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The Golden Age: 17th Century England and the Dutch Republic

Explore the history and politics of the Dutch Republic, its economic power, and England's turmoil with the Stuarts. Learn about the rise of Amsterdam and the Dutch commercial empire, as well as the English Civil War and its impact on the monarchy.

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The Golden Age: 17th Century England and the Dutch Republic

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  1. The 17th Century England and the Dutch Republic

  2. "Golden Age" of the Dutch Republic • History of the Dutch prior to Westphalia • Rebellion against Philip II • The Eighty Years’ War (1568-1648) • Peace of Westphalia recognizes the independence of the United Provinces • Internal dissension after independence – two centers of political power

  3. Politics in the Dutch Republic • House of Orange • Each province had a stadholder who was responsible for leading the army and maintaining order • Starting with William of Orange, his house occupied the stadholderate in most of the 7 provinces, which were • Favored the development of a centralized government with them as heredity monarchs • William II and his son • The States General • Assembly of representatives from every province • Opposed the centralizing actions of the House of Orange • Dominated Dutch politics throughout most of the late 17th century • However, the States General was ill-equipped to handle the threat from France and Louis XIV

  4. William of Orange • In 1672, with threats from both France and England the States General turns again to the House of Orange, in the person of William to lead them • Is able to stem the tide against France • In 1688 gains the English crown and its resources in his battle against France • Upon his death in 1702, the republican forces regain control over Dutch affairs

  5. Economic Power of the Dutch • Economic Prosperity • The United Provinces, with its access to the Atlantic, become the major trading power of the 17th century • However, the wars with France and competition from England erode its economic strength and by 1715 the Dutch experience an economic decline that would last into the 18th century • Amsterdam as a Commercial Capital • Center of the Dutch commercial empire • Replaced Antwerp as financial and commercial capital of Europe • Was also a manufacturing center producing woolen cloth, refined sugar and tobacco products, glass, beer, paper, books, jewelry, and leather goods • Also important as a financial center • Exchange Bank of Amsterdam, 1609 • Amsterdam Stock Exchange

  6. England and the Stuarts • With the death of Elizabeth in 1603, the Tudor line came to an end and was replaced by the Stuarts • James VI of Scotland becomes James I of England

  7. James VI becomes James I • Knew little about the laws and traditions of England • Believed in Divine Right of Monarchy • This put him into conflict with Parliament which had grown accustomed to a “balanced polity” of rule • Parliament expressed its displeasure with James by refusing to grant him the monies he requested • James’s religious policy also alienated many in Parliament • Puritans wanted James to eliminate the Episcopal system, and replace it was a more Presbyterian model • James refused because the bishops were an important prop for monarchical power • With this setback, the Puritans become a strong opponent of the Stuart monarchy

  8. Charles I • Charles I (1625-49) believed even more strongly in divine right • This would involve himself in a protracted conflict with Parliament resulting in Civil War and his death in 1649

  9. Charles IPetition of Right (1628) • Charles had to accept before any new taxes could be raised • Prohibited taxation without Parliament’s consent, arbitrary imprisonment, quartering of soldiers in private homes, and the declaration of martial law in peacetime • Charles initially agrees, but reneges on the Petition because it limits the power of the monarch

  10. Personal Rule, 1629-1640 • Result of the Petition controversy is that Charles decides he cannot work with Parliament and decides not to summon it • Now Charles had to find ways to raise money without Parliament • The Ship Money • Applied to all of England and not just the coast • Tax angers the Gentry

  11. Personal Rule, 1629-1640Religious Policies • Marries the sister of Louis XIII, Henrietta Maria • Charles, along with Archbishop Laud, tries to introduce more ritual into the Church of England • Tries to impose reforms on Scotland and they rise in revolt against Charles

  12. The Long Parliament (1640-1660) • To raise the funds needed to fight the Scots, Charles recalled Parliament, but 11 years had taken their toll • In first session (Nov. 1640 – Sept. 1641), Parliament takes several steps to limit the power of the king • Abolition of arbitrary courts and the collection of the Ship Monies • The Triennial Act • Radical Parliamentarians wanted to push harder, especially to eliminate bishops • Charles moves on Parliament • Backfires as a group of Puritans led by John Pym decide the king had gone too far and England slips into Civil War

