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16th world congress of psychophysiology SEPTEMBER 13-17 PISA, ITALY. Invited lectures: Wolf Singer (Max plank Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany). What binds us all together? Temporal coordination of neural responses in normal and pathological cognition
16th world congress of psychophysiologySEPTEMBER 13-17 PISA, ITALY
Invited lectures: Wolf Singer (Max plank Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany) What binds us all together? Temporal coordination of neural responses in normal and pathological cognition Кодирование как частотой разрядов так и их синхронизацией (независимость) Когерентность как нейрональный коррелят сознания Место и частота
Invited lectures: Leslie Prichep (Brain research laboratories, NY University School of Medicine) • The evolution of quantitative EEG and source localization: Toward optimization of treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. • Eyes closed resting EEG, 1-2 minutes, 19 sites 10-20 • Treatment response prediction! • Example: • Obsessive compulsive disorder: 2 subtypes • With increased alpha, decreased theta • 80% patients treatment responsive • With increased theta, decreased alpha • 85% patients treatment nonresponsive
Invited lectures: Paolo Maria Rossini(Institute of Neurology, Catholic university, Rome, Italy) • Neurophysiological techniques for cortical connectivity • Network modeling – 3 types of network • Regular • Small-world • Random • 3 levels of cerebral networks • Individual neuron/synaptic connections • Neuronal populations (columns) • Different brain regions
Invited lectures: Giacomo Rizzolatti(University of Parma, Italy) • The mirror mechanism: A mechanism for understanding others • Mirror neurons discharge both when the monkey executes a motor act and when it observes another individual (a human being or another monkey) performing the same or a similar motor act These neurons do not discharge in response to the simple presentation of food. They also do not discharge, when the monkey observes hand actions mimicked without the target object.
Invited lectures: Andrew Papanicolaou(The University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center, USA) Forty years of MEG 44 года назад – первая запись магнитной активности мозга Увеличение количества датчиков Задачи: Определение связей в мозге на различных этапах онтогенеза, поиск специфических для различных заболеваний паттернов Поиск источников эпилептической активности (перед операцией) Локализация речевых, моторных, сенсорных областей
Invited lectures: Lamberto Maffei(University of Pisa, Italy) Environmental enrichment and neural plasticity Environmental enrichment - > visual development massage therapy favours a process of maturation of brain electrical activity Delta, beta ↑
Didactic lectures: Thomas F. Collura(Brainmaster Technologies, Inc., Bedford, USA) Individualized assessment and treatment using advanced EEG and dynamic localization techniques with live sLORETA On-line source analysis Standardized LORETA (low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography ) Pascual-Marqui 19 sites 5mm spatial resolution
Didactic lectures: Risto Näätänen(University of Helsinki , Finland) The mismatch negativity (MMN) - A unique objective index of cognition and cognitive decline in health and disease
Advanced EEG analysis and multi-methodological approaches inpsychophysiological and clinical research Chair: Luis Basile (Brazil) What do the ERP components add to behavioral data? - S. Karakaş, E.D. Dinçer, A.Ö. Ceylan (Turkey) Children 38 normal controls/ 70 ADHD Go/NoGo, Reversal tasks Неправильные ответы -> амплитуда N200 ↑, латентность Р300 ↑ Abnormal brain oscillation as revealed by EEG rhythms in Alzheimer disease: Validation of EEG markers in the European DECIDE project - F. Vecchio, R. Lizio, P.M. Rossini, C. Babiloni (Italy) Болезнь Альцгеймера, ЭЭГ в состоянии покоя. Ранняя диагностика. Lack of systematic topographic difference between attention and reasoning beta correlates - L.F.H. Basile, M.Y. Alvarenga,, N. Henrique Jr., H.A. Pasquini, W. Alfenas (Brazil) Мышление и внимание, бета-волны, метод главных компонент, топография индивидуальна, специализации ассоциативных полей похоже нет.
Symposium B: Oscillatory systems of the brain, their role in the management of mental processes,behavior, and individual differences Chair:Vilfredo De Pascalis, Nina Danilova (Russia) Can training change individual differences in ability? - N. Jaušovec, K. Jaušovec (Slovenia) - > theta desyncronization in frontal areas, theta syncronization in parietal areas, increased intra and interhemispheric coupling. Postest females = males.
