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JICA’s Efforts in Environmental Management in South East Asia and Thailand. July 27, 2012 Tomoyuki Kawabata Senior Representative Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thailand Office. 1. Topics. 1. About JICA 2. JICA’s Efforts for Environmental Management 3. Case Study. 2.
JICA’s Efforts in Environmental Management in South East Asia and Thailand July 27, 2012 Tomoyuki Kawabata Senior Representative Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Thailand Office 1
Topics 1. About JICA 2. JICA’s Efforts for Environmental Management 3. Case Study 2
Basic Information of JICA JICA Technical Cooperation Grant Aid Integrated Operations of 3 Aid Modalities ODA Loan Also; Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers Japan Partnership Program Emergency Disaster Relief 3
Basic Information of JICA • JICA Technical Cooperation – 212.72 billion JPY (until 2010)* • The projects may involve the dispatching of experts from Japan to provide technical support, invitation of personnel from developing countries for training, or the provision of necessary equipment. ODA Loans - 2,164.4 billion JPY (until 2010)* • ODA loans support developing countries by providing low-interest, long-term and concessional funds to finance their development efforts. Grant Aid - 159.3 billion JPY (until 2007)* • Thailand has graduated from ordinary Grant Aid in 1993 but still has possibility to receive special Grant Aid. Japan Overseas Cooperation Volunteers - over 850 people (until 2009)* • Volunteers has been allocated in government offices and schools across Thailand. *aggregated amount of assistance for Thailand 4
JICA’s Approach in Environmental Management Field Support for formulating adequate environmental policy and environmental planning Support for strengthening systems responding to environmental issues Support for the improvement of technology for adequate environmental management 7
Capacity Development (CD) for Environmental Management JICA emphasizes Capacity Development (CD) in developing countries. CD is defined as: “the process of the development for individuals, organizations, systems and society to solve problems through playing the roles individually or collectively and the process of development of the capacity (capacity to cope with problems) to set and meet goals”. Study Report on Capacity Development Capacity Development and JICA's Activities (JICA Website) http://www.jica.go.jp/english/publications/reports/study/capacity/ 8
JICA’s Project Map in Environmental Management Field(Technical Cooperation, 2011) ★Air Pollution (5) ●Water Pollution (26)◆Waste Management (19) ■Climate Change (21) ◎Complex, Others (15) ( ): Number of projects Europe ● ★ ◆ ■ ◎ ■ ◆ ★ ● ◎ ◎ ● ● ● Asia ◎ Middle East ◆ ★ ◆ ◆ ◆ ● ◆ ● ◆ ◎ ◎ ◎ ◆ ◎ ● ◆ ● North America/Latin America ● ● ● ■ ■ ■ ★ ● ● ● ● ◎ ● ● ■ ◎ ■ ◆ ★ ● ■ ◆ ■ ★ ● ● ■ ◆ ◆ ◆ ■ ◆ ◎ ■ ◎ Africa ◎ ● ● ■ ■ ■ ◎ ● ■ ● ■ ◎ ◆ ◆ ■ ● Oceania ◆ ◎ ◎ ◎ ● ■ ● ◎ ◆ ■ More than 50% of the projects in Asia (Asia: 45 projects, Total: 86 projects) 9
Case Study : Support for Water Environment Management of Central and Local OrganizationsProgram on Vietnam Urban Water Environment Management Program Goal To reduce pollution load to public water bodies in Vietnam, thereby improving water quality and satisfying various water needs Component 2: Capacity Development of Administrative Institutions Charged with Overall Water Environmental Management Component 3: Development of Drainage and Wastewater Infrastructure and Management Capacity Component 1: Capacity Development of Research Institutes Research Institutes MONRE and DONREs MOC and provincial development of public works Main Target T/C (VAST) Expert, T/C (MONRE) Loan (Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Hai Phong, etc…), T/C Input T/C (Ho Chi Minh, Hanoi) 14
Program on Vietnam Urban Water Environment Management Component 1: Enhancing Capacity of Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology in Water Environment Protection <Technical cooperation project> 2008.1-2012.1 ●Project purpose: Scientific and technological basis of VAST/IET for the improvement of the water environment will be further strengthened ●Outputs: 1.Improvement of water quality monitoring and development of analysis methods 2.Suitable technologies on domestic and industrial wastewater treatment 3.Improvement of training courses on water quality monitoring and wastewater treatment 4.Encouragement of activities on water environment protection ● Partner country organization: Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology, Institute of Environmental Technology 15 State of urban drainage State of the laboratory VAST/IET
Program on Vietnam Urban Water Environment ManagementComponent 2: Capacity Development of Administrative Institutions Charged with Overall Water Environment Management <T/A Pro. related to ODA Loan> 2010.6-2012.5 Project Purpose: Capacity of MONRE (Central Gov.) and target DONREs (Local Gov.) on water environmental management is strengthened. Hanoi Haiphong • (1) Counterpart: MONRE(M) and target DONREs(D) • (2) Project sites: Hanoi, Haiphong, Hue, Ba Ria-Vung Tau and HCM • (3) Output: • - Improvement of policy & systems (M) • Strengthening enforcement capacity ofwater • pollution control (D) • Making effective water pollution control • measures (D) • Raising awareness of public and industrial • sectors on water environment (D) • Strengthening information management and • utilization (M, D) Hue HCM Ba Ria-Vung Tau 16
