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S tatistical P rocess C ontrol S P C. Definitions. Special Cause (also assignable causes) special causes refer to any factors of variation that are not always acting on the process. They affect the process in unpredictable ways. Common Cause
Statistical Process Control S P C SPC Design
Definitions • Special Cause (also assignable causes) • special causes refer to any factors of variation that are not always acting on the process. They affect the process in unpredictable ways. • Common Cause • common causes refer to the many sources of variation within a process that has a stable and repeatable distribution over time. The output is predictable. SPC Design
Distribution Standard Normal Distribution Distribution of total points for the sum of three dices 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 SPC Design
Distribution Standard Normal Distribution Bell-shaped Curve (Gauß) SPC Design
Standard Normal Distribution Turning-Point s -5 5 6 -4 -6 -2 -3 -1 0 2 3 4 1 X SPC Design
Glossary and Symbols Target and Prediction ??? ? SPC Design
Glossary and Symbols • x : mean valuecompute the mean value, using the following formula: the sum of values from a given sample X = number of values (sample size) SPC Design
Glossary and Symbols Σ Rj • R • s2 • s = average range of subgroups m Σ s2j average variance = m Σ sj average sample standard diviation = m SPC Design
Glossary and Symbols • Upper Control Limit ( UCL ) line(s) on a control chart used as a basis for judging the stability of the processFormula: UCL R= D4* R UCL x = x + A2* R UCL s = B4* s UCL x = x + A3* s SPC Design
Glossary and Symbols • Lower Control Limit ( LCL ) line(s) on a control chart used as a basis for judging the stability of the processFormula: LCL R= D3* R LCL x = x - A2* R LCL s = B3* s LCL x = x - A3* s SPC Design
Glossary and Symbols • Upper Specification Limit ( USL ) • Lower Specification Limit ( LSL ) • upper/ lower engineering specification limit • engineering requirement for judging acceptability of a particular characteristic SPC Design
Process Potential & Capability Loss Function USL LSL Customer Requirement acceptable acceptable good good Loss Loss very good Target Value SPC Design
Process Potential & Capability cp: Process Potential • an index based on long-term observation of a process in a state of statistical control pp: Preliminary Process Potential • short-term observation of process • early information of new or changed process • used for process and equipment development SPC Design
Process Potential & Capability SPC Design
Process Potential & Capability • PIST: • Percent of Inspection points which Satisfy the Tolerance number of characteristics satisfying tolerance PIST = x 100 total number of characteristics SPC Design
Process Potential & Capability • PIPC • Percentage of Indices which are Process Capable number of characteristics with pp/ ppk 1,67 PIPC = x 100 total number of characteristics SPC Design
Control Chart Header, information relating to plant, machine, shift, part number, ..... X Bar Chart showing: USL, UCL, x, ....., LSL, LCL results over time Reaktion Plan Quality References Ranges (R Chart) showing: USL, UCL, R, ....., LSL, LCL results over time relating to: R, s, s2 Instruction regarding computation, .... Individual readings, summary & dates explaning and relating to data for graph SPC Design
Control Chart Header, information relating to plant, machine, shift, part number, ..... Process Log Sheet (Back of Page): Information relating any changes made to process: Example: new tooling, materials, ..... change of shift, unplanned down time, ..... maintenance, cleaning, ..... ..... all information that night be needed when investigating root causes of problems SPC Design
Qualitätsregelkarte • Interpretation/ Overadjustment Upper Specification Limit Upper Control Limit Upper Warning Limit Mean Lower Warning Limit Lower Control Limit Lower Specification Limit SPC Design
Bibliography • Statistical Process Control (SPC) Reference Manual, Chrysler, Ford, GM, Ausgabe 1995 • The Memory Jogger II, GOAL/ QPC, First Edition, Methuen, Mass. USA 1994 • Qualitätsmanagement von A-Z, Kaminske/ Bauer, Hanser Verlag, 2. Edition 1994 • The Six Sigma Phenomenon, Mikel Harry, Richard Schroeder SPC Design