The relation of EEG-alpha asymmetry, BIS/BAS, and positive orientation on the trait level - V. De Pascalis, G. Cozzuto, G.V. Caprara (Italy) Behavioral Approach System, Behavioral inhibition System, Positive Orientation (составной индекс), hedonic tone Измерения: Мощность EEG, sLORETA, alpha 8 -13 Hz BIS и hedonic tone не связаны с асимметрией BAS – выше при активации слева в лобных извилинах (BA 10, BA11) Optimism – аналогично (BA10) + BA31 Self-Estimвыше при активации в правом предклинье (precuneus - BA7) Positive Orientation – аналогично
Detection of regularity and irregularity of non-attended visual events Symposium Chair: István Czigler (Hungary), Gábor Stefanics (Switzerland) Event related potential manifestations of the oblique effect – L. Balázs, I. Barkaszi, I. Czigler, I. Sulykos, E. Takács
Theoretical aspects and neural correlates of consciousness Symposium Chair: Bruno Rossi Blink-related broad-band EEG oscillations at rest, precuneus and consciousness L. Bonfi glio, M.C. Carboncini, A. Frisoli, A. Piarulli, B. Rossi Blink-related oscillations EEG activity at rest 3s epochcs centered on blink instance sLORETA Normal s – delta, alpha, low-beta -> Precuneus Vegetative state and minimally consicous state -> no delta, no precuneus activity
Symposium B: Cortical correlates of the orienting reflex Chair:Robert J. Barry (Australia) Ориентировочный рефлекс: Новизна Интенсивность Значимость
What’s special about the P300 response to deviance? -J.A. Rushby, R.J. Barry (Australia) Late positive complex = P300 LPC for deviant and standart stimuli 48subjects 120 tones, 1000Hz, 15% deviants, ISI -1.1-1.3s 50 dB (soft) / 80 (loud) Ignore/count PCA! Principal component analysis P3a central 300 ms P3b parital 420ms Slow wave 1 parietal 520 ms Slow wave 2 parietal 650 ms
LPC subcomponents in a long-ISI dishabituationtask -G.Z. Steiner, R.J. Barry, F.M. De Blasio Late positive complex / поздний позитивный комплекс Single trial EOG corrected ERPs SCR 60дБ, 1000/ 1500 Гц 32 sites 10 standards 1 deviant 2-4standards Condition: Indifferent/count SOA – 12-15s P3a central –decrement, recovery, dishabituation! P3b parietal - topographic decrement only Novelty P3 – no dishabituation Slow wave 1 parietal - - Slow wave 2 parietal – condition effect
Trials effects in single-trial ERP components and autonomic responses at very long ISIs – B. MacDonald, R.J. Barry Late positive complex/ поздний позитивный комплекс. Single trial 80дБ, 1000/ 1500 Гц 16 человек 45-70s ISI 10 стандартных стимулов Нестандартный стимул Стандартный стимул Измерения Respiratory pause – уменьшение и восстановление КГР - уменьшение, восстановление, дисгабитуация ERPs – P1, N1, processing negativity, P2, P3a, P3b, Novelty P3, Slow wave 1 – только уменьшение со временем без восстановления и дисгабитуации.
Cortical measures in preliminary process theory of the orienting reflex - R.J. Barry
Symposium C: Prestimulus EEG effects on the ERP Symposium Chair: Robert J. Barry Pre-stimulus EEG amplitude and ERPs in a Go/NoGo task: I. Slow wave effects F.M. De Blasio, R.J. Barry Pre-stimulus EEG amplitude and ERPs in a Go/NoGo task: II. Fast wave effects F.M. De Blasio, R.J. Barry Go/nogo Предстимульная ЭЭГ – 500мс FFT Разделение на группы по выраженности ритмов! P1, N1, P2, N2, P3 Delta 1-3 Theta 4-7 Alpha 8-13 Beta 14-24
Pre-stimulus EEG amplitude modulation of the LPC in a dishabituation paradigm – G.Z. Steiner, F.M. De Blasio, R.J. Barry Late positive complex/ поздний позитивный комплекс. -500 …0 ms