Program on Vietnam Urban Water Environment Management Component 3 : Development of Drainage and Wastewater Infrastructure and Management Capacity M/P, F/S Hanoi city environmental management plan (2000) Hai Phong city environmental management plan (2001) Technical Cooperation Capacity development on sewerage management in Ho Chi Minh City (phase 1: 2009.5-2010.11, phase 2: 2011.9-2014.8) ODA loans Total amount: approximately US$150 millions Urban water environmental management projects in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh, Haiphong, Hue, and Binh Duong Province. Ho Chi Minh City Water Environment Improvement Project (1) 2001.3 L/A ← Ho Chi Minh City Sewage Treatment Plant 17
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) Capacity Development and Institutional Strengthening for GHG Mitigation in the Kingdom of Thailand 2010.1-2012.3 ●Background: Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO) has the task to promote and support all activities related to climate change mitigation in Thailand, and is responsible for promoting the strategies together with the Office of Climate Change Coordination (OCCC) under the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning (ONEP) of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment. However, since TGO is a new organization, established just two years ago, the organization has several fields that can be further improved. ●Project Purpose Capacity development for human resources and institutional strengthening on GHG mitigation for TGO will be achieved ●Project Outputs 1.The level of knowledge and expertise of TGO staff on GHG mitigation will be enhanced. 2.Capacity of TGO to provide training will be enhanced. 3.Capacity of TGO to review and monitor GHG mitigation project will be enhanced. 4.Capacity of TGO to manage information on GHG mitigation will be enhanced. ●Organization Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (TGO)
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) Capacity Building on Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation for Implementation in Bangkok 2009.6-2012.5 ●Background: Bangkok with nearly 10million populations contributes up to 43 million tons of greenhouse gases (GHG) in 2007. Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA) set up the Action Plan 1)Expand the mass transit and improve traffic system; 2) promote the use of renewable energy; 3)Improve building electricity consumption efficiency; 4)Improve solid waste management and wastewater treatment efficiency; and 5)Expand park area. This action plan aims to reduce greenhouse gas emission by at least 15% of the total emission anticipated in the year 2012 under business as usual projection. Climate change issue is quite new to BMA officials, who encountered difficulties for the implementation of Action Plan on Global Warming Mitigation. ●Project purpose: Capacity of BMA to implement the Action Plan on Global Warming Mitigation is strengthened. ●Project outputs: 1)The organization capacity of BMA to tackle the issue of climate change in an integrated manner is increased. 2)The capacity of BMA staffs in implementing each of the five initiative of Action Plan is increased. ● Organization : Department of Environment, Bangkok Metropolitan Administration (BMA)
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) Design and Develop Basic Schemes for PRTR System (Planning) 2011.03 – 2015.02 ●Background: The main objective of this project is to develop a model for PRTR system in Thailand. PRTRs, known as a database system, provides public access to information on amounts of pollutants released from different point and/or non point sources to each environmental medium (air, water, soil) and/or transferred off-site for waste management or wastewater treatment. PRTR also encourages industry, business to reduce releases and transfers of waste and to adopt cleaner production techniques. In addition, PRTR provide information for governments to develop plans for pollution prevention, control measurement and for chemicals management in a sound manner. There are 3 concerned organizations in Thailand, DIW, IEAT and PCD, join in the project. Under 4 years of the technical cooperation; JICA would support a technical guidance for Thai counterparts pertaining to the implementation of the project. Rayong Province is chosen for launching a pilot trial, since Maptaput and area nearby is currently known as the major source of industrial pollution. However; other sources of pollution such as agriculture and vehicle will be carried out in the study. ●Organization Pollution Control Department, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (PCD) Department of Industrial Works, Ministry of Industry (DIW) Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand, Ministry of Industry (IEAT)
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) Research and Development for water reuse technology in tropical regions 2009.5-2013.3 ●Background Southeast Asian country located in tropical regions often suffer from drought in the dry season and flood in the wet reason. Thailand is the country leading the economic growth in Southeast Asia. The promotion of 3R(Reduce,Reuse and Recycle) of water resource is needed there for elimination of the access to safe water and conservation of water quality. This project research and development of water reuse technologies which contribute to the 3R of water resource in Thailand and other tropical countries. ●Project purpose: Appropriate water reuse technology is newly developed for wide application with an establishment of institutional framework for effective management in Thailand. ● Project outputs: 1) Institutional framework for research, development and promotion of water reuse technology is developed. 2) New energy-saving (or net energy-balanced) decentralized water reclamation and reuse system is developed to practically install for on site operation. 3) New water reuse technology with resource production (or GHG emission reduction) is developed to practically install for on-site operation. 4) Effective management and monitoring system for community – based water reuse is developed. ●Partner country organization: Environmental Research and Training Center, Chulalongkorn University, Kasetsart University
