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Tanzimat & Nationalism

Tanzimat & Nationalism. Recap. By late 19th century-early 20th centuries Muslim world was colonized by the West. Muslim responses ranged from rejection, isolation/non-cooperation to modernization. Our focus is on the 3 rd category (Osmanli Tanzimat). Central Ottoman Land.

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Tanzimat & Nationalism

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  1. Tanzimat & Nationalism

  2. Recap • By late 19th century-early 20th centuries Muslim world was colonized by the West. • Muslim responses ranged from rejection, isolation/non-cooperation to modernization. • Our focus is on the 3rd category (Osmanli Tanzimat)

  3. Central Ottoman Land • By end of 18th cent. Ott could no longer defend itself against the growing power of the West • numerous setbacks- • Lost Syria to its independent Governor of Egypt in 1830. • loss to Russia in the Crimean War (1854-6) & Russia established its dominance in the Black Sea- Russia interest in annexing Osm terri in the Balkan • Nationalist Movements in the Balkan, Greece etc.

  4. attempted to strengthen themselves by looking to Europe to modernize their bureaucracy and military. • Gradually, modernization also included modernization of politics, law & edu

  5. Source of Western hegemony -its modern armies • Muslim rulers- Mahmud II (1809) and Ottoman viceroy in Egypt Muhammad Ali (1805-49) tried to follow Western model. • Created military academy staffed by Europeans

  6. Sent delegates to learn from the West • Military modernization followed by modernization of administration, law edu, economy • Impact on military and adminst institutions • Confined to the political elites

  7. The latter half of the 19th cent, modernization included other spheres of life too. • Modernization policies were perpetuated by Abdulmejid (1839-61) & Abdul Hamid II (1876-1909) and in Egypt by Khedive Ismail

  8. AbdelMejid (l) & (c) Abdul Hamid II (r)

  9. Mahmud II’s reform was continued & systematized by AbdelMejid through ambitious series of reform, Tanzimat (reorganization) • Modern institutions-secular schools to train not only army but also new bureaucratic personnel: land reforms, new legal systems • Opposed by conservative religious elements who considered them bid’ah

  10. Under A. Hamid II’s Grand Vizier, Midhat Pasha, Tanzimat now included political reform • Promulgation of the 1st Ott Consti. In 1876 based on French and Belgian models- creation of two-chambers parliament (A Const Monarchy) • A.Hamid was less receptive to political modernization; only opened to military and tech modernization

  11. Sultan refused to surrender his absolute power • Set to crush liberal reforms and eliminating reformers through persecution and exile

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