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Exhibiting student evidence of community engagement at an academic symposium

Exhibiting student evidence of community engagement at an academic symposium. Beejal Shah Senior Lecturer in Marketing The Business School 17/05/12 (b.7.shah@herts.ac.uk). Community Engagement

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Exhibiting student evidence of community engagement at an academic symposium

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  1. Exhibiting student evidence of community engagement at an academic symposium Beejal Shah Senior Lecturer in Marketing The Business School 17/05/12 (b.7.shah@herts.ac.uk)

  2. Community Engagement It is critical that the University connect its own research agenda with public purposes to better understand the impact of community-based learning on students’ intellectual and personal development and the role that engaged scholarship might play. Context

  3. Professionalism, employability and enterprise Develop the skills of communication, independent and team working, problem solving, creativity, digital literacy, numeracy and self-management. Our graduates will be confident, act with integrity, set themselves high standards and have skills that are essential to their future lives. • Learning and research skills The University fosters intellectual curiosity and provides opportunities to develop effective learning and research abilities. Our graduates will be equipped to seek knowledge and to continue learning throughout their lives. UH Graduate Attributes

  4. Intellectual depth, breadth and adaptability The University encourages engagement in the curricular and extra curricular activities that deepen knowledge and develop powers of analysis, application, synthesis, evaluation and criticality • Social responsibility • The University promotes the values of ethical behaviour, sustainability and personal contribution. Our graduates will understand how their actions can enhance the wellbeing of others and will be equipped to make a valuable contribution to society. UH Graduate Attributes

  5. Marketing for the Creative and Cultural Industries • Student Cohorts • BA Business and Marketing - Optional • BA Socrates Students – Optional • BA Art and Design with Marketing degrees - Compulsory Level 5 UG Module

  6. Live Project Process • Ethics approval submission by module leader – for conducting primary research • Meeting with module leader and marketing manager of organization to discuss project feasibility and outcomes • Project brief devised by module leader after ensuring module learning outcomes are met and organisational objectives are recognized. • Marketing manager makes arrangements with students for site visits and often includes invitations to shows or performances • Marketing manager and module leader negotiate access to research target markets • Project report and display visuals highlighting project are submitted • Display visuals are exhibited at the Arts Marketing Symposium and marketing managers are amongst the target market invited to attend Level 5 UG Module

  7. Collaborative live projects with: • St Albans Organ Festival • UH Arts • Caterpillar Music St Albans • Hertfordshire Chorus • Jake Morley • Trestle Arts Base • Campus West • The Forum Community Projects

  8. St Albans Organ Festival Community Projects

  9. UH Arts Community Projects

  10. Caterpillar Music St Albans • Community Projects

  11. Hertfordshire Chorus Community Projects

  12. Jake Morley • Community Projects

  13. Trestle Arts Base • Community Projects

  14. Campus West Community Projects

  15. The Forum Community Projects

  16. Arts Marketing Symposium

  17. Student Exhibition Arts Marketing Symposium

  18. Hertfordshire Chorus Case Study

  19. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project • Students were invited to auditions in local schools in Hatfield and St Albans Abbey in St Albans • Students were invited to performances in St Albans Abbey and the Barbican • Students were given access to committee members, members of the choir and members of the audience • Hertfordshire Chorus committee members attended the Arts Marketing Symposium and gave a presentation with the students about the project • Hertfordshire Chorus ‘borrowed’ the student visuals to display to their choir members • Two students were invited to join the marketing and branding group for Hertfordshire Chorus Case Study

  20. Hertfordshire Chorus Project Briefing • Mission • “To bring choral music of a high quality to a wider audience and to involve local communities in our activities where appropriate” • ..........and its good fun! Case Study

  21. Hertfordshire Chorus Project Briefing • We (we hope) are providing you with an interesting project for your studies • You (we hope) are going to provide us with some new thoughts and ideas about our future Case Study

  22. Hertfordshire Chorus Project Briefing • We need your help to make it easier to • Sell tickets • Attract new singers • Gain new sponsors, patrons and engagements • Receive grants and subsidies • Perform on a wider stage • ………..and we hope you will enjoy putting your minds to our challenge Case Study

  23. Hertfordshire Chorus Concert • ‘The concert at the Barbican was incredible. The new piece, Solaris, composed by one of the Chorus members was by far my favourite piece of the night, it was very dramatic, different from the rest.’ •   Marketing Student Case Study

  24. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project Exhibition at Arts Marketing Symposium Case Study

  25. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project Exhibition at Arts Marketing Symposium Case Study

  26. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project Exhibition at Arts Marketing Symposium • ‘The five displays of work which we selected for special commendation showed how these particular students had taken things further and were actively thinking of the various avenues open to us to fulfil our objectives. They came up with some good ideas which can be implemented relatively quickly. ‘ • Nigel McNaught, Chairman, Hertfordshire Chorus Case Study

  27. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project Exhibition at Arts Marketing Symposium Case Study

  28. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project Overview at UH Arts Marketing Symposium Case Study

  29. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project Evaluation • As a graphic design student, we had the live projects before but not from a marketing aspect. It became a bit more personal and real by meeting with the client(s) and doing live research by going out to rehearsals and taking photos and doing interviews, I found the project very interesting and engaging, and feel I have a better understanding on how the marketing and business world has close relations to visual communications.’ • Art and Design with Marketing Student Case Study

  30. Hertfordshire Chorus / UH Project, Module and Symposium Evaluation • ‘I must tell you again that I greatly enjoyed the Marketing of the Creative and Cultural Industries module because it is something different that they do not offer at my home university, the combination of marketing and the creative arts in one class. The module subject was truly a 'dream course' for me because it combined two of my great passions. I am fortunate to have been a student in your course and to have participated in the live experience project and the art symposium.’ • Socrates Student Case Study

  31. What Next? • Workshops on creating display visuals • Student Placements / Internships / Graduate roles • Student Advisory Panel • Students as Producers – research engaged teaching • Collaborative Research Bids - new academic partnerships • Building Social Capital among students, faculty and communities • Next Project.... • Community Radio in West Herts The Future

  32. How well do we understand and document the extent of community engagement? • Are University efforts intentional, coordinated, and communicated clearly to internal and external constituencies? • What benefits accrue to the University through community engagement? Discussion Questions – Institutional Level

  33.  How can engaged scholarship improve the morale, reputation, and research productivity of the faculty? • How can new knowledge networks emerge from interdisciplinary partnerships to more effectively address pressing social issues? • Can faculty research agendas and modes of inquiry be enriched through engaged scholarship? Discussion Questions – Faculty Level

  34. What opportunities exist to engage students in community-based learning and research with public purposes? • What are the long-term effects of civic engagement on students’ persistence, cognitive development, career choice, post-graduation leadership activities. • What skills do students gain and retain to make them more employable? Discussion Questions – Student Level

  35. Redesign of the Learning Experience Strategy • –consult with employers, particularly in relation to embedding the ‘real world’ in the curriculum with work experience, placements, live projects or by working with employers to identify skills gaps and taking steps to bridge them in the classroom; • –consider how to make their courses more attractive to potential students and employers by making the outcomes of them more obviously and directly related to the graduate labour market; • –develop assessment of employability and/or skills without adding to assessment and marking load; • –make courses more meaningful, valuable and attractive to current students in relation to enhancing their employability • Ruth Lawton, Teaching Fellow for Employability, CELT, Birmingham City University RoLEx Strategy

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