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Student Interest Group Leadership Orientation. June 6 th , 2013 Jason W. White, MBA Medical Student Council, VP of Membership jawwhite@iupui.edu . Use it as a reference and a hub for your work throughout the year
Student Interest Group Leadership Orientation June 6th, 2013 Jason W. White, MBA Medical Student Council, VP of Membership jawwhite@iupui.edu
Use it as a reference and a hub for your work throughout the year • Includes hyperlinks to important websites within the document as well as hyperlinks to navigate the document easily. • Available online at: http://www.iupui.edu/~mscstaff/?q=node/289 SIG Leaders Handbook
Overview of MSA and MSC • Structure • Important contacts • Topics for OMSL Leaders • Description of OMSL and MSSG • Leadership • Project criteria • Funding • Level III Competency • Topics for SIG Leaders • Yearly events • Expectations, Accountability, and Reporting • SIG Leaders • Advisors • Funding (IUPUI & MSC) • Benefits of being registered with IUPUI • Med Specialty Oncourse Page • Bulletin Boards • Level III Competency Agenda for today
Event Planning (“Tools of the Trade”) • Reserving a room • Reserving AV equipment • Ordering Food • Advertising • Student Orgs Calendar • Email and IU List systems • Final thoughts • MSC Website • Coming down the pipeline Agenda for today
= Non-voting Members = Voting Members MSC Basic Organizational Chart
President: Jenna Fritsch, jnfritsc@iupui.edu • Executive VP: Chadwick Flowers, ctflower@iupui.edu • VP of Membership: Jason White, jawwhite@iupui.edu • Treasurer: Darren Plummer, drplumme@iupui.edu • Secretary: Rahul Abhyankar, rabhyank@iupui.edu • Center Representative: Andy Krack, akrack@indiana.edu • MS4 President: Chris Mosher, clmosher@iupui.edu • MS3 President: Dan Fer, dfer@indiana.edu • MS2 President: Parth Patel, pmpatel@iupui.edu MSC Contacts
Medical Student Affairs Dean’s Office • Rakesh Mehta, MD, Associate Dean, Medical Student Affairs • Sheryl Allen, MD, MS, Associate Dean, Medical Student Affairs • Effective Aug. 1, 2013 • Anne Flaherty, PhD, Assistant Dean, Medical Student Affairs • Kim Anderson, Administrative Assistant (kimander@iu.edu) • Office: MS 164 • MSA Student Engagement and Leadership Office • Steve Kirchhoff, Director, Student Engagement and Leadership – Office MS 166 • Carlene Webb-Burton, Assistant Director, (cwebbbur@iu.edu) • Lisa Christy, Administrative Assistant (christyl@iu.edu) • Office: MS 162 MSA Contacts
Student Technology (Including email accounts and listservs) • Myrna Gray, Director (mgray@iu.edu) • Office: MS 122G • Building Coordinator/Room Reservations • Leo Thompson (medrooms@iupui.edu) • Office: MS 108 • MSA Technology (Polycom and video recording) • Sean Moser (smoser@iupui.edu) • Office: IB 102 MSA Contacts
The IUSM Office of Medical Service Learning (OMSL) facilitates and serves as a resource for service learning for medical students on all nine IUSM campuses. OMSL also directly supports 17 service-learning projects in Indianapolis. • Medical Student Service-Learning Group (MSSG) is the IUPUI registered and student-led organization which works with the OMSL (student leaders are the same for both). • Main difference between OMSL Projects and SIGs: • SIGs’ service or development project is just one of their overall requirements. • OMSL Projects’ main focus is service-learning. OMSL and MSSG
Director: Steve Kirchhoff, skirchho@iu.edu • Officers: • Co-chairs (2) • Kate Mayhew; mahewk@iupui.edu • Ethan Morrical; ebmorric@iupui.edu • Jr. Co-Chairs (2) • MSSG Treasurer • Public Relations Coordinator(s) • Volunteer Service Coordinator(s) • Ad-hoc Committee Chairs • Project Leaders • Qualifications to be an officer: • Be an MS3 or MS4 student, though experienced MS2s will also receive consideration. • Have served as an OMSL project co-chair. • Be strongly committed to continuing to serve MSSG in a leadership role. • Be motivated to assist OMSL project co-chairs as a mentor. OMSL Leaders
The project was initiated by a medical student. • The project fits well with the educational objectives for Competency VI (Social and Community Contexts of Health Care) or Competency IX (Professionalism and Role Recognition). • The project has excellent potential for community collaboration or organizational partnership. • There is an availability of committed student leadership as co-chairs. • The leadership time requirements for planning and pre-event activities are not greater than 40 hours per academic year. • Participant time requirement (except Spring Break) is not greater than 20 hours per academic calendar year. • The schedule for service/committee activities is not in conflict with scheduled academic responsibilities. • There is a high likelihood of identifying adequate funding sources. • There is excellent potential for project sustainability. Criteria for projects
Funding supplied in the first semester of the school year, up to $750 to be used by the project leaders for the year. • Additional funding can be requested by applying to the OMSL Treasury Committee. • Project leaders are also free to pursue other sources of funding to meet the needs of the project. • Donations • IUPUI Student Organization Grants (SOG grants) • External grants • Project leaders are expected to budget for the year, based on past years and expected changes in expenses. • Steve Kirchhoff will use periodic income/expense statements to help leaders stay on budget. OMSL Funding
The primary method of purchasing food and items is purchase orders and invoices. • Contact Carlene or Lisa for questions and additional information • If necessary, students can use the reimbursement process to cover any out-of-pocket expenses. • Contact Carlene or Lisa for questions and additional information. • The details of requesting an IUPUI SOG grant, using invoices and vendors, etc will be covered later in this presentation. OMSL Funding
