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Three stages of Pregnancy. Prenatal development. Prenatal development is the baby’s development during pregnancy 3 stages of prenatal development Germinal Embryonic Fetal Different developmental milestones at each stage. The Germinal Stage. Germinal is first stage
Prenatal development • Prenatal development is the baby’s development during pregnancy • 3 stages of prenatal development • Germinal • Embryonic • Fetal • Different developmental milestones at each stage
The Germinal Stage • Germinal is first stage • Formation of the zygote, or fertilized egg • Lasts about 2 weeks • Includes cell division and Implantation • Cell Division • Zygote grows in the fallopian tube by cell division • Single cell splits into two cells, then two cells multiply to four, and so on. • After about 4 days the zygote reached the opening to the uterus.
The Germinal Stage • Implantation • The lining of the uterus has thickened enough to provide a place for the zygote to attach itself and grow. • Zygote implants in the lining and is covered by it. • There is rapid growth, but the zygote is only the size of the head of a pin.
Embryonic Stage • Second stage of pregnancy • Developing baby is called the embryo from third week through eighth week of pregnancy • Embryo grows rapidly • Important changes occur
Embryonic Stage • Organs and Body Systems • Cells separate and develop into major systems • Heart • Lungs • Bones • Muscles • 27 days after conception, the neural tube closes • This becomes the brain and spinal cord. • By the sixth week after conception, the brain and spine have connected and allow first movements.
Embryonic Stage • Amniotic Sac • A sac filled with fluid, called amniotic fluid, forms around the embryo. • Helps protect the baby from any bumps or falls the mother may have • At this point embryo is about 1 inch long.
Embryonic Stage • Placenta and Umbilical cord • Tissue called the placenta develops • Rich in blood vessels and attached to the wall of the uterus • Mother’s bloodstream carries food and oxygen to the placenta • Placenta absorbs oxygen and nourishment and transmits it to the baby through the umbilical cord, which is connected to the baby. • Umbilical cord takes carbon dioxide and other waste away from the baby. • Placenta and cord provide everything a baby needs until birth.
Fetal Stage • Last and longest stage of development • Begins around eighth or ninth week and lasts until birth • Developing baby is called a fetus • Buds for “baby” teeth appear. • Vocal cord develops • Digestive system and kidneys begin to function • By end of third month, spontaneous movements are possible
Fetal Stage • Making Movements • During fourth or fifth month, baby kicks and movements can be felt by mother. • Movements become stronger as time passes • Doctor’s usually asks when movements are felt to estimate age and project accurate due date.
Fetal Stage • Completing Development • During last months, development continues to prepare fetus to live outside the mother • Fetus gains weight rapidly • Organs become ready to function without help from mother’s body • Fat deposits are formed • Fetus stores nutrients and builds immunity to diseases and infections
Fetal Stage • Staying Active • Fetus can do several things • Suck thumb • Cough • Sneeze • Yawn • Kick • Hiccup • Cry
Fetal Stage • Growing Bigger • As fetus grows, so does amniotic fluid • Uterus expands and abdomen grows • In last months, there is no longer room so fetus curls up into fetal position • Ready for Birth • Common length of pregnancy is about 40 weeks, or 280 days, from the first day of the last menstrual cycle. • By ninth month, fetus is fully developed • Some babies are born a few weeks early or late • Those born early survive due to advances in technology
Assignment • Create a mobile about the three stages of fetal development • Include one picture for each stage • List at least three things that happen in each stage • List what weeks of pregnancy this occurs • BE CREATIVE