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Dark energy and its connections to neutrino, baryo/leptogenesis and dark matter Xinmin Zhang

Dark energy and its connections to neutrino, baryo/leptogenesis and dark matter Xinmin Zhang Institute of High Energy Physics Beijing Outline of the talk

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Dark energy and its connections to neutrino, baryo/leptogenesis and dark matter Xinmin Zhang

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  1. Dark energy and its connections to neutrino, baryo/leptogenesis and dark matter • Xinmin Zhang • Institute of High Energy Physics • Beijing • Outline of the talk • Current status on determination of the equation of state of dark energy and Quintom Model • Interacting dark energy and mass varying neutrino • III. A unified model of dark energy, dark matter and baryogenesis • IV. Searching for CPT violation with CMB • V. Summary

  2. Dark Energy: * Negative pressure:  * Smoothly distributed, (almost ) not clustering Candidates: * Cosmological constant (or vacuum Energy) cosmological constant problem! * Dynamical Field: Quintessence, K-essence, Phantom etc

  3. Constraints on the Dark Energy A quantity characterizing the property of Dark Energy: Equation of state: w(Z)=P/ρ For example : * Vacuum Energy: w=-1 * Quintessence: * Phantom: Model independent analysis with the following parameterization: 1,w(z)=w_0 + w_1* z 2,w(z)=w_1 + w_a*z/(1+z) Using the recent 157 Supernova data published by Riess et al. (astro-ph/0402512) * Within 2 σ, the cosmological constant fits well the data * Data mildly favors a running of the W across -1

  4. Feng, Wang & Zhang Astro-ph/0404224 w z Huterer & Cooray Astro-ph/0404062

  5. Implication in model building of dark energy If the running of w(Z), especially a transition across –1, confirmed in the future, big challenge to the model building * Vacuum : w=-1 * Quintessence: (精质) * Phantom: (幽灵) * K-essence: or but cannot across -1 A new scenario of Dark Energy : Quintom (精灵) (Zhang et al.Astro-ph/0404224) For ex: single scalar: multi-scalar:

  6. Quintom Model building: Why challenges? No-Go Theorem: Equation of State W can not cross over w=-1 if the following conditions are satisfied: Bo Feng et al. astro-ph/0404224 Vikman Phys. Rev. D 71, 023515 (2005) Gong-Bo Zhao et al. astro-ph/0507482 ……. Hao Wei, PhD Thesis • Einstein Gravity • Minimal Coupling • Single Scalar Field • Without higher derivative Examples of Quintom-like Models: 1. two scalar field 2. single scalar field with higher derivative 3. including vector field …… 4. Nonminimal Coupling ……..

  7. Detailed study on: Two-field models of Quintom Dark Energy -Xiao-fei Zhang ,Hong Li, Yunsong Piao and Xinmin Zhang I.Quintom model with two scalar fields: II. Quintom model with Phantom field and neutrino: Astro-ph/0501652

  8. Quintom with Single scalar field and Higher Derivative equivalent to two fields For Mingzhe Li, Bo Feng, Xinmin Zhang, hep-ph/0503268

  9. Adding CMB,LSS data astro-ph/0407259, Steen Hannestad, Edvard Mortsell

  10. Include DE perturbation when parametrizing the EOS Ch. Yeche et al Astro-ph/0507170 BIASED!! Including DE perturbation only when w>-1 Seljak et al Astro-ph/0407372 Neglect DE perturbations

  11. How to calculate the fluctuation of Dark Energy ?? Difficulty:

  12. Dark Energy Perturbation in two-field Quintom model Perturbation of DE continuous never diverge! Zhao et.al PRD 72,123515

  13. Our strategy to handle perturbations when w crosses -1 for parametrized EOS • Quintessence – like perturbation; • Phantom – like perturbation;

  14. Constrains on dark energy with SN Ia (Riess) + SDSS + WMAP-1 Observing dark energy dynamics with supernova, microwave background and galaxy clustering Jun-Qing Xia, Gong-Bo Zhao, Bo Feng, Hong Li and Xinmin Zhang Phys.Rev.D73, 063521, 2006

  15. Comparision of global fitting results with SN Ia (Riess) and SNLS WMAP+SDSS+SNLS WMAP+SDSS+Riess Jun-Qing Xia, Gongbo Zhao, Bo Feng, Hong Li and Xinmin Zhang Phys.Rev.D73, 063521, 2006

  16. Constrain on dark energy by WMAP group (importance of perturbation)

  17. Short summary : • Current constrains on dark energy • Cosmological constant fit the data well • Dynamical model are not ruled out • Quintom is mildly favored

