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FOCUSED MONITORING FOR TRANSITION. PA Special Education Monitoring System Transition/Focused Monitoring(FM) April 3, 2012 Presented By: Pat Hozella and John Machella. TRANSITION FOCUSED MONITORING TRAINING AGENDA. Welcome and Introduction PART I Purpose of Transition Focused Monitoring

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  1. FOCUSED MONITORING FOR TRANSITION PA Special Education Monitoring System Transition/Focused Monitoring(FM) April 3, 2012 Presented By: Pat Hozella and John Machella

  2. TRANSITION FOCUSED MONITORINGTRAINING AGENDA • Welcome and Introduction • PART I • Purpose of Transition Focused Monitoring • LEA Selection Criteria • Federal requirements 34 CFR 300.600 • Focused Monitoring Previous Areas (Graduation/Drop-Out and LRE) • Focused Monitoring Current Area (Transition) • SPP Indicators 13/14 and Transition • Document Development (Feedback and Review Process) • FSA • File Review • Interviews (Parent, Student, General and Special Education Teachers • Questions • PART II- Leader Services • Demonstration-Jeff Eckhart • Transition FM /FSA Completion On-Line

  3. TRANSITION FM • WHY- Federal requirement 34 CFR 300.600 • WHO - Bureau of Special Education conducts focused monitoring for selected school districts and charter schools • WHEN – Spring 2012 • TYPES OF MONITORING – Cyclical, Target, Focused

  4. SELECTION CRITERIA FOR LEA’S • 5 LEAs Will be monitored in the Spring 2012 • Link to Cyclical 2007-08 • Results from Cyclical Monitoring transition areas of non-compliance

  5. CMCI and AccountabilitySEA/LEA • Tied to the federally required State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report • Aligned with the OSEP federal monitoring system • Aligned with the state performance goals and indicators

  6. CMCI Activities • Pre-onsite activities related to completion of the FSA • On-site visit by the Bureau of Special Education Single Point of Contact (SPOC) and two other BSE Advisers • Issuance of the Monitoring Report • Corrective Action Verification Plan (CAVP) • Follow up to monitor implementation of the CAVP

  7. Components of the CMCI • Monitoring Document • Facilitated Self-Assessment (FSA) • File Review (10 secondary level student files for students 14 years of age and older) • Special Education and General Education Teacher Interviews • Student Interview and Parent Interviews

  8. Monitoring Document • Facilitated Self-Assessment (FSA) • 7 Areas of Focus: Transition Program Administration, Age Appropriate Assessment, IEPs, Agency Involvement, Parent Training, Personnel training, and Summary of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance • The FSA is completed by the LEA personnel prior to the on-site visit and submitted via the Leader Services website no later than 15 days prior to the on-site visit.

  9. FILE REVIEW • Invitation to Participate in the IEP • Individualized Education Program (IEP) • Documentation of IEP Team Participation • I. Special Considerations (IEP) • II. Present Levels of Academic Achievement and Functional Performance (IEP) • III. Transition Services (IEP) • V. Annual Goals and Objectives (including academic and functional goals) (IEP) • VI. Special Education/Related Services/Supplementary Aids and Services/Program Modifications (IEP) • NOTICE OF RECOMMENDED EDUCATIONAL PLACEMENT/PRIOR WRITTEN NOTICE (NOREP/PWN)

  10. Monitoring Document (cont’d) • Parent Interview, Special Education and General Education Teacher Interviews • Interviews conducted during the on-site visit by BSE Advisers and/or the chairperson. • Interviews are conducted with the parents and special education and general education teachers of the students in the file review sample.




  14. Monitoring Document (cont’d) • Student Interview • The student interview document has been revised to reflect emphasis on transition for purposes of the Transition Focused Monitoring. The interview format is similar to the student interview utilized in regular cyclical monitoring. • High school students chosen as part of the on-site random sample of file reviews will be interviewed using questions and a script provided by the Chairperson.

  15. STUDENT INTERVIEW • 65. Has anyone from the school explained to you why transition Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • planning to adult life is important? • 66. Has anyone from the school asked you what you would like Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • to do when you are out of high school (i.e., teachers, • guidance counselor, principal, OT, PT, etc.)? • 67.Do you receive help from school staff in planning for your Yes ____ No ____ NA life after high school? • 68. Are you currently in a work experience program– school Yes ____ No ____ NA • or cooperative or community based - during • school time? (If answer is NA answer NA for 69, 70 & 71) • 69. Do you have or have you had assistance or help with this Yes ____ No ____ NA • program (i.e., job coach, paraprofessional, teacher, etc.)? • 70. Do you think this work program will help you be successful Yes ____ No ____ NA • after high school? • 71. Do you think you might want to continue this type of work after Yes ___No__NA • you receive your diploma? • 72. Do you meet with school staff about courses required for college Yes ____ No_NA • or post-secondary school (i.e., Foreign Language, Math, English, • Science, etc.)? • 73. Do you discuss/meet with school staff regarding training Yes ____ No ____ NA • opportunities for you after you receive your diploma? • 74. Do you discuss/meet with school staff regarding employment Yes ____ No ____ NA • opportunities for you after you receive your diploma? • 75. Do you discuss/meet with school staff regarding independent Yes ____ No ____ NA _ • living opportunities for you after you receive your diploma? • 76. What did you tell school staff you are interested in doing after high school? • 77. Were you invited to attend your last IEP meeting? Yes ____ No ____ NA _

