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Emission Inventory Issues

Emission Inventory Issues. Roy Huntley Emission Inventory & Analysis Group, US EPA, OAQPS June 20, 2007 Huntley.Roy@epa.gov. What the PM Rule Requires States to Do Regarding Inventories. Base Year Inventory Projection Year Inventory Reasonable Further Progress. Base Year Inventory.

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Emission Inventory Issues

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  1. Emission Inventory Issues Roy Huntley Emission Inventory & Analysis Group, US EPA, OAQPS June 20, 2007 Huntley.Roy@epa.gov

  2. What the PM Rule Requires States to Do Regarding Inventories • Base Year Inventory • Projection Year Inventory • Reasonable Further Progress

  3. Base Year Inventory • Used for Attainment Demonstration • 2002 is recommended for base year but could be other suitable year • Emission requirements • CERR Emission requirements are a minimum • (Consolidated Emission Reporting Rule) • http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/cerr/index.html

  4. Base Year Inventory • Report directly emitted PM plus all PM precursors • Includes VOC, NOx, SO2, and NH3 • Plus CO • Include PM condensables • Required by CERR • PM emissions limits in SIP don’t have to include condensables, but PM in the EI has to include condensables. • May want to more highly resolve emissions from certain nonpoint categories • Like ports, residential wood combustion

  5. Projection Year Inventory • Inventory projected to year prior to attainment • Ex. 2009 for 2010 attainment • Reason is that attainment date is April 5 • May have multiple projection years • Potentially 2009, 2012, 2014 • Same level of detail as base year inventory

  6. Overview of Preparing a File for Attainment Modeling

  7. Preparing Emission Inventory Data File for Modeling • AQ models need hourly emissions of model species • Temporally allocate emissions to hourly • Spatially allocate emissions to grid cells • Speciate PM + VOC • Do for base and future year(s)

  8. Some Things to Consider • Can use hourly EGU data from CAMD (EPA) for base year • Can spatially allocate onroad emissions to a road network

  9. Tools • PM resource center – Provides links to resources used for developing PM 2.5 emission inventories. • http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/eiip/pm25inventory/index.html • Getting Started • Introduction to PM2.5 inventories, standards, and data. • Inventory Preparation • Inventory concepts, guidance and procedures. • Tools • Emission Estimation Tools and Activity Data. • Emissions QC, Preprocessing and Projections • Quality Control (QC) and model preprocessing resources. • Emission Modeling Clearinghouse (later slide)

  10. Tools(continued) • Emission Factors • Webfire - http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/efpac/index.html • NEI documentation - http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/net/2002inventory.html#documentation • Nonpoint documentation, Appendix C: Emission Factors and County-Level Activity Data Used to Calculate 2002 Emissions by Category • SPECIATE • SPECIATE is the EPA's repository of total organic compound (TOC) and particulate matter (PM) speciation profiles of air pollution sources. • SPECIATE 4.0 replaces the prior version of the SPECIATE version 3.2 released November 2002. It includes a total of 4,080 PM and TOC profiles including 2,019 new profiles. • http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/software/speciate/index.html

  11. Tools (continued) • Mobile source models • MOBILE6.2 (http://www.epa.gov/otaq/mobile.htm) • Contact - mobile@epa.gov • NONROAD2005 (http://www.epa.gov/otaq/nonrdmdl.htm) • Contact - nonroad@epa.gov • PM augmentation • Creating PM10 data from PM data • Creating PM2.5 data from PM10 data. • Adding condensables • http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/net/2002inventory.html

  12. Tools (continued) • Emission Modeling Clearinghouse • http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/emch/invent/index.html • EI conference proceedings • http://www.epa.gov/ttn/chief/conferences.html • EIA/DOE – state level data on fuel consumption (distillate oil, kerosene, etc) by sector (industrial, commercial, etc) • http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/states/_seds.html

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