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FAAMA New Leader Training. FAA Manager’s Association (FAAMA) New Leader Training – FAAMA II National Leadership In accordance with FAAMA By-Laws: Lists National Officer Positions Lists National Officer responsibilities. FAAMA New Leader Training.
FAAMA New Leader Training FAA Manager’s Association (FAAMA) New Leader Training – FAAMA II National Leadership In accordance with FAAMA By-Laws: Lists National Officer Positions Lists National Officer responsibilities
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers National Officers – President (Dave Conley) Leads Executive Board (President, VP, Secretary, Treasurer) Two-year term, elected in even-numbered years Represents the Association at all levels of government Presides over the convention Can only vote in the convention to CREATE or BREAK a tie Serves as non-voting member of the Board of Directors Appoints committees, chairs, “cabinet” directors, and Sergeant-at-Arms If the office is vacated, the Vice President automatically becomes President, and will serve out the remainder of the term.
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) National Officers – Vice President (Steve Smith) Two-year term, elected in odd-numbered years Represents the Association at all levels of all three branches of government in the absence of the President Presides over meetings of the Board of Directors Can only vote in the board meetings to CREATE or BREAK a tie Serves as non-voting member of the Board of Directors Presides over the convention in the absence of the President If the office is ever vacated, the Board of Directors will elect a new Vice President to serve out the remainder of the term.
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) National Officers – Secretary (Julie Fidler) Two-year term, elected in even-numbered years Maintains a roster of delegates at the convention Records minutes of all business sessions Calls the roll of delegates in the business sessions of the convention Records convention proxies Conducts elections of the Board of Directors If the office is ever vacated, the Board of Directors will elect a new Secretary to serve out the remainder of the term.
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) National Officers – Treasurer (Tom Dury) Two-year term, elected in odd-numbered years Receives all dues monies, makes deposits, pays bills Provides detailed quarterly financial statement to the board of directors Serves as a non-voting member of the Finance Committee Provides a certification of chapters and members in good standing Mails rebate and expense checks If the office is ever vacated, the Board of Directors will elect a new Treasurer to serve out the remainder of the term.
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) National Officers – Executive Director (Louis Depart)
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) Regional Directors The Board of Directors shall consist of voting members and non-voting members. The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to execute the decisions of the membership and to serve as the membership’s authorized representatives within the Association, providing direction to the Officers in all matters except routine or day-to-day business. Regional Directors are elected by the Region’s Chapter Presidents. Regional Directors represent the Membership The Regional Directors are the only voting members. Regions mirror FAA Legacy Regions (one National Chapter) Nine Regional Directors, with 3-year staggered terms
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) Voting membership of the Board of Directors shall consist of one member representing chapters within the following groups of states known as regions: EASTERN: Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia and the District of Columbia SOUTHERN: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands SOUTHWEST: Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas GREAT LAKES: Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, and Wisconsin
FAAMA New Leader Training New Leader Training – National By-Laws National Officers (Continued) NEW ENGLAND: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont NORTHWEST MOUNTAIN: Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming WESTERN PACIFIC: Arizona, California, Nevada, Hawaii, Guam and American Samoa CENTRAL: Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska, including the National Chapter ALASKAN: Alaska