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Developing a New Employment Network

Developing a New Employment Network. Welcome to the webinar. FOR AUDIO  Dial-in number: 1 (888) 582-3528 (US Toll Free) or 1 (847) 944-7361 (US Toll) Password: 8395 704#. Facilitators: Patricia Dowse , NYSRA Oscar Jiménez, MPH, NYAPRS Presenters:

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Developing a New Employment Network

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Developing a New Employment Network

  2. Welcome to the webinar FOR AUDIO  Dial-in number: 1 (888) 582-3528 (US Toll Free) or 1 (847) 944-7361 (US Toll)Password: 8395 704# Facilitators: Patricia Dowse, NYSRA Oscar Jiménez, MPH, NYAPRS Presenters: Joshua Carpenter, M.S.Ed., C.R.C., Clubhouse of Suffolk David Jones, Technical Assistance and Support Center (TASC), MAXIMUS Michael Yozzi, Technical Assistance and Support Center (TASC), MAXIMUS Kelly Stengel, MPH, NYAPRS

  3. How to participate in the webinar Mute/ un-mute • All attendees will be automatically muted during webinar • During Q & A you may un-mute yourself by pressing: # 6 • To mute yourself: * 6 (star and then the number 6) Sending questions to presenters via chat function: Go to upper left corner to “attendees.” Look for Kelly Stengel or Oscar Jiménez by scrolling down. Right click and Chat with Kelly or Oscar to send questions or technical issues Technical problems? Contact Sarah at (518) 436-0008 or admin@nyaprs.org

  4. Our Program for Today • Ticket-to-Work Program: Overview • What is the Ticket to Work • Payment at a Glance • Partnership Plus at a Glance • Types of Employment Network Business Models • Overview of the EN RFQ • Qualification Requirements • Business Plan • Application Check List • EN Implementation Tools at a Glance

  5. What is the Ticket to Work?

  6. Ticket-to-Work Program: 101 • What is the goal of the program? • Help people with disabilities get jobs and become more self-sufficient • What is it the Ticket? • Similar to a voucher that allows people with disabilities to purchase employment services and supports • Who can a Ticket Holder purchase services from? • An Employment Network (EN): Agency or program pre-approved by Social Security to take Tickets

  7. Ticket-to-Work Program: 101 cont’d • How much money is each Ticket worth? • Up to $23,000 (up to $5,100 the first 9 months) • Who does the Ticket belong to? • The Ticket belongs to the person with a disability (“Ticket Holder”), not the provider nor the government • The Ticket Holder can choose the Employment Network she/he likes best, and switch at any point in time

  8. 2011 Payments At A Glance Phase 1 Phase 2 8

  9. Milestone-Outcome Payment System: Phase 1 Milestones 2011 Rates

  10. Milestone-Outcome Payment System: Phase 2 Payments 2011 Rates

  11. Milestone-Outcome Payment System: Outcome Payments 2011 Rates

  12. 2011 Payments At A Glance Phase 1 Phase 2

  13. When an individual has an ACCES-VR case OPEN, the Ticket is considered “in use” and it cannot be assigned to an EN After VR case is formally closed, then the beneficiary can assign Ticket to an EN If the VR case is closed successfully, then Phase One payments are NOT available If the VR case is NOT closed successfully, then ALL Ticket payments may still be available Partnership Plus at a Glance

  14. Types of EN business models: Independent Collaborative Single administrator State level strategies

  15. Each EN completes a separate application to operate as an independent EN This example shows a collaborative web allowing for referral and mentoring efforts amongst separate EN’s ACCES-VR provides information about all EN options when closing a case Independent ENs 15

  16. ACESS-VR Partnership Plus Collaborative Agreement Strategy ACCES-VR Specific Advantage of collaboration with One-Stop: Access to database of potential Ticket holders who wish to return to work Advantages: Sharing of information & resources, staffing and community outreach 16

  17. Single Administrator EN Strategy ACCES-VR Partnership Plus Contracted for Ticket Administration/ Outreach / Reporting Provide direct service to Ticket holders / Follow-up supports / data collection 17

  18. State Level Strategy ACCES-VR Partnership Plus Policy / Outreach / Reporting/Administration Contracted for Ticket Administration Provide direct service to Ticket holders / Follow-up supports / data collection 18

  19. How to participate in the webinar Mute/ un-mute • All attendees will be automatically muted during webinar • During Q & A you may un-mute yourself by pressing: # 6 • To mute yourself: * 6 (star and then the number 6) Sending questions to presenters via chat function: Go to upper left corner to “attendees.” Look for Kelly Stengel or Oscar Jiménez by scrolling down. Right click and Chat with Kelly or Oscar to send questions or technical issues Technical problems? Contact Sarah at (518) 436-0008 or admin@nyaprs.org

