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Introduction to LZX and Sugar Shockers

Introduction to LZX and Sugar Shockers. I ’ m Mary Beth Anderson, a teacher with Learning ZoneXpress ( www.learningzonexpress.com )

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Introduction to LZX and Sugar Shockers

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  1. Introduction to LZX and Sugar Shockers I’m Mary Beth Anderson, a teacher with Learning ZoneXpress (www.learningzonexpress.com) I’m going to share some ideas of how to teach about the hidden calories in beverages and share with you some teaching tools – posters, handouts, models, and DVDs – you can use.

  2. Getting ready to teach • Who are you teaching? • Elementary Children • Middle and High School Students • Adults • Where are you teaching? • Classroom • Health Fair • Other • How much time do you have?

  3. Kinds of Teaching Tools • Posters and banners • Handouts and tri-fold brochures • Games • Models • DVDs • PowerPoint Presentation

  4. What’s the #1 contributor of calories in American’s diet?

  5. What Kinds of Beverages Do You Drink? • Soda • Diet soda • Iced tea • Sports drinks • Energy drinks • Juice • Milk • Coffee drinks • Smoothies • Water

  6. Sugar Shocker Mix & Match Game Orange Slice Soda (12 oz) 16 teaspoons of sugar Grape Juice (11.5 oz) 12 teaspoons of sugar Gatorade (20 oz) 9 teaspoons of sugar Starbucks Grande 13 teaspoons of sugar Mocha Frappacino (16 oz) Sunny Delight Drink (16 oz) 10 teaspoons of sugar Rockstar Energy Drink 15 teaspoons of sugar Snapple Lemonade Iced 14 teaspoons of sugar Tea (16 oz)

  7. Sugar Shocker Mix & Match Game Answers Orange Slice Soda (12 oz) 13 teaspoons of sugar Grape Juice (11.5 oz) 10 teaspoons of sugar Gatorade (20 oz) 9 teaspoons of sugar Starbucks Grande 12 teaspoons of sugar Mocha Frappacino (16 oz) Sunny Delight Drink (16 oz) 15 teaspoons of sugar Rockstar Energy Drink 16 teaspoons of sugar Snapple Lemonade Iced 14 teaspoons of sugar Tea (16 oz)

  8. What’s so shocking about sugar? • Sugar adds an average of 16% of the calories in the Standard American diet (Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010) • Based on a 1,800- to 2,600-calorie diet, this equals 18 to 26 teaspoons of extra sugar a day • These extra calories from sugar may lead to: • Weight gain • Type 2 diabetes • Impaired immune system • Chronic diseases such as cancer & heart disease

  9. Teen boys drink 3+ cans per day • Teen girls drink 2+ cans per day • If you drink 3 cans per day for a year, you put 1000 cans in the recycle bin • That’s enough to fill 2 bathtubs!

  10. 2 bagels • 1 1/2 c macaroni & cheese • 1 taco & 1 enchilada • 1 roast beef sandwich • 3 bowls of cereal & milk • 7 pancakes • 5 c chicken noodle soup • 2 brownies Liquid vs. Food Calories A 32 oz. cola has 400 calories That’s the same amount of calories as:

  11. What does it take to burn 400 calories? • Running a 9-minute (6.7 MPH) mile for 35 minutes • Circuit training or boot camp for 40 minutes • Zumba class for 45 minutes If you don’t burn those 400 calories, you could gain 41.7 pounds in a year!

  12. 12 oz can, 20, 24 oz bottles 32 and 44 oz cups 6.5, 10, & 12 oz bottles 6.5 oz bottles Why do we think that 32oz cola is normal? Marketing! 1916 1950 Today

  13. What’s the result? Increased Obesity Rates • 1 in 3 Americans are obese • 50% of Americans are overweight • Child and teen obesity have tripled in last 20+ years 1980’s Today

  14. How much sugar is in that cola? • 4 Grams = 1 teaspoon  • 10 Teaspoons in Every 12 oz Can =

  15. Sugar Shockers

  16. Fruit Juice • 15.2 oz bottle juice smoothie • 300 calories • 60 grams of sugar • 8 oz glass of orange juice • 110 calories • 21 grams of sugar • 12 oz of juice same grams of sugar as 12 oz cola

  17. Fruit Juice Tips • Choose 100% juice • Remember that a normal serving size is 6 oz • Limit juice to two servings a day • Real fruit is a better option • Lighten up by adding carbonated water

  18. Bottled Iced Tea • 16 oz bottle of sweetened iced tea • 140 calories • 36 grams of sugar • Iced tea tips • Brew your own tea • Choose from many flavors • Avoid sweetening with sugar • Just add ice

  19. Bottled Coffee Drinks • 9.5 oz bottled iced coffee - mocha flavor • 180 calories • 31 grams sugar • Not only sugar, but fat • Coffee drink tip • Lighten up with a cappuccino made with skimmed milk • 100 calories

  20. Water is the best thirst quencher Calorie-free Inexpensive Easy to stay hydrated Water makes up 60% of your body weight Why is water important? Regulates body temperature Carries nutrients to cells Protects your organs Don’t wait until you are thirsty to start drinking water Dehydration has already started The Sugar Shocker Solution? Water!

  21. Tasty ways to drink water • Add slices of fruit • Add cucumber slices or herbs • Top with a splash of juice • Use juice ice cubes • Try carbonated water

  22. Resources • Learning ZoneXpress www.learningzonexpress.com • USDA’s Dietary Guidelines for Americanswww.myplate.gov • American Beverage Associationwww.ameribev.org/health/obesity • Centers For Disease Control and Preventionwww.cdc.gov/nccdphp/dnpa/obesity • American Diabetes Associationwww.diabetes.org

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