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World History I. Unit Six Block Five Lecture The end of the Republic and dawn of the Empire. Make sure that you are viewing this in “Slide Show” format. Click on “Slide Show” and push “from beginning”. Move through the presentation by pushing on the “up” and “down” arrows” on your keyboard.
World History I Unit Six Block Five Lecture The end of the Republic and dawn of the Empire
Make sure that you are viewing this in “Slide Show” format. Click on “Slide Show” and push “from beginning”. Move through the presentation by pushing on the “up” and “down” arrows” on your keyboard Click me
Like all good civilizations …… The end begins with farming • Roman society changes radically due to economics • Large Patrician owned farming estates called latifundium take control of all agriculture. • Patrician farmers use slaves more and more and push out all the plebian farmers • Plebian farmers migrate into cities, which led to increased unemploymentbecause there are no jobs for them Click Here
The patricians take over and mess it up for everyone else! Click me • The patricians do things that hurt their standing with the plebeians and badly damage the republic • The Patrician parity (equality) with the Plebian class declined. Now the Patricians control the government • The Romans then fight a series of mini civil wars with their Italian allies. These wars occur from 91 to 88 BCE/BC and are called the “Social Wars”. During this time the value of money decreases (devaluation) and cost of stuff increases (inflation).
Then this guy shows up! Click me Julius Caesar • Julius Caesar is a political class patrician who is very popular with the plebian masses • At the same time, a slave revolt led by Spartacus is ended by Pompeyand Crassus, who then become co-counsels of the republic in 70 BCE/BCs • First Triumvirate – These three men (Julies Caesar (high priest), Pompey (counsel) and Crassus (counsel)) form a political alliance that lasts from 59 to 53 BCE/BC) • Caesar then leaves Rome and conquers Gaul (modern France) in 58 to 50 BCE/BC Wait! … I know this guy!
From Republic to Dictatorship Click Here • Crassusdies in a battle for North Africa in 53 BCE/BC. Pompey tells priest Caesar “don’t come to Rome with your army!” • Caesar doesn't listen and crosses the Rubicon River. This causes civil war (Caesar vs. Pompey). Caesar wins and then then enters into an alliance with Cleopatra of Egypt around 49 to 48 BCE/BC • Caesar consolidates his power and rules Rome as a dictator appointed by the Senate from 48 to 44 BCE/BC • Caesar is finally named dictator for life in 44 BCE/BC and that is the end of the Roman Republic! Rome
From Dictatorship to Empire Click Here • Caesar is killed in the Senate in a mass stabbing led by Brutus (hated Caesar) and Cassius (believed Caesar was too powerful) in 44 BCE/BC (Ides of March) • The senate forms the Second Triumvirate between Octavian(Caesar’s heir), Mark Antony (Caesar’s Ally) and Marcus Lepidus from 43 to 31 BCE/BC • Rome is upset that Caesar is dead. The armies of Anthony and Octavian beat Brutus and then Cassius commits suicide at Philippi (42 BCE/BC) • Octavian finally defeats the armies of Cleopatra and Marc Antony and becomes Caesar Augustus, the first Roman emperor from 31 BCE/BC to 14 CE/AD
The Roman Empire Begins! Click Here • The effects of Rome becoming an empire are incredible • Roman trade and culture spreads throughout the Mediterranean basin to Africa, Europe, and Asia, including the Hellenistic world of the eastern Mediterranean • The empire is unified and enlarged by imperial authority and the military • One major flaw is that no mechanism exists for the peaceful succession of emperors • But for now the Roman Empire will be powerful for the next 200 years!