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What does it mean?. Data and Assessment. Eight Quick Data Tips. Running Records Testing Data Data of the environment Data of accountability Initial, Formative and Summative Data Student Work Data Staff Data and Data of the School. Looking At Data. How?
What does it mean? Data and Assessment
Eight Quick Data Tips • Running Records • Testing Data • Data of the environment • Data of accountability • Initial, Formative and Summative Data • Student Work Data • Staff Data and Data of the School
Looking At Data How? Do I differentiate my instruction based on the data of my students? Do I find the right material for my students? Do I carry over what they have learned already? Do I access what they will learn in this unit What? Do I know about my students? What do They know and what do they need to do next? What have they mastered? What are their next steps? What are the standards we need to reach? Why? Rationale Would I teach this but leave this out for my students? Would I do a guided practice lesson As opposed to a demo lesson? Why is this a good essential question?
When looking at the data in the acuity you can: • Look at your different populations who scored a one who scored a two who scored a three who scored a four. • When looking one to four you then want to ask questions: • What kept your students from becoming a two? • What kept them from becoming a three? • Was it the genres? • What in the standards was missing? • How do you need to build capacity moving forward? • Was it the writing or the reading that interfered with meaning?
NY Ready • When looking at NY ready one noticing is that the students fell into different subcategories of the NY ready. This makes you think about the sub populations. Is there a sub category that is doing better than others and why? • Is there a subcategory that needs assistance? • Is it the language or the modifications?
Looking at the Data of the ELA • The ELA has changed so looking at data is a little different this year, here are some of the new things and some of the old things we should look at when looking at the ELA • When looking at the test one thing to realize is the scale score will count but not as much as it did last year because of the change in the exam. • Also the scale scores have changed look at attachment • When looking at the scale score the movement in grades counts approximately two to three percent. Example is how much did the schools fourth grade move from last year to this year in fifth grade? Look at regular education than special education, than ells • The scale score from grade to grade counts approximately ten percent of the overall percentage for the report card. You should just subtract the scale score from example eighth grade and seventh grade to see percentage of growth or lack of. You should also be aware that if more students came into the grade from like seventh to the eighth those should also be taken out of the percentage since you cannot measure there growth. • The ones to fours count in three different ways. First of all you look across them to see growth in the same grade from year to year thins only counts five percent. The second way you can do this is to look from one grade like the third grade to the fourth grade to see growth this is important and counts as about twenty to twenty five percent of a schools grade. • When you look from grade to grade ones count as one point twos count as one point each student that scored a twos and threes and fours are added together and doubled to determine your total score. • Special Education population did more take the exam as well as ELL were they beginners etc? • You should also look at the amount of questions the student has scored to see where he falls in the standards above at approaching or below.
Running Records How do I take a running record? How do you read a running record? How do you follow the data across the year?
Opinion Checklist Grade 3 Yes! Starting To Not Yet Structure Overall I told readers my opinion and ideas on a text or a topic and helped them understand my reasons. Lead In the beginning, I not only set readers up to expect that this will be a piece of opinion writing, I also tried to hook them into caring about my opinion. Transitions I connected my ideas/ reasons with my examples using words like for example and because. I connected one reason (or example) using words like also and another. Ending I worked on an ending. It might be a thought or comment related to my opinion. Organization I wrote several reasons or examples why people should agree with my opinion, and wrote at least several sentences about each reason. I organized my information so that each part of my writing is mostly about one thing. Development Elaboration I didn’t just name my reasons to support my opinion, I wrote more about each one. Description I didn’t just tell readers to believe me, I wrote in ways that got them thinking or feeling in certain ways. Language Conventions Spelling I used what I know about spelling patterns to help me spell and edit before I wrote my final draft. I got help from others to check my spelling and punctuation before I wrote my final draft. Punctuation I punctuated dialogue correctly, with commas and quotation marks. While writing, I put punctuation at the end of every sentence. I wrote in ways that helped readers read with expression, reading some parts quickly some parts slowly, some parts in one sort of voice and others in another.
Post its • Looking at post its influence short response • Reason evidence evidence
Stamina and Fluency • Reading Logs • How long do they read for • What is the number of pages • How are they accountable to what they read
Environment Set Up Charts Dok Level Charts reflect student needs Charts based not only on the unit but on what the reader writer need and shows scaffolding and transference Charts are transperent • How is class set up? • Where is the meeting area? • Where is the library? • Does the library have the right levels ,different genres, reflect your data • Student examplars • Flow
Data of the teachers and students • Teacher Data – Conference notes, assessments, logs, student work, talk, reflection • Student Data – Writing for reading, and writing, talk, etc
Data across units • Initial • Formative • Summative
Initial • Class Reading Research • AVOIDANCE • __ Takes too long to find book in schoolbag. • __ Takes too long to begin reading. • __ Tries to get a new book. • __ Asks to leave the room • __ Asks a question • __ Spends too much time on RJ / Post-it. • __ Appears unfocused • DISTRACTION • __ Looking around the room. • __ Frequent pauses / stops • __ Reacts to slight changes in environment. • __ Appears restless. • INDIFFERENCE / DISRUPTIVE • __ Clearly defiant. • __ Distract others • __Tries to communicate with others who are reading. ( verbal / nonverbal) • __ “Playing” with pen, toy… • __ Other • HANDLING OF TEXT • __ Pace of page turning • ( too fast, too slow) • __ Excessive amount of time on one page. • __ No book mark. • __Opens to random page when asked to begin reading. • __ Holding book in a peculiar manner (Upside down…) • __ Holding text too close or too far. • __ Pointing to the words as he/she reads. • __ Moving lips while reading as if reading aloud. • __ Other • NOT READING • __ Clearly not reading. • __ Closes book too quickly when asked to find a natural place to stop reading. • __ Other • Other • _ Not wearing his/her glasses • __ Falling asleep • __ Data on daily reading log is inconsistent with • what student is reading. • __ Other • Frequency of behavior one period
Initial • On Demand • Performance Assessment • Writing For Reading • Read Aloud
Formative • Conferences • Post its or reading trail • Talk • Rubrics • Criteria • Inquiry Study • Notebooks and Drafts
Conferences • Has to show research • Has to show student and teacher accountability • Has to show purpose
Post Its • Are they literal • Do they carry across one text two text • Do they show a deeper level of interpretation • Do they show knowledge of authors craft • Do they show evidence of the central idea in Non fiction
Rubrics • Creating a rubric • What Should It Look Like • How do you use it
Rubric • Retell • Notebook
Continuums • Interpretation • Behavior
Student Work Data • Any and all student work • Lessons • Small group work • Data From Years Prior
Staff Data • Who is there • What position they have • What can they lead
DOK • Recall and Reproduction • Working with Skills and Concepts • Short Term Strategic Thinking • Extended Strategic Thinking