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Raising the Bar

Raising the Bar. OYAP 1 Dual Credit Student Success Strategies. SCWI Symposium May 14, 2019. Panelists. Kerri Hagerman, Peel DSB OYAP Resource Teacher Jacqueline Smith, Sheridan Project Manager School College Work Initiative Dan Hammond, Sheridan Electrical Coordinator M.E. OCT.

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Raising the Bar

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Raising the Bar OYAP 1 Dual Credit Student Success Strategies SCWI Symposium May 14, 2019

  2. Panelists Kerri Hagerman, Peel DSB OYAP Resource Teacher Jacqueline Smith, Sheridan Project Manager School College Work Initiative Dan Hammond, Sheridan Electrical Coordinator M.E. OCT

  3. RPT 2: Connecting GTA Apprenticeship Sub-Committee Pathways to Postsecondary

  4. Regional Planning Team 2 6 Colleges Centennial George Brown Georgian Humber Seneca Sheridan

  5. Regional Planning Team 2 8 School Boards Toronto DSB Toronto Catholic DSB York Region DSB York Catholic DSB Peel / Dufferin-Peel Catholic Halton/Halton Catholic DSB

  6. OYAP 1 Electrical DATA Achievement Gap

  7. Level 1 Dual Credit Participation 2016-17 350 students particpated in OYAP 1 Dual Credit in 2016-17 234 Level 1 earned in 2016-17 or 67%

  8. Partnership Team Work 3 Colleges 6 School Boards MTCU

  9. The TEAM CGTAT Apprenticeship Sub-Committee Michael Auchincloss, Associate Dean, Humber Derek Booth, MTCU - Mississauga Sam Steele, Humber, Plumbing Coordinator Paul Rynhold, Humber Electrical Dan Hammond, Sheridan Electrical Rosa Duran, George Brown College, SCWI Chris Pulfer, Peel DSB Support Officer

  10. 2017-18 OYAP 1 Dual Credit Success Success rate from 63% to 91%

  11. Partnership Team Work 3 Colleges 6 School Boards MTCU

  12. student Reflections

  13. Sheridan

  14. Collaboration Sheridan Experience College And School Board

  15. Raising the Bar Thank You!

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