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Employment and Skills in Cumbria from 2008-2020 My vision for how Cumbria can become the leading County to transform its economy and diversity, through clean energy & sustainable developments. by Steve E Dalton, Chartered Multi-disciplined Engineer and Micro-Generation Entrepreneur
Employment and Skills in Cumbria from 2008-2020My vision for how Cumbria can become the leading County to transform its economy and diversity, through clean energy & sustainable developments. by Steve E Dalton, Chartered Multi-disciplined Engineer and Micro-Generation Entrepreneur Clean Energy Solutions Ltd Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Proposal to advise, influence, lead and chair Cumbria E&SB • Q) “How will I use my knowledge, skills and understanding of my industry sectors to influence employment and skills services for the social and economic benefit of Cumbria?". • A) I intend to use my broad knowledge, skills and in-depth experience in engineering, management and communities to cut across all market sectors providing wisdom, boldness and lateral thinking which if properly acted on through Cumbria Vision and its partners will directly and radically benefit the socio-economic well being of Cumbria. Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
A quick reminder of the global economy and its effects on Cumbria • Rising Oil Prices are pushing more and more into social poverty (10% UK) • House prices continue to fall with more social deprivation and repossessions • The combination of these two factors could push us into a recession as soon as Autumn 2008. However, too much is driven by speculation and fear (2000 petrol crisis) but a recession or slow growth could still last for many years! • Q) With Cumbria being so isolated with poor diversity, high dependency on oil, regions of social deprivation and limited job prospects, can it really weather the rapidly approaching economic storm better than other Counties?. • A) Cumbria is such a unique often undervalued place with much to offer, especially through its own natural resources and unique landscapes. By implementing what has been outlined in the Cumbria Economic Plan and strategic actions plans, through the Energy Coast Initiative, Cumbria could mitigate recession and in fact lead in becoming a low carbon prosperous economy. BUT it requires great leadership, making difficult yet bold decisions, sticking to them to implementation and empowering communities. • As well as turning Cumbria around which is a massive long term challenge, Cumbria could lead the UK other market sectors as well as nuclear!. Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
An overview of the Economic Strategy & Initiatives for Cumbria • Excellent work has been done in forming partnerships across the NW:- • A Local Area Agreement for Cumbria (CCC & CSP) • Cumbria PLC – Public sector transformation via national/regional drivers • Cumbria Master Plan – Energy Coast Paper • Cumbria Economic Plan – a comprehensive document • Cumbria Strategy Plans (industry and cross cutting themes) –for comment • Future Generations document - West Cumbria – community engagement • The LDNPA LDF Core Strategies – a real breakthrough for the NP • Low Carbon Lake District – great if linked with CP’s and Infrastructure • Economic implications of Climate Change for Cumbria – good indicators • Leadership Programmes for Urban and Rural Regeneration. • Good progress is now starting to happen with a few regeneration projects. • But as well as strategic leadership, much more effort is needed to help farmers and manufacturing companies to realise their potential, to help educate and empower more people and work with partners and stakeholders to implement changes that will provide health, wealth and more diversity. Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Report by Bob Bailey, Quantum Strategy & Technology Results of Intervention analysis Safeguard up to 3000 jobs across nuclear supply chain and diversify into RE, new assets, national grid upgrade, new manufacturing, green tourism, micro-generation and low carbon buildings. To realise this invention for economic stability and diversification requires major input by Cumbria vision and its partners It must be done to help Cumbria’s economy survive in 21st century. Small to large initiatives with farms! Economic Implications for Cumbria Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Symptoms and root causes or the problems we are facing • Whilst rapidly spiralling Energy Prices are a shock to most people , some industry sectors have been expecting it to happen for a long time. • Engineers and technologists have been lobbying governments, industry and agencies for years but with too little intervention (too little too late). • We are now seeing the deep consequences of short term decision making. • As an engineer and manager within the energy sector the symptoms of this have appeared gradually over past 25 years (more local/national than global). • Symptoms include:- • The break up of energy utilities & infrastructure through privatisation and M&A • The downgrading of STEM subjects at schools/universities & apprenticeships • Too much globalisation of energy and food production and dsistribution. • No long term strategic plan or consistent investment in RTD, training (E&S) to maintain a skilled workforce and provide energy security & export industries. • Energy Supply is now so closely matched to demand that we are becoming too reliant on imports and global forces (oil/gas from eastern countries, global food) • Root cause = free market doesn’t work well for energy, infrastructure & food! We can become less influenced by global pressures by finding local solutions! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