  13. The English Civil War:First Phase, 1642-1646 • Royalists vs. Parliamentarians (Roundheads) • Important Battles • Marston Moor, 2 July 1644 • Naseby, 14 June 1645 • Parliament is successful • Main reason for success was the New Model Army led by Oliver Cromwell • New Model Army was mainly composed of the extreme Puritans that Cromwell forged into a well disciplined and effective military force

  14. The English Civil War:Second Phase, 1648 • With the capture of the King, a split occurred among the parliamentary forces • Presbyterian majority wanted to disband the army and restore Charles with a Presbyterian church • The Independents, comprising most of the army, opposed this and marched on London in 1647 and began negotiations with the king • Charles takes advantage of the split and flees to Scotland

  15. The English Civil War:Second Phase, 1648 • Cromwell and the army are enraged and wage war against the king once again • Cromwell defeats and captures the king and determines to impose the army’s point of view • Cromwell purges the Presbyterian members of Parliament leaving a “rump” of 53 • They try Charles for treason and have him executed in January of 1649

  16. Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth • With the execution of the king, the Rump Parliament abolished the monarchy and the House of Lords • England is declared a republic or commonwealth • Rebellion in Ireland • Political difficulties • The Levellers • Cromwell dismisses the Rump Parliament in April 1653

  17. Oliver Cromwell and the Commonwealth • Creation of the Instrument of Government • England’s first & only written constitution • Executive power is rested in the Lord Protector, which Cromwell is appointed to • Cromwell again encounters problems with Parliament • Dismissal in 1655 and the Major Generals • Cromwell now leads a military dictatorship with policies no better than Charles I’s • Cromwell dies in 1658 with rule passing to his son • Commonwealth cannot be maintained and the Stuarts are restored in the person of Charles II

  18. The Stuart Restoration andCharles II • Charles II (1660-85) is restored to the throne after 11 years of exile • Charles is a carefree monarch • However, Parliament kept most of the powers it gained during the Civil Wars

  19. Reign of Charles II • Religion continues to create controversy • Anglican Church was restored with Parliament passing laws to force Catholics and Puritan Dissenters to conform • Charles’ sympathy toward Catholicism • 1672 – Charles issues Declaration of Indulgences, suspending the religious laws passed by Parliament • Parliament responds by forcing Charles to suspend the declaration and passing the Test Act of 1673 • Imaginary plot to assassinate Charles so James could take the throne forces Parliament to pass a law to exclude James • Those who favor exclusion are called Whigs; supporters of James known as Tories • Charles dismisses Parliament in 1681 and rules without it through French subsidies

  20. James II and the "Glorious Revolution" • James succeeds his brother in 1685 • Open and devout Catholic, James tries to overturn all the anti-Catholic policies of Parliament • Contrary to the Test Act, James appoints Catholics to high governmental and military positions • Parliamentary outcries are muted because James is old and his heirs are his two Protestant daughters • However, in June of 1688 a son was born and the specter of a Catholic monarchy rose again

  21. William and Mary and the Bill of Rights • In response, a group of seven prominent English nobleman invite William of Orange, husband of Mary, James’s eldest daughter to invade England and rid them of James • Williams sails to England and with little bloodshed, James flees to Europe • William and Mary are installed as monarchs

  22. Results of the “Glorious Revolution” • The Bill of Rights • Affirmed Parliament’s right to make laws & levy taxes • Standing armies could only be raised with the support of Parliament • Elections and debates of Parliament had to be free without interference from the King • Did not completely settle the religious problems – Toleration Act of 1689 gave Puritan Dissenters the right of free worship, but they did not have full civil and political equality as the Test Act was not repealed

  23. Results of the “Glorious Revolution” • Essentially, the Glorious Revolution completed the 17th century struggle between King and Parliament • Parliament demolished the Divine Right theory as William was king by their grace • However, Parliament did not have complete control of the government, but it now had an unquestioned role in the affairs of state

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