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As you arrive… 1) Log in to a computer. 2) Access the Wiki http://pcshsla.pbworks.com. Christy Stanley English/Language Arts Common Core Training . “Building the Base” with Common Core State Standards. Introductions. Name, school, subject(s) this year Number of years teaching
As you arrive…1) Log in to a computer.2) Access the Wiki http://pcshsla.pbworks.com
Christy Stanley English/Language Arts Common Core Training “Building the Base”with Common Core State Standards
Introductions • Name, school, subject(s) this year • Number of years teaching • One thing you would like to learn today
Overview for Today • Background Info on Common Core • Connection to 21st Century Skills Framework • Anchor Standards • Crosswalks Activity • Reading & Writing Standards • Develop a Lesson Plan using the new standards
How will we work together today? Active listening & participation Positive Attitude Share ideas Work collaboratively
Pre-Assessment 0 = Common What? I have no idea. Someone just told me to be here. 1= I have heard of the Common Core (CC) in meetings. 2= I have read some of the CC for my grade level and had some discussions about it. 3= I am very familiar with the CC for my grade level. 4= I have started implementing CC in my classes and feel I could share my knowledge with others. Move to the corner that represents where you are.
What are the learning targets for morning? To LITERACY and beyond!
What is the Common Core Standard Initiative? The Common Core State Standard Initiative is a significant and historic opportunity for states to collectively develop and adopt a core set of standards in Mathematics and English LanguageArts including literacy standards for Science and Social Studies and Technical Subjects.
Who is Participating? Forty eight states, Washington D.C., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands have signed on to the Common Core State Standards Initiative led by the National Governors Association Center and the Council of Chief State School Officers. This initiative will potentially reach 43.5 million students which is about 87% of the total student population. Source--SchoolDataDirect.org 2007
Wallwisher Activity In your group of 4, please write down the skills and understandings (at least 3) you believe a twenty-first century literate person needs to have. One person will post your group’s response on Wallwisher. Another person will be the spokesperson for the group.
Why this SHIFT? It made sense then… But now… Schooling in the Medieval Age: Learning the rules of the church Schooling in the Industrial Age: Preparing factory workers • Schooling in the Current Age: The purposes of schooling are changing • New kinds of thinking for new kinds of problems
Shared Language ACRE RTTT CCS CCR RBT Essential Standards NC Falcon Accountability and Curriculum Reform Effort (seeking to redefine the SCOS, the student assessment and the school accountability model) Race to the Top Common Core Standards College Career Readiness Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy All other subjects (not ELA & Math) Formative Assessment Learning Community's Online Network
Timeline 1 Essential Standards 2/14/2011 • page 15
Professional Development: Access and Support MODULES CC and Essential Standards Tools Instructional Tools targeted to aid in the transition and to complement the professional development. Online support to increase teacher understanding and implementation of standards 1: The Call for Change: An Overview of the Common Core and Essential Standards Crosswalk Unpacking Standards 6: NC Teacher Standards Course 2: Understanding the Standards 2: Understanding the Standards 4: Developing Local Curricula 5: NC FALCON Training Implementation Guide 3: Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (RBT) Presentational Resources 6/7/2014 • page 16
That’s nice, but… What will this actually look like for my school?
What are the major difference between the NCSCoS and new CCSS? Brand new STRAND! “Fewer, clearer, higher” What resources are we using? Foundation of literacy • Standards for reading and writing in social studies, science, and technical subjects • Complement rather than replace content standards in those subjects • Responsibility of teachers in those subjects • Alignment with college and career ready expectations
What is the organization of the ELA standards? p. 10 CCR Anchor Standards • Broad expectations consistent across grades and content areas (K-12) • Based on evidence about college and workforce training expectations • Range and content
Further Considerations… Fewer, clearer, higher: (NC DPI Language) produce a set of fewer, clearer and higher standards. cover only those areas that are critical for student success scaffolded and developmental Internationally benchmarked: informed by the content, rigor and organization of standards of high-performing countries and states all students are prepared to succeed in a global economy and society. Special populations: the inclusion of all types of learners was a priority recognized that special populations may require additional time and appropriate instructional support with aligned assessments selected language intended to make the standards documents accessible to different learners
Annotating the AnchorsK-12 College & Career Readiness Draw a box around each STRAND Underline each CLUSTER Star the most challenging STANDARD within each STRAND Discuss in your groups One person will share our for the group
What is the organization of the ELA standards? p. 11 K-12 Standards • Grade-specific end-of-year expectations • Developmentally appropriate, cumulative progression of skills • One-to-one correspondence with CCR standards
Reader’s Theater Assign roles Read through the script to ensure that roles are clear. Read aloud your grade or grade-span components of the ELA CCSS, Listen for the commonalities and differences Discuss the findings (discoveries) from the whole group.