  16. STUDENT INTERVIEW • 78. Did you participate in your last IEP meeting? Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • (If No, NA or DK, answer NA for 79, 80 & 81) • 79. Do you feel that your interests and preferences are taken into Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • consideration when your IEP is developed? • 80. Did you discuss what you would do after you receive your Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • diploma at your last IEP meeting? •  (Cue for Question 80) •  Further Education or Training • 2 or 4 year college • Post-secondary vocational training program • Short-term education or employment training program • Community or technical college • Apprenticeship program • On-the-job training • Licensing program (Nursing, Cosmetology, etc.) • Adult continuing education courses • Adult Training Facility • Adult center program • Adult in-home program  • Employment • Competitive employment • Military • Supported employment (paid work in a community setting for those needing continuous support services) • Sheltered employment (where most workers have disabilities) • Employment that allows for technological and medical supports • 81. Are people helping you do what you planned at your IEP Yes ____ No ____ NA • meeting? • 82. Did any of the work experiences and/or courses help you to: • a. Open your eyes to new work options Yes ____ No NA • b. Explore new careers Yes ____ No ____ NA • c. Build your resume Yes ____ No ____ NA • d. Encourage you to continue with schooling Yes ____ No • 83. Have you received travel training? (Are you learning to use Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • public transportation, if available in your region?) • 84. If any agency participated in your IEP did they help you or Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • provide services?  • 85. Did the school provide you with the opportunity and the support Yes ____ No ____ NA ____DK ____ • to register to vote?

  17. STUDENT INTERVIEW 86. If your school has student IDs, were you given the opportunity Yes ____No ____ NA to get and carry one? 87. Do you participate in any activities in the community? Yes ____ No ____ NA (What recreational, leisure, and/or volunteer activities do you do after school or on weekends?) 88. If yes, which ones? 89. If no, why not? 90. Do you know of any other agencies that could help you Yes ____No ____NA __ within the community? 91. If so, which ones? 92. Do you feel that you understand and are able to express your: a. abilities Yes ____ No ____ NA____ b. disability Yes ____ No ____ NA ___ c. accommodation needs Yes ____ No ____ NA ____ 93. Please add any additional comments specific to your transition program.

  18. Monitoring Document (cont’d) • Monitoring Report and Corrective Action Verification Plan • Monitoring report will be issued to the LEA following completion of all required BSE reviews. • Within 60 days following the issuance of the monitoring report the SPOC and PaTTAN consultant will meet with the LEA personnel to complete the LEA corrective action verification plan. The LEA is encouraged to invite IU staff to participate in the planning.

  19. Transition FM Timeline and Process • SPOC contacts the LEA to discuss tentative schedule and provide technical assistance as needed. • 15 days prior to on-site visit LEA submits FSA via Leader Services website. • 10 days prior to the on-site visit the SPOC forwards the list of 10 students selected for the on-site file review to the LEA.

  20. Transition FM Timeline and Process (cont’d) • On-site visit will be @1.5 days. Chairperson designates Advisers who will conduct the file reviews, special education and general education teacher interviews, parent interviews, student interviews. • Chairperson will complete the verification/evaluation of the components of the FSA and determine compliance/noncompliance issues of FSA and oversee the monitoring process.

  21. Transition FM Timeline and Process (cont’d) • Chairperson will conduct the exit interview giving an overview of what can be anticipated in the focused monitoring report and a brief description of the subsequent scheduling of the corrective action verification plan meeting.

  22. Transition FM Timeline and Process (cont’d) • Within 15 days following the issuance of the monitoring report the SPOC will have contacted the LEA and PaTTAN point of contact to arrange for the on-site visit within 60 days of the issuance of the monitoring report for development of the corrective action verification plan.

  23. Post Monitoring ActivitiesCorrective Action VerificationPlan and Process • The SPOC will arrange an on-site visit(s) to complete an approvable corrective action verification plan. • LEAs will work with their SPOC to develop a LEA specific plan of corrective action to bring into compliance those areas cited in non-compliance in FSA 7 and improvement plan determinations cited in FSA 1-6. • PaTTAN and IU staff are available to assist in the development and implementation of the corrective action verification plan activities.

  24. Monitoring Results • Findings in the FSA sections 1-6 are Improvement Plan determinations • Non-compliance findings in the FSA section 7 include Systemic and Individual corrective actions

  25. Update on Corrective Action Requirements • BSE has always required LEAs to demonstrate systemic correction of noncompliance, and student specific corrective action where the student’s FAPE was affected by the noncompliance, e.g. student was not receiving services as described in the IEP. • In August 2010, OSEP issued clarification requiring states to ensure that LEAs correct noncompliance systemically AND for all individual students where noncompliance was found, i.e. all findings of noncompliance in a student’s file must be corrected regardless of FAPE impact.

  26. Update on Corrective Action Requirements • Beginning in 2010-11 BSE developed and implemented the Individual Corrective Action Plan or “ICAP”. • In the corrective action process, the BSE will confirm that the ICAP has been completed for each student, and will verify systemic correction through review of updated data, i.e. review of records developed after the monitoring report was issued.

  27. Post Monitoring ActivitiesCorrective Action Verification Plan and Process (cont’d) • When all corrective action items are completed as closed Leader will issue a closure letter to the LEA.

  28. Post Monitoring ActivitiesCorrective Action Verification Plan and Process (cont’d) • All findings of noncompliance must be corrected no later than one year from the date of the monitoring report. Improvement Plan determinations may consist of a multi-year plan with on-site follow up visits by the assigned BSE Adviser.

  29. TRANSITION FMFSA COMPLETION ON-LINE LEADER SERVICES Work Session Demo Jeff Eckhart jeckhart@leaderservices.com

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