We have some good Entrepreneurs in Cumbria but need to inspire more • Pride in Cumbria The 1st underwater turbine in the world connected to the grid, 1.2MW – Strangford Lough, Ireland. Manufactured in Carlisle! NDA New PBO Supply chain Utilities Manufacturing Defence Sub Sea 220kw, Church Beck, Coniston Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Sustainable energy and sustainable developments are they key to regenerating CUMBRIA • The current economic crises is now sharply focussing many more minds on the real problems in hand and the urgent need to formulate solutions that will work to provide sustainable energy, employment, skills & prosperity. • The most thought provoking, factual and unbiased book on the energy crises facing the UK and solutions to turn it around in a pragmatic and prosperous way is written by a professor from Cambridge –David Mackay • Download his book and presentations off www.withouthotair.com • This puts an end to the Nuclear versus RE ‘tit for tat’ nonsense and shows what we all need to do. It has been used to focus the mind of movers and shakers in Parliament including John Hutton & others in energy and utilities. • Been used to educate and educate radical environmentalists from Greenpeace, FoE, Environment Agency and others. Also visit www.all-energy.co.uk • These have helped form our 1st proper Renewal Energy Strategy in 2008. • However renewable energy is not a panacea because of its unpredictability. Base load power, storage, conservation and energy efficiencies needed. • A long term strategy is required for other low carbon sources to allow Nuclear, Clean Coal & Efficiency measures to compete. Will happen in 2009. Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Energy & Environmental Technology Specialist Manufacturing Tourism Food & Drink Digital, Cultural & Creative Outdoor Sport, Recreation & Leisure Employment, Education & Skills Rural & Agriculture Business & Enterprise Housing Connectivity Sustainable Communities Cumbria’s priority industry sectors and interconnected cross cutting themes These sectors mesh with the nations needs through the 12 NSAN’s Renewable Energy and sustainable developments cuts across ALL of the industry sectors & All of the cross cutting themes! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Cumbria Vision: Energy & Environmental Technologies • “Cumbria will be the UK’s leading county for the development and deployment of low-carbon technology, and become a net exporter of nuclear & renewable energy. Through positive exploitation of its natural assets creating jobs and wealth for the county, it will be internationally recognised as an exemplar of sustainable production and consumption.” • This is achievable by making decisions on ‘energy and the environment’ together, not separate! Joined up thinking and common remits are needed to meet common goals! • It is also achievable by investing in micro-generation, refurbishing existing housing stock, building affordable housing, diversifications and attracting new investment (CUMBRIA PLC). It can be done. We need to get it right. • There is no Plan B as there is no Planet B (Brian Gray –CEO NWDA) Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Helping Rural Communities to survive by I4 and diversification • How best to bring about transformation within rural areas? • Implementing Community Plans to keep villages alive/vibrant • Building affordable housing & new businesses (IT, traditional, tourism) • I4 Initiative – Imagine, Inspire, Innovate & Implement • Leader II programmes –some great success stories from Scotland & Devon • Community in Control, real people, real power – giving hope and inspiring • Commission for Rural Communities – farm diversifications (biomass/fuel/gas) • Carnegie UK – charter for changing minds and lives (empowering communities) • Freeing up land for housing and businesses - regeneration of brown field sites • Eco tourism developments and education centres utilising sustainable grants • Improving education links - industry & academia (via LSC’s and best practice) • Winning hearts and minds through awareness, education and implementation Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