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) Innovation on production and automotive utilization of biofuels from non-food biomass 2010-2014 ●Background: Sustainable introduction of biofuels into the transportation sector is a promising measure to reduce the causes of climate changes, so there have been pressing demands for the development of the innovative technology to produce transport fuels from non-food biomass. In this project, we will develop the scientific and technological bases for the production of transport biofuels, and for the evaluation of biofuels in automotive utilization and in life cycle assessment (LCA). We will focus on Jatropha as a non-food biomass, and will develop the novel biofuels production technology from Jatropha residues in addition to the technology for production of high quality biofuels from Jatropha oil to enhance its over-all utilization efficiency. ●Project Outputs 1. Production of high quality BDF from Jatropha oil, including LCA evaluation 2. Production of bio-oils from Jatropha residues 3. Upgrading of bio-oils, including LCA evaluation 4. Evaluation of engine and emission performances of new fuels 5. Capacity building and technology transfer Chemical/ catalytic conversion Market use of new fuels oil BDF Pyrolysis/ catalytic conversion residues Gasoline, etc. Jatropha fruit KMUTNB
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) Integrated Study Project on Hydro-Meteorological Prediction and Adaptation to Climate Change in Thailand (IMPAC-T) 2009.4-2014.3 ●Background Water is natural environment that characterizes climate condition which could also have an impact on water resources and their availability. Its seasonal and inter-annual variation sometimes leads to severe damages in water environment as well as human society. Therefore it is essential to monitor and comprehend hydrological cycles to foresee subsequent phenomena of water environment, to assess possible risks, and to prepare countermeasures against those risks. Such system would enable decision-makers at various levels of Thai government to operate reservoirs adequately, to make early-warnings of water-related disasters, and to develop control/management strategies for water issues. ●Project Purpose A prototype of the integrated system to help decision-making on the adaptation for water-related risks under climate change impact is established. ●Project Outputs 1. Monitoring capacity in the field of hydro-meteorology for climate change impact is enhanced. 2. An integrated model in consist with natural hydrological cycle and anthropogenic activities is developed. 3. Methodology of water-related risk assessment incorporating with climate change impact and anthropogenic activities are developed. ●Organization: Kasetsart University, Thailand Meteorological Department, Royal Irrigation Department, University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Tohoku University, NIAES: National Institute for Agro-Environment Sciences, NIES: National Institute for Environmental Studies
Major On-going & Planning ProjectswithThaiPartners (Environment & Climate Change) The Project on Capacity Development in Disaster Management (Phase-2) 2010 -2014 ●Background Established in 2002, Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) is an organization responsible for general disaster management including disaster prevention and emergency response taking the Asian Tsunami in December 2004 as a turning point. It is a pressing challenge to develop the capacity of DDPM to cope with natural disasters in Thailand by collaborating with concerned various organizations. The Project for Capacity Development in Disaster Management in Thailand (Phase-1) was carried out from August 2006 to August 2008.Now the Phase-2 is implementing aiming at improving and up-scaling the outputs of the Phase-1 in order to improve disaster risk management activities and mitigate damages caused by natural disasters. ●Project Purpose Capacity of DDPM is enhanced to scale up Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Action Plans, Community Based Disaster Risk Management: CBDRM and disaster education, collaborating with concerned agencies, provincial and local levels. ●Project Outputs 1. Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Action Plans with considerations for vulnerable people are formulated for national, provincial and local authorities (in the target provinces). 2. Capacity of DDPM staff as facilitators on implementation of Community Based Disaster Risk Management (CBDRM) is enhanced. 3.Training curriculum at DPMA is improved. 4. Based on the Natural disaster preparedness educational curriculum, schools have improved preparedness for disaster. ●Organization Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation (DDPM) Ministry of Education (MOE) (Co-Implementing Agency)
Creation of Environmental Value-added Policy advance → Correspondence to Environmental Needs Pollution Control Uniform Regulation • Regulations considering individual conditions • From quantity to quality • Material cycle • Energy saving • Environmental education, etc. Destructive Use of Ecosystem Economic development → 18
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