What does the developmental staircase show us about college and career readiness?
GO to Wiki CHOOSE Fine Arts page EXAMINE your primary content area FOCUS on SHIFTS RECORDthoughts about MAJOR SHIFTS THINK of ways to incorporate new shifts into a lesson * The more thought you put into this- the easier your task (later) will be. Crosswalks Comparison(20 minutes)
PURPOSE: to share current best practices AND new ideas/ approaches to teaching the CCSS; to make a list of resources/strategies that have proven helpful STRANDS Examine the READING & WRITING STANDARDS Discuss ways to teach and assess the standard using the handouts Prepare a way to share this info with the whole group (5-7 minute pres.) Understanding the Strands
Organization of the English Language Arts Standards Contains an “Introduction” Comprised of Three Main Sections One Comprehensive K-5 One ELA content area specific sections for 6-12 One History/Social Studies, Science, Technical Subjects content section for 6-12 Each Section is divided into Strands K-5 and 6-12 are Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking and Language The 6-12 History/Social Studies, Science, Technical Subjects section focuses on Reading and Writing only Each Strand is headed by College and Career Readiness Anchor Standards that are identical across all grades and content areas--where we want the children to be at the end of Grade 12. Each CCR Anchor Standard has an accompanying grade specific standard translating the broader CCR statement into grade appropriate end of year expectations.
What are the major differences in the NCSCoS and the ELA CCSS? What resources are we using? • Standards for reading and writing in social studies, science, and technical subjects • Complement rather than replace content standards in those subjects • Responsibility of teachers in those subjects • Alignment with college and career ready expectations
Text Complexity What does this term mean to you? What do you currently do to determine text complexity? THINK- WRITE- PAIR- SHARE on WallWisher Share out responses
How does CCS measure text complexity? Language/Text structure and accessibility, levels of meaning and knowledge demands (prior knowledge and/or academic content) Readability measures (lexiles) and other scores of text complexity (AIMSWEB/DIBELS) Reader: Motivation, knowledge, experiences Task: Purpose and complexity
Read first FOUR paragraphs of “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” As a group ANALYZE the text using the Text Complexity Rubric For MORE text complexity info: pg. 11 (in Appendix A) Appendix A Activity
Are the texts I use hard to read? • Read the academic text. • Resource: Text of your choice Review your rubric of Range of Text complexity. Resource: Range of Text Complexity OR Qualitative Measures Rubric • Pick two features and determine the level of text complexity, for your categories. • Remember to write down evidence, and be prepared to share with the whole group! • Extend: How do characteristics of the reader, and features of the task, make the text more or less complex? • Resource: Text Complexity packet
Processing New Information 3 things you learned 2 things you have a question about 1 thing that will impact your instruction and/or your thinking about texts Write it down OR post on WallWisher
Reflection on Part I Glow (Tell some things you liked) Grow (Tell some things you still need to learn or investigate) Go (Tell some things you will do because of this workshop) Give (give me explicit feedback on which activities/information was the most clear and WHY) AND which areas of the presentation/workshop need to be revised for clarity (shortened/ lengthened/pacing?)
Welcome Back! Formative Assessment Activity Using your agenda/notes, REFLECT on the day’s activities thus far Please complete at least 5 statements with the corresponding symbol Be prepared to share at least 2 statements
Appendix B Text Exemplars and Sample Performance Tasks • Texts chosen based upon Complexity, Quality, & Range • Browse Appendix B (Preview Sample Performance Tasks) • In partnerships… (page 8- Exemplar 6-8 texts) • Select a sample text and create a new performance assessment that supports general population, special needs, enrichment and ELL learners. • Use the blank performance task draft template • Make sure that the text you choose is well matched to the grade levels and needs of your students.
What are the key advances in ELA CCS? “Fewer, clearer, higher” • Standards for reading and writing in social studies, science, and technical subjects • Complement rather than replace content standards in those subjects • Responsibility of teachers in those subjects • Alignment with college and career ready expectations