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By Sylvie Jourdain Météo-france. Objective classification OGWL description method developed by P.James Hadley Centre. Catalogue description. Abreviation: OGWL Method:
By Sylvie Jourdain Météo-france Objective classification OGWL description method developed by P.James Hadley Centre
Catalogue description • Abreviation: OGWL • Method: The Objective-Grosswetterlagen NFD Catalogue is a Non-Filtered Daily version of James' Objective-GWL series, specially created for COST733. • Domain : Europe • Parameters: SLP and 500 GH • 29 types :The 29 types are defined as in Hess and Brezowsky • The HB_GWL daily catalogue is used to calculate mean composite patterns from MSLP and GH500 for each 29 GWL for winter (6 months) and summer (6 months) separately
OGWL Calculation description New method of classying WT over Europe and the N.E Atlantic based on the subjective Hess and Brezowky Grosswetterlagen system HB_GWL HB_GWL able to capture the large scale characteristics of weather regimes HB_GWL concept : weather types with duration at least 3 days (not daily patterns) OGWL Method Domain : 2 non rectanguar nested domains : inner domain centred regions up to 1500km from Berlin to distinguish between cyclonic and anticyclonic bias over Central Europe , key to separate heighbouring regimes; outer domain for the large scale focused on Central Europe • Method : • composite patterns calculation • OGWL Daily catalogue construction using pattern correlations with the composite fields (2 parameters and 2 domains) • Systematic diferences HB-GWL and OGWL (39% hits)
References • Hess P., Brezowsky, 1977, Katolog der GWL Europas, Berichte des Deutshen Wetterdienstes • P.M. James, 2006, An objective classification method for Hess and Brezowsky Grossweterlagen over Europe • COST 733 catalogue description