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Euro-VO. Data infrastructure for Europe The VO vision Euro-VO. OPTICON FP7 meeting Edinburgh Andy Lawrence Jun 2006. Data Infrastructure. IT in astronomy. (1) facility operations (2) facility output processing (3) shared supercomputers for theory

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  1. Euro-VO • Data infrastructure for Europe • The VO vision • Euro-VO OPTICON FP7 meeting Edinburgh Andy Lawrence Jun 2006

  2. Data Infrastructure

  3. IT in astronomy • (1) facility operations • (2) facility output processing • (3) shared supercomputers for theory • (4) science archives • (5) end-user tools (1-3) : big bucks(4-5) : smaller bucks but - produces the final science output - sets requirements for (1-2) - big leverage for little money

  4. archive growth • astronomical data is growing fast • but so is computing power • so whats the problem ? (1) End user delivery bottleneck (2) End user transparency demand (3) Heterogeneity

  5. data rich future • heritage • Schmidt, IRAS, Hipparcos • current hits • VLT, SDSS, 2MASS, HST, Chandra, XMM, WMAP • coming up : • UKIDSS, VISTA, ALMA, JWST, Planck, Herschel • cross fingers : • LSST, ELT, Lisa, Darwin,SKA, XEUS, etc. • plus lots more • issue is archive interoperability • need standards and transparent infrastructure data access infrastructure is small D on huge investment ..

  6. archive growth • astronomical data is growing fast • but so is computing power • so whats the problem ? (1) End user delivery bottleneck (2) End user transparency demand (3) Heterogeneity download paradigm ==> service paradigm

  7. The Virtual Observatory Vision

  8. the VO concept • web all docs in the world inside your PC • VO all databases in the world inside your PC

  9. whats its not • not a monolith • not a warehouse

  10. VO framework • agreed standards • inter-operable data collections • inter-operable software modules • no central VO-command - its not a thing - its a way of life

  11. VO geometry • not a warehouse • not a hierarchy • not a peer-to-peer system • small set of service centresand large population of end users

  12. what is needed ? • global standards • formats; service metadata; column semantics ; s/w interfaces • well funded data centres • working services • infrastructure software • e.g. registry; cyber-storage; workflow; authentication following pilot projects 2001-2006 all this is almost in place (except No. 2 !)==> time to make VO a working reality

  13. Euro-VO

  14. FP5 : AVO • Astrophysical Virtual Observatory (AVO) • RTD programme 2001-2004 • Phase A study for Euro-VO • science requirements study • technology prototypes • interoperability standards • demonstration events • Partners : ESO, ESA, AstroGrid, CDS, JBO

  15. Euro-VO MOU • Agreement between agencies • ESO, ESA, INAF, INSU, INTA, MPG, NOVA, PPARC • establishes purpose, structure, objectives • an agreement between the partners to conduct a coordinated program of work entitled the EURO-VO that is directed towards the establishment of a persistent Virtual Observatory (VO) research infrastructure for European astronomy • no exchange of funds • final revisions underway

  16. Three Arms • VO Facility Centre • central services, user support • community liaison • led by ESO, ESA • Data Centre Alliance • shared best practice • infrastructure investment • led by CDS • VO Technology Centre • new technology R&D • engineering components for deployment in DCA and VOFC • led by AstroGrid

  17. current funding • VOFC • ESO and ESA general funds • now ~2 FTEs; soon 5-6 FTEs • VOTC • VOTECH project ; FP6 Design Study 2005-2007; 3.2M • ESA-VO project; general funds • DCA • EuroVO-DCA project ; FP6 CND ; 1.5M; starts Sept 2006

  18. Euro-VO in action • Expect working Euro-VO late 2007 • But still not "mature" • Need to move from development to operations

  19. issues for future • which is correct bucket to aim at ? • what is relation to Opticon and Radionet ? • VO is about facilities, not just archives • supporting mature Euro-VO • supporting operations ? • supporting access to data ? • end-user training ? • preparing enhancements; next wave technology ? • continuing data centre networking ? • physical infrastructure enhancement ? • network improvements ?

  20. FIN

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