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Enhancing Learning Through Human Patient Simulation in Critical Incidents

Explore the use of Human Patient Simulation to train and improve learning outcomes in critical medical events. This session includes demonstrations, debriefings, and open discussions to share insights. Contact us to learn more!

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Enhancing Learning Through Human Patient Simulation in Critical Incidents

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Use of Human Patient Simulator to enhance learning from Critical Incidents Sue Jarvis, Susie Gage, Patricia Weir, Sarah Goodwin, Tom Jerrom, Christina Linton Tracey Philips, Beverly Cejer Bristol Royal Hospital for Children

  2. Outline Introduction to Human Patient Simulation Demonstration of use of Simulation based training to enhance learning from critical events Debrief of scenario with “candidates” Open discussion with audience

  3. Human Patient Simulation

  4. Human Patient Simulation • Training in medical emergency management • Simulation of low incidence, high impact situations • Induction training • Systems probing • Team training • Human factors , crisis resource management • Sharing learning from critical events

  5. Infusion Chart

  6. Thank you…If you would like to find out more about using Simulation then contact Sue.Jarvis@UHBristol.nhs.uk Thomas.Jerrom@UHBristol.nhs.uk Patricia.Weir@UHBristol.nhs.uk

  7. PICU Heparin Sticker

  8. Drug Chart: Ibuprofen

  9. Drug Chart: Benzyl Penicillin

  10. Drug Chart: Paracetamol

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