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Promoting human resource development (HRD) in Ethiopia's Water, Sanitation, and Health (WaSH) sector. Initiatives focus on training, gender balance, and integrity to improve sector performance and impact. Efforts involve key stakeholders across various levels and ensure dissemination of knowledge and experiences through workshops, meetings, and research activities.
Human Resources Development in Ethiopian WaSH Sector (draft 12/12/2013)
List of acronyms: WASH Water, Sanitation and Health COWASH Community-Led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia MoH Ministry of Health MoEMinsitry of Education MoWIE Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy MoFEDMiinistry of Finance and Economical Development NWTT National WASH Technical Team NWMU National WASH Management Unit WSSD Water Supply and Sanitation Directorate RiPPLE Research-inspired Policy and Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile Region EWTI Ethiopian Water Technology Institute SNV Netherlands Development Organisation RC Resource Centre RSU Regional Support Unit RWMC Regional WaSH Management Committee SvB Supervisory Board RWCO Regional WaSH Coordination Office ZWTT Zonal WaSH Technical Team TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training GLOWS Global Water for Sustanability MFI Micro-Finance Institution WWT WoredaWaSH Team KWT KebeleWaSH Team LCDF Local Capacity Development Facility WASHCO WaSH Committee MoH, MoE, MoWIE, MoFED NWTT, NWMU s Universities (feeding all boxes) WSSD WaSH Coord Office WASH Movement RiPPLE Amhara, Oromiya,Tigray, SNNPR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ETHIOPIAN WASH SECTOR (20/10/2012) RWMC (+SvB) EWTI SNV* RCs RSUs Zones ZWTTs TVETs GLOWS Woredas WWTs MFIs * Kebeles artisans * KWT * NGOs Consultants * LCDF Communities WASHCOs *
Important ! • The cross cutting issues and integrity of WaSH development will be taken into account in all HRD activities. • All training materials and curricula will be developed to include the necessary aspects on these. • The special attention is given to make sure the gender balance is noticed when trainees are selected in various training activities.
MoH, MoE, MoWIE, MoFED NWTT, NWMU s List of acronyms: WASH Water, Sanitation and Health COWASH Community-Led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia MoH Ministry of Health MoEMinsitry of Education MoWIE Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy MoFEDMiinistry of Finance and Economical Development NWTT National WASH Technical Team NWMU National WASH Management Unit WSSD Water Supply and Sanitation Directorate RiPPLE Research-inspired Policy and Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile Region EWTI Ethiopian Water Technology Institute SNV Netherlands Development Organisation RC Resource Centre RSU Regional Support Unit RWMC Regional WaSH Management Committee SvB Supervisory Board ZWTT Zonal WaSH Technical Team TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training GLOWS Global Water for Sustanability MFI Micro-Finance Institution WWT WoredaWaSH Team KWT KebeleWaSH Team LCDF Local Capacity Development Facility WASHCO WaSH Committee Universities (feeding all boxes) Human resources development on the federal level NCBSU WaSH Coord Office WASH Movement RiPPLE Amhara, Oromiya,Tigray, SNNPR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ETHIOPIAN WASH SECTOR (20/10/2012) RWMC (+SvB) EWTI SNV* RCs RSUs Zones ZWTTs TVETs GLOWS Woredas WWTs MFIs * Kebeles artisans * KWT * NGOs Consultants * LCDF Communities WASHCOs *
Human resources development on the federal level WaSH ministries Universities (feeding all levels) NWTT Workshops, meetings, task forces, etc. EWTI TVETCs COWASH SSAP WSSD (JTR, NWCO, COWASH,…) etc. projects National Capacity Building Support Unit, NCBSU ? WSSD, SSCD, HMRD, NWCO
Human resources development on the federal level • CMP Technical Team; meetings, workshops, etc. / CMP dissemination • National Wash Technical Team; meetings, etc. / WaSH dissemination • Working Groups, Practitioners’ Groups, Seminars, Workshops etc. (Self Supply, Supply Chain, Multipurpose Use, Research, etc.) give good opportunity to share knowledge and experiences • CMP (WaSH) diaries are effective in dissemination and work planning • CMP materials in www.cmpethiopia.org • International conferences, symposiums, courses, … + REPORTING (for effective training impact and to disseminate the gained knowledge) • Research activities to develop human resources and the WaSH sector
Human resources development on the federal level dissemination reflection !
