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An Overview of DaVinci Technology Development

An Overview of DaVinci Technology Development. Taikang Yang Oct.18.2008. What is DaVinci Technology?. Devices DM644x,DM646x,DM3x, DM643x,DM64x Software Montavista Linux, Linux Drivers, Codec Engine, Codec ’ s

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An Overview of DaVinci Technology Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. An Overview of DaVinci Technology Development Taikang Yang Oct.18.2008

  2. What is DaVinci Technology? • Devices DM644x,DM646x,DM3x, DM643x,DM64x • Software Montavista Linux, Linux Drivers, Codec Engine, Codec’s • Tools TI DVEVM, TI DVDSK MV DevRocket, GHS Multi

  3. What is DaVinci Technology? • Support Authorized Software Provider (ASP), TI’s 3rd Party Network • Audio/Video Solution TI Devices and Software + ASP Codecs and Support +You application

  4. DM6446 DMSoC Block Diagram

  5. DM6437 DMSoC Block Diagram

  6. DM355 DMSoC Block Diagram

  7. DaVinci Software Overview

  8. What Role Do You Play? • Application Programmer Uses all the resources of Linux to Build/maintain app writes to VISA interface to harness the power of SPL • Driver Author Create or update drivers rebuild kernel • DSP Author Creates signal processing algorithms(Codecs)

  9. My DaVinci Board

  10. Block Diagram of My Board

  11. Advices for DaVinci Hardware Development • Be sure your schematic is correct • Keep the analog circuit as far away as can from the digital circuit • DDR layout keep different nets far away enough (3w or 4w) All nets in the same net classes have to be skew matched Don’t cut the ground plane next to every DDR2 routing layer

  12. Thank You!

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