Level 3 in Competency VI - Social and Community Contexts of Health Care • By serving as a project co-chair and/or successfully completing the CLMP program, students meet one of two requirements. • The second requirement is to complete a reflection paper on your project leadership experience. • For more information, see the Competency Curriculum link under the Community Group on the Oncourse website. Level III Competency Credit
First year orientation/Activities Fair – Early August • Leadership Day – Fall semester • Leadership development opportunity and networking with other student leaders. • SIG Elections – Before the end of April. • Communicate results to MSC Sec. before June 1 • SIG Orientation – Early Summer Yearly Events
Yearly items to be Reported: • Election results • E-mail Targeting Compliance (Obtained from MSC Executive VP) • Current Constitution on file • Faculty Advisors name and e-mail address • Documented Service/Development Opportunity • List of SIG Events/Meetings with dates. • Though there is not a requirement for attendance, if only the officers are involved, the SIG will not be fulfilling its requirements. • End of Year Report form covers most of these • This report must be sent to the VP of Membership and to the MSC Secretary • Due before the end of May each spring. Expectations, Accountability, and Reporting
Convened, ad-hoc by the VP of Membership if a SIG does not meet the yearly requirements. • Members include: VP of Membership, and up to 4 other SIG leaders or MSC leaders. • The SIG’s leader(s) meet with the Committee in the summer to discuss options for the SIG’s future. • Possible Outcomes: • Probation period: All yearly requirements must be completed in the following fall semester (before the end of December). (Elections will still be in the spring) • Restructuring of the SIG (Merger with another student group, change the focus, movement to OMSL, etc) • Disbandment of the SIG Accountability Committee
Detailed guidelines covered in Article IV, Section 4.06 of the MSC Bylaws • The “Short Version” • Provide understanding of university guidelines • Attend annual SIG Advisors meeting (Coming soon!) • Facilitate leadership change-over • Assist in speaker recruitment • Introduce relevant topics within the specialty or area of interest • Aide in introducing possible opportunities for development • There will be an evaluation system for faculty advisors (Currently in development) Faculty Guidelines
All SIGs are now required to be registered with IUPUI as a Student Organization. • The requirements are the same as MSC, except you must also attend at least one Nuts and Bolts Session each year. • Renewed annually (in May) • All SIGs are also now required to primarily use IUPUI funding for their events. Exceptions include: • Subjects where having non-medical students present would be inappropriate. • Elections and Officer Meetings IUPUI Funding
IUPUI students must be informed and permitted to attend. • You must complete an evaluation after the completion of your event/experience. • Proposals must be submitted at least 30 days in advance of the event. • The event must be in-line with the school’s non-discrimination policy. IUPUI Funding-Additional Requirements
You can receive funding in one of two ways: • Bring in invoices/quotesand the Office of Student Involvement will process a check directly to the vendor for the related costs • Pay for the items personally and bring in original receipts to be reimbursed IUPUI Funding
Go to and log into myInvolvement • Click on the “Organization” tab at the top • Click on your organization • Scroll down to “Events” • Click on “Event Funding Request” • Click on drop down arrow and select the Student Organization Grant • Click “Make New Request” • Complete the form and submit IUPUI Funding-Process
Market to prospective members and manage student organization functions with Student Link profile • Apply for SDFC funding • SDFC = Student Development Funding Cmte. • Reserve space in the Campus Center for free • Utilize the Multimedia Production Center (posters and fliers) • Submit flyers to be posted throughout campus • Info on using these services and on the renewal process are in the Handbook. IUPUI Student Orgs Benefits
Contact the MSC Treasurer to get approval for the purchase. • Find an IUSM/IUPUI approved vendor (who will invoice the school) • If a vendor you want is not on the list, you can work with MSA to try and get them added. • Get an invoice from the vendor for the food/item(s) • You receive your food/items and MSC/MSA directly pay the vendor. • Notes: • Initiate this process at least 2-3 weeks in advance to allow time for completion before your event. • There is also a process for reimbursement, but you are expected to never need to use it! • Emergencies only; $500 limit • More detailed instructions can be found in the Handbook. MSC/MSA Funding
Page for each Medical Specialty SIG • SIG leaders can log into Oncourse using your SIGs email address and password • Add important contact info, useful documents, advice from upperclassmen, and any additional information which would be useful to med students interested in that specialty. Medical Specialty SIG Oncourse Page
2. Chose the “SIG Residency Source” tab 1. Log into Oncourse using your SIG’s email name and password 3. Click on the “Resources” tab
5. Chose your SIG specialty’s folder (Anesthesia is used as an example here)
6. Click on the “Add” tab 7. Chose from the options listed to add your resource. Most of the time you will probably use the “Upload Files” option.