List of acronyms: WASH Water, Sanitation and Health COWASH Community-Led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia MoH Ministry of Health MoEMinsitry of Education MoWE Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy MoFEDMiinistry of Finance and Economical Development NWTT National WASH Technical Team NWMU National WASH Management Unit WSSD Water Supply and Sanitation Directorate RiPPLE Research-inspired Policy and Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile Region EWTI Ethiopian Water Technology Institute SNV Netherlands Development Organisation RC Resource Centre RSU Regional Support Unit RWMC Regional WaSH Management Committee SvB Supervisory Board ZWTT Zonal WaSH Technical Team TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training GLOWS Global Water for Sustanability MFI Micro-Finance Institution WSA Woreda Support Agent WWT WoredaWaSH Team KWT KebeleWaSH Team LCDF Local Capacity Development Facility WASHCO WaSH Committee MoH, MoE, MoWIE, MoFED NWTT, NWMU s Universities (feeding all boxes) WSSD WaSH Coord Office WASH Movement RiPPLE Amhara, Oromiya,Tigray, SNNPR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ETHIOPIAN WASH SECTOR (20/10/2012) RWMC (+SvB) EWTEC Human resources development on the regional level RWCOs SNV* RCs RCBSUs Zones ZWTTs TVETs GLOWS Woredas WWTs MFIs * Kebeles artisans * KWT * NGOs Consultants * LCDF Communities WASHCOs *
Human resources development on the regional level federal level WASH Movement RiPPLE RWMC (+SvB) RWCO (?) SNV RC RSU ? RCBSU Zones Consultants LCDF ZWTT TVETC s (GLOWS) Woredas WWT MFIs
Human resources development on the regional level • The cooperation on the regional level is vital • - to avoid overlapping activities and waste of resources, • - to avoid delivery of contradicting information and • to make sure all One WaSH National Program is progressing. => • Regional Support Units (RSUs) are in the key position in the coming few years. Even if the projects (COWASH, WSP, UNICEF, SSAP, etc.) work in different woredas / areas, many training activities can be coordinated / implemented together. And this is a must in OWNP.
Human resources development on the regional level All the mentioned stakeholders on the regional level will remarkably assist WaSH ministries’ regional offices if the operations are properly managed and coordinated. Problem based learning and partly distance learning (GLOWS) will accelerate human resources development. UNICEF (SNV) is in charge of promoting GLOWS training. TVETCs are in a key position in human resources development. The GLOWS principle will be taken into TVETCs curricula through giving ToT training to their staffs. Problem based learning will help them to give practical skills to students.
Human resources development on the regional level Training materials will be reviewed annually and all new findings and recommendations coming from research activities and/or as reflections from the field are considered carefully. More participatory training methods are to be taken into use. Training materials are translated into new languages when necessary.
Human resources development on the regional level dissemination reflection !
List of acronyms: WASH Water, Sanitation and Health COWASH Community-Led Accelerated WaSH in Ethiopia MoH Ministry of Health MoEMinsitry of Education MoWIE Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy MoFEDMiinistry of Finance and Economical Development NWTT National WASH Technical Team NWMU National WASH Management Unit WSSD Water Supply and Sanitation Directorate RiPPLE Research-inspired Policy and Practice Learning in Ethiopia and the Nile Region EWTI Ethiopian Water Technology Institute SNV Netherlands Development Organisation RC Resource Centre RSU Regional Support Unit RWMC Regional WaSH Management Committee SvB Supervisory Board RWCO Regional WaSH Coordination Office ZWTT Zonal WaSH Technical Team TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training GLOWS Global Water for Sustanability MFI Micro-Finance Institution WWT WoredaWaSH Team KWT KebeleWaSH Team LCDF Local Capacity Development Facility WASHCO WaSH Committee MoH, MoE, MoWIE, MoFED NWTT, NWMU s Universities (feeding all boxes) WSSD WaSH Coord Office WASH Movement RiPPLE Amhara, Oromiya,Tigray, SNNPR HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT IN ETHIOPIAN WASH SECTOR (20/10/2012) RWMC (+SvB) EWTI SNV* RCs RSUs Zones ZWTTs TVETs GLOWS Woredas WWTs Human resources development on the zonal, woreda and community levels MFIs * Kebeles artisans * KWT * NGOs Consultants * LCDF Communities WASHCOs *
Human resources development on the zonal, woreda and community levels RWMC (+SvB) RSU • Trainings are given to: • administration • water office • finance office • health office • women’s affairs office • MFI branch offices Zones ZWTT Woredas artisans WWT NGOs Communities WASHCOs
Human resources development on the zonal, woreda and community levels • Regular training courses: • The CMP fund management training for regional sector bureaus, zonal wash teams and woreda wash teams and woreda experts • The CMP appraisal training for regional, zonal and woreda experts to bring knowledge of project promotion, project application preparation, appraisal of projects by assisting community members. • WASHCOs’ CMP management training • Pump attendants and care takers training • O&M training, finance and technical aspects (WASHCOs) • Artisan training
Human resources development on the zonal, woreda and community levels • Sanitation and hygiene training • Institutions (health centers, schools, etc.) • WASHCOs benefitting about improved water supply • basic knowledge in sanitation and hygiene • Regional Health Bureaus offer ToT for Woreda Health Office staff (if not trained in CLTSH) • Woreda train CMP kebeles in CLTSH and sanitation trigerring • skills and knowledge be followed by the Health offices • ODF celebrations will be the final outcome
Human resources development on the zonal, woreda and community levels dissemination reflection !
Training Impact Assessment • Pre- and post-testing in training events • Performance of trainees immediately and/or a month - an year after the training event: a) observations and M&E tools, b) interviews • Progress of the works: AWPs / actions and results • A separate research on training impacts – January-February 2014 and maybe repeated two/three yeras later
Training Impact Assessment • An essential part of the training impact assessment and HR development described is that: • All tarinees will be given a list of skills and knowledge they should have and master after the training. • Trainees are trained also in self-evaluation – to compare the above mentioned list with their actual performance. • And • Trainees are asked and trained also how to give feed back according to the observations made in self-evaluation.