves in an innovative way towards a very important target audience via a unique platform For viewers and gamers, we create action-packed entertainment experience where the step between viewer and participant is very short. We also create and present the new stars of online gaming. Why we exist
Format revenues • Sponsorship/Partners • Game publishers • Participants & viewers- betting- “freemium”- SMS- sales commission etc. USER REVENUES ADVERTISING B2B
What about the future? • The media landscape is changing – the barriers between TV and Online is already eroding • The gaming industry is continuing growing • Likewise E-Sport who will be accepted and attract a huge audience • Gaming and media will see a similar development as the poker industry USER REVENUES ADVERTISING