Bulletin boards are available to all SIGs. • To reserve bulletin board space: • Please email the MSC Sec, Rahul Abhyankar(rabhyank@iupui.edu). • Please don’t sign up unless you actually plan to use it • All displays are removed by the MSC on August 20th. • Claim your materials or they will be discarded. Daly Bulletin Boards
Competency IX: Professionalism and Role Recognition • Who: MSC Executive Council, Class Officers, Dean- and MSC-appointed positions, and recognized SIG Leaders • In Brief: • Essay detailing your contributions and growth • Simply planning several lunch talks is not sufficient. • Obtain a 1 page recommendation from peer or advisor. • Can apply in 4th year for any position that was held over the previous three years. • Must address how it has affected student’s leadership growth. • Further details found in the SIG Leaders Handbook Level III Competency
Tools of the Trade Planning a Meeting/Event
Go to the “Room Reservations” page in the Handbook • Follow the link to the website for the Office of Presentation Technology Services to pick a room. • http://pts.medicine.iu.edu/portal/servicearea.aspx • Once you have a room in mind, email Leo Thompson at medrooms@iupui.edu to reserve the room. • Include the date, time, room number, and the name of your SIG Step 1: Reserving a room
2. Choose a room 1. Choose a building by clicking in the diagram or along the left column.
3. View the details about the room. 4. Reserve the room with Leo.
Follow the link in the Handbook to the online form on the website for the Office of Presentation Technology Services. • http://pts.medicine.iu.edu/portal/avreq.aspx • Use this form to request the AV equipment you need, including the data projector for PowerPoint. • This step must be done at least 2 days in advance Step 2: Reserving AV Equipment
1. Fill in your name, SIG name, etc 2. Specify the date, time, and location of your event. 3. Request access to Data Projector, Polycom, Microphone, etc. as needed by your group.
All SIGs are strongly encouraged to make use of Polycom and Video Recording services • Enables Center students to participate in and benefit from SIG events. • Contact: Sean Moser (smoser@iupui.edu) to request use of these services. Step 2½: Polycom and Video Recording
Both IUPUI and MSC funding can be used for food orders. • Vendor(s) • Chartwells must be used for events on-campus. • Exceptions: • food less expense than $100 on weekdays, less than $250 on weekends • meetings held in IU Health or other non-IU buildings on campus • meetings held off-campus • Other vendors are available, but they must invoice to the school. • A list is found on the MSC website; or you can contact the MSC Treasurer, Kim, or Carlene for a list of pre-approved vendors, or to get one added. • More detailed info can be found in the Handbook. Step 3: Ordering Food
For all eventsyou are required to post the event to the Student Orgs Calendar. • This will reduce the number of overlapping events (same time and date). • Log-in details: • Go online to Google Calendar • Log-in with: • E-mail: md2borgs@iupui.edu • Password: post.to.orgs.cal • Create Event • Make sure to use “OrgsCalGoogle” when choosing a calendar to post to. • *Advice: Sync it to your phone (instructions provided in the handbook). Step 4: Advertisement-Student Orgs Calendar
All SIGs have an email account. • If you do not have one, or do not have access to your SIG’s account (lost the password), contact Myrna Gray. • All SIGs also have a listserv on the IU List system. • Link to the IU List website is in the Handbook. • https://list.iupui.edu/sympa • Details on logging into the IU List system and using the email accounts for new SIGs can be found in the Handbook. • *Advice: Have the officer who handles emails sync this account to their phone (and/or check it often). Step 4: Advertisement-Email and IU List systems