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Navigating the High School Application Process. 7 th graders. 8 th graders. 8 th graders, most admission decisions are made on or before the first week of January; therefore, it is vital that your first report card be representative of your best work.
Navigating the High School Application Process 7th graders 8th graders 8th graders, most admission decisions are made on or before the first week of January; therefore, it is vital that your first report card be representative of your best work. • 7th graders, this may be your most important year in terms of report cards. Many admission officers use the 7th grade final report and the 1st trimester/ quarter/semester of 8th grade in their decision-making.
Navigating the High School Application Process 7th graders 8th graders Activity membership is important and leadership roles within an activity are ways of strengthening your profile even further. If you are not involved thus far, find something! Doing so will enhance your own final year experience. • Activity membership is important and leadership roles within an activity are ways of strengthening your profile even further.
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? • Do your homework in advance of your child: make a list of schools that you would want your child to attend; • Contact family, friends, neighbors, parishioners. Ask them about their child’s experience. Talk with the child directly. Ask questions that are pertinent: How do you get back and forth? Are you challenged to get your homework done and still be involved in an activity? Do you like the school? Teachers? Coaches?
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? 3. Next, go to the website of each school and/or contact the admission office: if you are concerned or have questions about entrance requirements, merit scholarships, financial aid, transportation, academic quality, prepare a list of questions in advance of your visit, phone call, or email.
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? • Concerned about academics? Here are some questions: • Do you have AP courses in each discipline, i.e. English, math, science, modern language, classics, history, art, etc. • Can you share last year’s AP results with me? (the stronger academic schools should be able to state that 80%+ of its AP students achieved a score of 3 or higher on the Princeton AP Exams)
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? 4. Concerned about academics? cont’d • What are the average SATs of your seniors? • What % of your graduating classes go on to college? • What % of your graduating classes go on to the college of their first choice?
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? 4. Concerned about academics? Cont’d • What if my child is struggling w/school work, is there extra help for her? • Are teachers available before and after the school day?
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? • Concerned about the cost? • What is your tuition? • Is transportation extra? How much? • Are there other fees? • Do you have financial aid? • What % of your student population receives aid?
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? • Concerned about the cost? Cont’d • Are academic scholarships available? • How many? In what amounts? • How do I know if I qualify for financial aid? • What is the average financial aid award?
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? 6. Concerned about transportation? • Do you have buses? • From what locations? • When and where would he get the bus in the a.m.? • When does the bus leave in the p.m.? • Is there easy access to public transportation? • May students drive to school? Is there a secure parking lot? • Are there other students from our area attending?
Navigating the High School Application Process • How do you begin the process of choosing the high school that is right for your child? 7. Concerned about the Application Process? • What are the deadlines? • Is there an entrance exam? What is the name of the test? • What is the best way to prepare for the exam? • Is an essay required?
Navigating the High School Application Process • Presenting options to your child. • Once you have done your own homework, you can then “put a fence around” your child’s options. • Sit down with him and let him know that you have done your own homework; here are the schools that we would like you to consider.
Navigating the High School Application Process • More often than not, we believe, the child has a strong opinion and wants a voice in the decision; therefore, it is important that you, as parents, present the options with which you are comfortable (philosophical, economic, geographic) and you might consider a “safety” school.
Navigating the High School Application Process • Once the high schools are targeted, you should have a checklist for each school. • Write down important dates: • Open House • Entrance Exam • Admission Application • Financial Aid Application • Essay Due • School Visitation day • Personal Interview • Decisions of the Admission Office • Registrations Due
Navigating the High School Application Process • Full Day Visit to High School (Shadow Day) • Open House is a family experience; visiting for a full school day is an even better way for a student to learn if the school is a “good fit.” • Some admission offices interview the same day as the Shadow Day. • The student should keep a journal of her Open House and Shadow Day visits and share her thoughts with parents at or near decision-making time.