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Assessment Data. ax. axillary. B/P. Blood pressure. BM. Bowel movement. BSA . Body surface area. bx. biopsy. C. Celsius (temp scale). c/o. Complaints of. cc . Chief complaint. DOA. Dead on arrival. dx . Diagnosis . F . Fahrenheit (temp scale). h/o. History of. H&P.
ax axillary
B/P Blood pressure
BM Bowel movement
BSA Body surface area
bx biopsy
C Celsius (temp scale)
c/o Complaints of
cc Chief complaint
DOA Dead on arrival
dx Diagnosis
F Fahrenheit (temp scale)
h/o History of
H&P History and physical
HR Heart rate
LMP Last menstrual period
LOC Level of consciousness
NG nasogastric
OTC Over the counter (medicine without a prescription)
P pulse
PE Physical exam
PMH Past medical history
R respiration
R/O Rule out
ROM Range of motion
ROS Review of systems
RX (Rx) Prescription/treatment
SOA Short of air
sx Signs/symptoms
T temperature
TCDB Turn, cough, deep, breathe
TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
VS Vital signs
WNL Within normal limits
AIDS Acquired immune deficiency syndrome
ASHD Arteriosclerotic heart disease
BPH Benign prostatic hyperplasia
CA cancer
CHF Congestive heart failure
CAD Coronary artery disease
COPD Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CVA Cerebrovascular accident
DM Diabetes mellitus
FUO Fever of unknown origin
fx fracture
GI gastrointestinal
GU genitourinary
HTN hypertension
MI Myocardial infarction