  18. Features of Quintom ( “精灵 ” ) Dark Energy Model • Challenges to Model building: A lot of recent studies on the models of Dark Energy with equation of state across -1 • Dark energy perturbation well defined: Implications in CMB, LSS …… • Different from cosmological constant, Quintessence and Phantom in the determination of the evolutions and the fate of the universe • Oscillating Quintom

  19. Oscillating Quintom and the Recurrent Universe: astro-ph/0407432 Bo Feng, Minzhe Li, Yunsong Piao, Xinmin Zhang

  20. Astro-ph / 0605366 Parameterization:

  21. Bump-like dark energy

  22. EoS with feature:

  23. Probing this feature with GRB??

  24. Precise Hubble diagram from SNe IaFrom Dr. Xiao Feng Wang’s Hangzhou talk ( May, 2006)

  25. Interacting Dark Energy Current data favors Quintom Quintom Dark Energy is described by dynamical scalar fields Expected also to interact with the matter directly. Open new possibilities for the detection. *Direct coupling with ordinary matter Constraint from the limits on the long-range force *Interacting with DM (Peebles et al ) *Interacting with neutrinos ---Mass varying neutrinos * Derivatively couplings----Cosmological CPT violation CMBPol

  26. Dark Energy and neutrinos: • Any connection between Dark Energy and neutrinos? • ΛCDM: • QCDM: If yes, very interesting: 2 of the biggest discoveries in the recent years Predictions : neutrino masses vary and cosmological CPT violation Xinmin Zhang etal. PRD68, 087301 (2003)

  27. Corresponding the formula for the neutrino mass upper limit now is: Where,

  28. Astro-ph/0309800

  29. New features of neutrino Dark Energy model: • Unlike the ordinary matter • the massive neutrino has equation of state • Neutrino plays an important role in the evolution • of the universe • Mass varying neutrinos effects on CMB, LSS • Testing mass varying neutrinos with GRB • Testing mass varying with neutrino oscillations

  30. Cosmological evolution of Interacting Dark Energy models with mass varying neutrinos hep/ph/0412002 -Xiaojun Bi, Bo Feng, Hong Li, Xinmin Zhang

  31. Astro-ph/0503349

  32. Testing mass varying neutrino with short GRB -Hong Li, Zigao Dai, Xinmin Zhang: hep-ph/0411228

  33. Neutrino oscillation probes of Dark Energy Basic idea: given by D.B. Kaplan et al., PRL 93,091801 (2003); V. Barger et al., hep-ph/0502196; M. Cirelli et al., hep-ph/0503028. Solar Neutrino oscillation:

  34. Derivative couplings: • A unified model of dark energy, dark matter • and baryon matter • A unified model of baryogenesis and dark energy • ----Quintessential baryo/leptogenesis • Probing CPT violation with WMAP and Boomerang • When SUSYing, Quintessino is dark matter particle • ----A unified model of dark matter and dark energy

  35. Cosmological CPT violation baryogenesis Quintessential Baryo(Lepto)genesis M.Li, X.Wang, B.Feng, X. Zhang PRD65,103511 (2002) M.Li & X. Zhang, PLB573,20 (2003) In thermo equilibrium  Cohen & Kaplan The value of depends on the model of Quintessence Cosmological CPT violation!

  36. Searching for CPT violation

  37. Cosmological CPT violation: predicting <TB> and <EB> (Note here the notation: G ~ E, C~ B) Bo Feng, Mingzhe Li , Jun-Qing Xia, Xuelei Chen and Xinmin Zhang Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, 221302 (2006)

  38. Quintessino As Dark Matter (X. Bi, M. Li and Zhang) • If susying the Quintessence: • Quintessence: Q; Squintessence: σq ; Quintessino: Similar to : Axion, Saxion, Axino Majoron, Smajoron, Majorino (R. Mohapatra and Zhang) • If is lighter than , could serve as Dark matter • Susying the following interaction • (H: SU(2) doublet) gives gives * Non-thermal production of Quintessino: * Prediction: long-lived charged particle:

  39. Summary • Quintom Dark Energy Models: • Current data consistent with the cosmological constant • but mildly favor the Quintom: a dynamical dark energy with • Equation of state evolving and crossing -1 • need more data and model building of Quintom dark energy • II. The massive neutrino might have connection with • dark energy; open up a possibility of detecting dark energy • non-gravitationally • need more study • III. Derivative couplings --A unified model of dark energy, dark matter and baryogenesis: Quintessino as dark matter particle • IV. Cosmological CPT Violation: Predicting <TB> and <EB> • need more data

  40. Thanks !

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