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Join us for Frosh Parent Night hosted by Drake High Counseling Department! Learn how to support your child in achieving their personal, academic, and career goals. Discover resources, understand the impact of choices, and develop effective communication skills.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WELCOME TO FROSH PARENT NIGHT Drake High Counseling Department We work together toward a common goal of success for all students.

  2. COUNSELORS WORK WITH STUDENTS ON THESE GOALS Recognize & access resources to explore personal, academic & career goals Understand how current choices impact your future Understand the importance of balance Know how to communicate effectively (ALL STUDENTS should have their OWN email account) Identify personal strengths, values, challenges & boundaries

  3. PEOPLE YOU SHOULD KNOW • Principal • Liz Seabury • Assistant Principals • Nate Severin • Chad Stuart • College/Career Specialist • Lisa Neumaier • School to Career Liaison • Greg Davison • Counselors • Molly Baker • Kyle Kassebaum • Sheila Souder • Molly Yasuda • Counseling Secretary • Sandy Howard • Wellness Personnel • Katrina Southard • Margaux Buehl

  4. SUPPORT FOR THE WHOLE CHILDCounselors Provide: Support through four years of student growth and development Referral services when students require in-depth therapeutic support Academic, social and emotional support Enrollment in all graduation requirements Support to students as they make post-secondary plans

  5. FROSH YEAR SERVICES Classroom presentations on counselor role, definition of success, getting involved, goal setting & four year pattern of courses Individual meetings at student request We encourage students to come see us– Self-advocacy is a skill that will serve students during and well beyond high school

  6. WHAT MAKES FOR A SUCCESSFUL FROSH YEAR? • Direct Communication with teachers and counselor • Use of Resources: • Tutorial and After School H/W Club • Library, Wellness Center, Peer Resource • Knowing syllabus, teacher expectations, how to look up grades and assignments • Excellent attendance • Connection to School beyond Academics • Drama, music, athletics & clubs (performing or attending)

  7. TRANSITION TO HIGH SCHOOL • Expectations are Higher: • Course material is more challenging & students have to work harder to earn A’s • If students do not complete homework and have low test scores, they will earn low grades • If your student says s/he does not have h/w for a few days … something is awry • Students are encouraged to take more initiative & more responsibility

  8. PARENT/STUDENT CONVERSATIONS Supporting your students to develop autonomy and adult communication skills Sit with your child & discuss priorities Over-scheduling & over-doing are common concerns. Helping them say “no” Reviewing their course options/opportunities Staying abreast of the Calendar & Community Compass Focus on College Prep too early can backfire due to anxiety about performance Key is to explore and be willing to take academic risks as opposed to focusing solely on grades Not all decisions about course choice or extra-curriculars need to be based on what looks good for colleges. Focus should be on student engagement and curiosity

  9. WHAT IF MY STUDENT IS DOING POORLY IN CLASS? • Communicate w/ your student to discover the root of the problem (i.e., study habits, motivation). Create a study/homework plan at home • Encourage your student to use the Academic Support • Tutorial Weekly • Homework Club/Peer Tutoring after school T/Th • Encourage student to meet with teacher or counselor • If necessary, parents should contact the teacher directly • If problems persist and/or personal social problems exist, contact the counselor and utilize personal & social resources (i.e., Wellness)

  10. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR STUDENT’S COUNSELOR • STUDENTS: • Drop in to our office • Leave a note in counselor’s box for appointment or pass • Counselors leave a portion of their day open for student drop-ins & emergencies • PARENTS: • First, encourage young adults to communicate directly • Make an appointment (call/e-mail). We would like to be prepared and have ample time to address your concerns, so please arrange this in advance. • Meetings typically include students • Attend ALL school events for your student’s grade level

  11. SELF-ADVOCACY • Every year, we receive this parent call: • “I know you are trying to encourage self-advocacy, BUT Gary is unique and not like other kids. He won’t come see you. He’s never asked an adult a question.” • Instead, we want you to do this: “Gary, you need to walk into the counseling office and put in a green pass to see your counselor. They’ll help you figure this issue out.”

  12. ADDITIONAL SUPPORT SERVICES Peer Resource & Crew Peer Tutor/Homework Club(T/Th, Rm 126, 3:45-5:15 pm) Tutors - Peer and Adult (lists on counseling website) Advisory/Tutorial Wellness Center – Health, mental health, substance use/abuse and sexual health support and education

  13. Wellness At Drake High School Drake Wellness Team: Katrina Southard, LCSW/PPSC, Wellness Coordinator Margaux Buehl, Wellness Outreach Specialist Jessica Colvin, MSW/MPH/PPSC, Wellness Director for TUHSD Wellness Community Partners

  14. What Does Wellness Provide?Direct Student Services & Support • The Drake Wellness Center is a student friendly hub for accessing the following direct services: • Counseling (individual and group) • Drug & alcohol counseling (individual & group) and education • Crisis support and intervention • Sexual and reproductive health services • LGBTQ+ support and advocacy • Case management and referral • Youth development programming

  15. What Does Drake Wellness Provide?Classroom Workshops & School Wide Education • Classroom workshops and presentations on health and wellness topics • School-wide health awareness events and campaigns • Health education information & interactive Wellness Website • Youth Leadership Opportunities • Staff consultation and professional development • Parent/caregiver consultation and education • Community partnerships and resourcing

  16. DRAKE HIGH’SCOUNSELING WEBSITE • Drake High Website, Counseling page, for information on: • Upcoming counseling events and programs • After School Homework Club • Taking a class outside of Drake • Information about scheduling classes • List of tutors in the area • Graduation and college requirements • Links to College and Career Center, Naviance and Wellness sites

  17. NAVIANCE • Your student is entering a new developmental era. Naviance will help them explore themselves & their interests. • Email from Lisa Neumaier with some tasks to help them clarify strengths, interests and ideas for their future: • Interest Inventory • Career searches • College Admission Information • Personality Profile

  18. CONTACT INFORMATIONCOUNSELORS DON’T KNOW EVERYTHING! Student grades/progress: Teacher Student attendance: Mark Machado Athletic eligibility: Alex Chapman Transcripts: Sandy Howard E-Mail update: Brittany Mullery (bmullery@tamdistrict.org) Administrative Support: Nate Severin (ROCK & TLC North & South) & Chad Stuart (daVinci & TLC West & Outside) Staff Phone list: Parent News & Drake website

  19. GRADING PLATFORMS, ATTENDANCE, AND CLASSWORK • Go to home.tamdistrict.org and register for an account • Check your email for account information • General Information Available: • Assignment information • Report card grades • Student attendance • Student schedules • Please check individual teacher policies for those teachers not using Home Access for assignment or grade information when you see them at Back to School Night


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