How to bring about a real revolution in Cumbria that will sustain E&S • Nuclear is good but new build still far off to help Cumbria in the next decade. • We can kick start a RE revolution now with some ‘energy coast funding’ to transform Cumbria into a really low carbon economy to become prosperous. • But its not all about more wind farms! Its more to do with better transport, creating better infrastructures, growing more crops & utilising RE sources • Community and small urban schemes are best combined with regeneration schemes = lower investment/risk and maximum socio-economic benefits. • Much that can be done with biomass, hydro, heat pumps, solar, tidal and sustainable developments. This will start more rural and urban regeneration. • UK lags behind much of Europe but we can catch up quickly. We need to encourage more energy conversions. For example some large oil/gas boilers in large offices, leisure centres, schools hospitals etc should be converted to biomass/gas (reduced running costs, more jobs, less emissions= more £££). • The biggest saving other than providing better public transport is to improve existing housing stock (90% will still be with us in 2050!), build eco affordable housing (level 3+), help farmers diversify, attract new SME’s. This can solve energy poverty and be coordinated via the CEEAC, EST, CT = local jobs!. Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Resource: North West England:- we are situated within a vast resource and virtually untapped resource for hydro, wind, wave, tidal power NW TEG set up in 2007 to lead with the RD&D to develop such schemes What an opportunity for CUMBRIA PLC!!!!! Medium scale river / tidal estuary schemes installations are key to demonstrate low environmental impact and high benefits, which will be a precursor to developing larger schemes! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
CHP from landfill/wood and other wastes and new crops! Cumbria has vast amounts of under-managed woodland i.e. the 2005 storm brought down 1million trees of which 80%+ were left to decay! Wood chip/pellets are 25% cost of oil/gas – provide jobs Grow more rape seed oil, willow, crops and produce for local use Cumbria Woodland Forestry Commission National Trust etc More CHP/Boiler Conversions More diversifications = more jobs West Cumbria Wood Products Ltd Overwater hotel Threapland, Wigton Stephens Croft, Lockerbie Slow supply chain – LFE Great business opportunity Many examples through: www.all-energy.co.uk www.eco-link.co.uk www.northenergy.co.uk Biomass – carbon neutral Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
CHP from liquid and gaseous wastes and growing new fuels! Anaerobic digestion/gasification Burning household and hospital and farms wastes. Big opportunity for Cumbria For transport- biogas/fuels Biofuel available in Penrith and Windermere Need to develop supply chain LA’s to encourage lower emissions transport (e.g. VED A band cars) Need to raise awareness- i.e. through green build Good Case Studies:- Longtown, Beacontown overcoming fuel poverty through installing community biogas plant Wardhall Community PS Links to Academia 7m methane plant in Devon More case studies are needed Better Renewable Energy Education in schools, colleges and businesses Using CEEAC and CAfs and expanding this out across Cumbria to provide jobs & reduce energy Biogas Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Heat pumps utilise thermal energy taking low temperature heat from its surrounding. This could be the ground, surrounding air or a local water resource. This low grade heat is then upgraded to a higher, more useful temperature. Ground, water and air type systems available, 3<CoP<5 They work like fridges in reverse In other words for every 1kW used you get 3 to 5kW of heat Big in other parts of Europe. visit the ‘The UK Heat Pump Network’ website at www.heatpumpnet.org.uk and ‘The Heat Pump Association’ site at www.heatpumps.org.uk Heat Pumps Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Solar water heating harnesses the suns energy to directly heat water which is pumped round roof mounted panels and the associated water tank via a heating coil. Normally just pre-heat water by 30 to 80% of that required but are effective in reducing consumption. This is the generation of electricity from the suns energy. Panels can either be bolted on or integrated into the roof as either panels or tiles. Alternatively panels can be mounted on the ground. Systems can be both on and off grid connected. Solar thermal and PV –power stations of the future? Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
The most efficient way of generating renewable energy Very under-rated and undersold More cost effective than solar/wind Held back by overly bureucratic procedures not fit for purpose Revoking 30,000 mills right licences is a big part of the problem we have! Environment Agency not keen to support it (EF water directives). Scotland and Wales now ahead of England (energy + environment!) Many rural villages, farms and small business in Cumbria would benefit ! Hydro – efficient clean energy! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Microgeneration is only worthwhile if mounted in open space well away from trees. ( Power = speed3 ) Roof top or chimney mounted turbines are not economically viable or sensible in 90% of cases. Wind does complement solar or hydro well, especially for stand-alone remote installations Must be sited and scaled to be appropriate with landscape. Brown field or green field sites? Highly visual, more will go offshore and a few more onshore Good Market and job prospects for 1 to 50Kw machines (ROCS*2) Bad idea Good idea Wind Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