  20. Becoming an Employment Network

  21. General Qualification Requirements • Experience providing employment services • 2 years immediately preceding application or 3 years within the last 5 years • Have a system to keep beneficiary information secure • Provide minimum core services • Career counseling • Job placement (excluding sole Partnership Plus ENs) • Ongoing employment support

  22. General Qualification Requirements (Cont.) • Be Accessible • Physical locations accessible per ADA guidelines • Information in multiple formats • Toll-free telephone • Voicemail • Email • Do not discriminate in providing services • Comply with terms and conditions of the Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA)

  23. General Qualification Requirements (Cont.) • Have adequate resources to provide services • Sufficient staff, facilities, and ability to arrange for service delivery • Maintain accounting and documentation of costs and efforts • Carry general and/or professional insurance

  24. Specific Qualification Requirements • License or certificate to provide services, if required by state law OR • Certification or accreditation from a national rehabilitation or employment services accrediting body OR • Contract or agreement with Federal or State government agency OR • Grant to provide employment, VR, or other support services

  25. Specific Qualification Requirements (Cont.) • Ensure medical and related services are supervised by appropriate personnel • Employ staff and/or utilize provides who are: • Qualified by certification or license • Otherwise qualified by education or experience • Submit subcontractors information for SSA preapproval before utilizing services

  26. Overview of the Business Plan(Page 10) • Describe your organizations: • History, mission, accomplishments • Corporate structure including affiliates and subsidiaries • Current organizational chart with current positions and staffing • Resumes and personal information of key staff • Website address (if applicable) • Outline current and past services provided • Evidence of services and job placement • SSA reserves the right to verify services were provided

  27. Overview of Business Plan (Cont.)(Page 10) • Describe anticipated changes in organization • Organizational structure, staffing, business policies and services provided • Explain marketing plan, developing IWPs, short-term supports for job retention, and method to protect beneficiary information • Demonstrate sustainability • Identify grants or funding streams • Requirements for applicants planning on employing SSA beneficiaries with disabilities

  28. EN Application Checklist(Page 74) • The Agreement (pages 4 – 5) • EN Security and Suitability Requirements (starts on page 37) • Must be completed before work begins

  29. EN Application Checklist (Cont.) • EN Quotation Documentation Requirements • Standard Form 1449(page 62) • EN Information Sheet • Active CCR • Active Online Representations and Certification (ORCA) • Elect EN payment system • EN qualifications requirement documentation • Business Plan for service delivery • Proof of liability insurance • Addendum for multiple locations

  30. How to participate in the webinar Mute/ un-mute • All attendees will be automatically muted during webinar • During Q & A you may un-mute yourself by pressing: # 6 • To mute yourself: * 6 (star and then the number 6) Sending questions to presenters via chat function: Go to upper left corner to “attendees.” Look for Kelly Stengel or Oscar Jiménez by scrolling down. Right click and Chat with Kelly or Oscar to send questions or technical issues Technical problems? Contact Sarah at (518) 436-0008 or admin@nyaprs.org

  31. Employment Network Implementation Tools and Resources Assigning Tickets Effectively

  32. EN Implementation Tools • Decision Tree Tool for Assigning Tickets • 18 Month Prior Earnings Look-Back Worksheet • Challenge Ticket Tracker • Obtaining EN Implementation Tools and Resources

  33. Challenge Ticket Tracker • Organizes all Ticket Holder Demographics • Manually allows tracking of all payments, including Phase 1, 2 & Outcomes • Provides automatic tracking of total revenue • Includes charts which show total revenue, and break-down of Phase 1, 2 & Outcome payment totals

  34. Enter EN & Key Maximus contact information here Check boxes for benefits type Enter Ticket Holder information here

  35. Phase 1 Milestones Worksheet: Payment Code indicates billing request type submitted, wages for period is for tracking total wage data for request period you have collected from Ticket Holder Data in these fields populates from Demographics Worksheet

  36. Obtaining the EN Implementation Tools • For more information or to obtain a copy of the Challenge Ticket Tracker contact Kevin Nickerson at: krnickerson@tompkins-co.org • Ticket to Work: http://www.yourtickettowork.com/index • PROS Ticket to Work Resource Room can be found at the link below: http://www.nyaprs.org/community-economic-development/PROS-works/

  37. How to participate in the webinar Mute/ un-mute • All attendees will be automatically muted during webinar • During Q & A you may un-mute yourself by pressing: # 6 • To mute yourself: * 6 (star and then the number 6) Sending questions to presenters via chat function: Go to upper left corner to “attendees.” Look for Kelly Stengel or Oscar Jiménez by scrolling down. Right click and Chat with Kelly or Oscar to send questions or technical issues Technical problems? Contact Sarah at (518) 436-0008 or admin@nyaprs.org

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