What the UK needs is a few bold daring projects to become really prosperous • The Victorians developed much of the infrastructure we still take for granted • The most recent major civil engineering feats in the UK were the Channel Tunnel, airports, railways, bridges, planes, ships and now the Olympic Games. • Scotland has pressed ahead with Glendoe Hydro Plant (100MW) are upgrading their grid and are now starting several other large hydro projects. • Wales have Dinorwig massive pumped storage system (1728MW = £2B/pa). • Cumbria might have new nuclear build and a high level waste respository but not until after 2025, but what about 2009-2025? Others planned across UK. • Cumbria is constructing more offshore wind farms and a gas plant but these should ideally be coupled with big bridges (road/rail links) and tidal energy. • So much more could be done with hydro, biomass, solar, wind and tidal. Just look at the dams and weirs in Cumbria and the annual rainfall! (100MW+). • Joined up thinking at all levels could totally transform and revolutionise the Cumbrian economy!. We could become carbon negative and become a prosperous energy provider again with big socio-economic benefits! It requires strong leadership for energy/environment for transformation!. Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Site Identification for Low Head Micro and Small Hydro • Via local knowledge, surveys and studies, and assistance from the EA, LUREG and Joule project (weirs and dams) Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Solway Energy Gateway Project –what an opportunity for Cumbria and Scotland! It was done in 1863? Why not now? Courtesy of LUREG & NB21c A fantastic S&EB opportunity for us all? Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Bridge across the Bay- Morecambe? Great initiative but it should really expanded to include rail and a Duddon link to really make a difference! (£1B/pa) • Developing Future • Generations • • Longest bridge in UK • • First in world to function as • renewable power station • • Designed to have social, • environmental and commercial • Return • £670m and only 12 year payback 80th Thomas Lowe Gray Memorial Lecture Bridge Across the Bay: Engineering Excitement Oresund link bridge in Sweden to Denmark Others are Millau Viaduct and la Rance in France Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
NEWSFLASH: E.ON launches Energy Manifesto Carbon, Cost and Consequences, calls for open and honest debate on UK energy • Currently building one of the world's largest gas-fired CHP power stations (1,350MW) at the Isle of Grain in Kent at a cost of £500m; • Applying to build a 1,600MW cleaner coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth in Kent at a cost of at least £1.5bn. Also entered the station into CCS competition. • Working on the early stages of building the 1,200MW Drakelow CCGT in Derbyshire; • Building 180MW £325m Robin Rigg offshore wind farm in the Solway Firth; • Applying to build the 300MW £700m Humber Gateway offshore wind farm; • Investigating two major marine projects, a wave power scheme off north Cornwall and a tidal stream project off Pembrokeshire; • Part of the consortium looking to build the world's largest offshore wind farm, the 1,000MW London Array, in the Thames approaches; • Looking at the possibility of building at least two nuclear power stations, and is working with AREVA and Westinghouse on designs; • Investigating a green development portfolio that could supply around a million homes and displace the emission of two million tonnes of carbon dioxide a year. • What an opportunity for Cumbria Vision and CCC to get on board with! There are similar opportunities with S&S, Centrica, EDF and Npower! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Resource Models and site measurements for feasibility (courtesy of the Joule project)a great untapped resource! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Small as well as larger developments are needed to bring prosperity • Smaller systems, especially community schemes have much less visual impact and can empower local people, help local skills to be generated and retained and have local ownership, pride and other socio-economic benefits. • Larger schemes have more visual impact but are often more economically viable if consents can be gained. Socio-economic benefits can be moderate up to great (3 estuary bridges = an extra £2B/annum invested in Cumbria!). • The planning and consent system is not still fit for purpose in England as it doesn’t recognise small scale, Scotland now have permitted development. • Three community schemes are planned for Bootle village in South Copeland • To develop 12 acre site – (a small scale Broughton Moor – Eden/Sherwood enery village) it will be a combination of eco homes, tourism lodges, a small business park and a leisure complex all powered by renewable energy (biomass and solar). • To provide a community owned hydro plant (like Coniston) to power Bootle. • A small eco tourism park and ecology centre to educate people on how to live a lower carbon lifestyle and still be prosperous! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Electricity supply to Cumbria and the contribution from RE sources • UK will import 75% of its energy by 2020 if no change! = bad news for economy • Cumbria has a population of 0.5m requiring 700MW electricity and 2000MW energy • Cumbria has a CO2 footprint of 7.4 million tonnes/pa. This could be halved by 2020. • Cumbria has a Methane footprint of 1.3 million tonnes/pa. This could be halved. • Hydro Plants = 2.5MW with a LF > 0.8 = 2MW, further 10MW possible • Onshore wind farms = 30MW? But with a LF of only 0.22 = 6MW • Barrow offshore wind = 90MW installed LF of only 0.25 = 22MW • Roosecote gas powered station = 229MW at LF > 0.9 =200MW • Fellside CHP = 188MWe at LF > 0.8 = 150MW • Eclipse energy – Ormonde hybrid wind & gas plant = 200MW LF of 0.45 = 90MW • E.on –Robin Rigg 180MW with a LF of only 0.25 = 45MW • Solway Gateway = 320MW with a LF of 0.75 = 280MW • Bridge across the Bay = 200MW+ with a LF of 0.75 = 150MW • Duddon = 150MW with a LF of 0.75 = 110MW • Currently get 50% electricity but less than 15% of our energy within Cumbria! • We can do a lot better than this with our massive natural resources! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
RE Developments Offshore Ormonde site Eclipse energy Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Low head hydro – Screw turbines(courtesy of Ritz Atro; WRE Ltd, Castleford Engineering and GP Electronics) 5m head, 40kW and totally fish friendly. Installation of Archimedes screw turbine on River Dart Country Park. Chris Elliott www.westernrenew.co.uk Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Zero Head Turbines for deep channels, rivers and tidal streams(courtesy of Fred Sundermann) - a very novel design with good efficiencies ~ 50% & high energy densities (4 - 8kW/m2) in 2m/s stream Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Zero Head Turbines using venturi for deep channels, rivers and tidal streams(courtesy of Griffith University, Australia, UKAS & Lunar Energy) High efficiency claimed from venturi effect, via ducted cowls, even greater than the 59% Betz efficiency limit! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Potential hydro site are plentiful in Cumbria – but are not being utilised! 100MW untapped = £400K/day or £150m/pa The barriers to obtain permissions to use our free energy are very difficult as ‘energy and the environment’ are not being considered as interdependent. ‘Its not in our remit’ is a tragedy. This is due to the break up of the CEGB in the 1980’s! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Micro Hydro Revolution – Is it starting to happen?Yes but very slowly • Three Counties micro hydro conference. Mill owners from Somerset, Devon and Dorset unite to develop 10 micro hydro sites (weirs and historic mill sites) totalling 1MW. Good case studies to inspire Cumbrians! • www.somerset.gov.uk/somerset/latestnews/pressreleases/details.cfm?releaseID=1462 • www.microhydropower.net/casestudies/ • www.energyfarming.org.uk/resources.asp • www.qub.ac.uk/civeng/research/hy/researchpages/subpages/waterwheels.htm • http://gristmill.grist.org/story/2008/3/27/183942/200 (small hydro, big potential) • Heron Corn Mill, Beetham, Cumbria and several YHA’s and schools • Annan - Detailed study using zero head technology to power Heat Pump • Lancashire - Detailed study to utilise low head technology to be grid tied • Cumbria – Detailed studies for three L-M head 50-80kW hydro schemes • Cumbria – Detailed studies for three farms for 5 - 28kW hydro schemes • Water power enterprises (H2oPE.org.uk) –several community schemes • An overview of progress by the BHA:- www.re-vive.org.uk/Hydro%20Pdf/Williams%20-%20British%20Hydropower.pdf Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Micro hydro case studies/sites http://www.ironmacanniemill.com/ Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
A few examples from Entrepreneurs! Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk
Conclusions • Cumbria can meets its CEP vision with strong, consistent and bold leadership to make many people, partners and stakeholders aware of the important issues so decisions can be taken soon. (by winning more heart and minds) • Cumbria is a unique County with many challenges but also many opportunities especially from its natural resource and could turn itself around faster than any other County if it addresses ‘energy + environment’ via the ‘energy coast initiative’. • Energy is King, other things follow (less oil dependency + more renewables). • Partners and policy makers need to be made much more aware that ‘energy + environment are totally interdependent’. Cumbria PLC at all-energy 2009 • Reduce energy by conservation, efficiency, micro-generation (big + for jobs). • We need major infrastructure improvements (west coast rail line, road, air) but supporting smaller regeneration projects is the key to seeing the bid ones happen • To achieve the Vision we really need bridges with RE for all three estuaries! • Creating a low carbon economy will be the new industrial revolution. • There are lost of talented people who can inspire others by diversifying (4I) • Failure to act will leave Cumbria with a worse GVA and higher deprivation. • We have got the documents, strategies and skills so lets now implement them Clean Energy Solution Ltd www.cleanenergysolutions.co.uk