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Key Club Advisor Workshop . Geoff Tobias Region 1 Advisor, CNH Key Club Charlene Matsuhara Region 18 Advisor, CNH Key Club. At all Key Club events, chaperones must: be a parent, Kiwanian , or Faculty Advisor . read and understand the Kiwanis Adult Guide to Working with Youth .
Key Club Advisor Workshop Geoff Tobias Region 1 Advisor, CNH Key Club Charlene Matsuhara Region 18 Advisor, CNH Key Club
At all Key Club events, chaperones must: • be a parent, Kiwanian, or Faculty Advisor. • read and understand the Kiwanis Adult Guide to Working with Youth. • be 22 years of age or older (25 highly recommended) though adults intending to work with local Key Club members in any capacity must be over the age of 18. • submit a background check with Kiwanis International, regardless of background checks completed with other agencies. All adults over the age of 18 working with Key Club members or staying overnight with a Key Club group, must submit a background check. These are valid for two years. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts
Thank you for taking on the role of Key Club Advisor! Key Club Advisors put in a lot of time and effort above and beyond the call of duty. We do not do this for any sort of compensation; we do this because we want to see young people succeed, develop leadership skills, practice lifelong core values, and learn the benefits of serving others in need. The students need someone who will be there to help supervise events, help them pay their dues, guide them in fundraisers, sign documents on their behalf, and most of all, be a pillar of support and ensure their safety throughout their service in Key Club. Commitment
Every Key Club is sponsored by a Kiwanis Club in their division. If you don’t know who this club is, please ask your Lieutenant Governor. • Kiwanis is dedicated to serving the children worldwide, including their SLP, or Service Leadership Programs, including Key Club. • Every Key Club should have a Kiwanis Advisor, or liaison, from the Kiwanis Club, who can collaborate with the Faculty Advisor, and ensure that the sponsoring Kiwanis Club is up to date on the Key Club’s activities. Relationship with Kiwanis
The Kiwanis Club can provide service opportunities and share in supervisory duties. • They can also help with funding and scholarships for Key Club members for various events. • When the Kiwanis sponsors a Key Club, a charter document is created that outlines the responsibilities that the Kiwanis Club has in serving the Key Club. Relationship with Kiwanis
At all Key Club events, chaperones must: • delineate rules and expectations to Key Club members prior to each event. • keep all medical authorization and consent to attend forms in one place on their person at all times, and in certain cases, advisor responsibility forms. • be physically capable, and not be dependent on others for any portion of their duties of any event. • be on duty at all times without question once the role of chaperone is accepted, or an equal change of chaperone has occurred. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
At all Key Club events, chaperones must: • not complete other tasks or work while on duty, such as grading papers or working on laptops. • create a chaperone list ahead of time, and ensure that there is overlap of chaperones when going on and off duty. • NEVER consume alcoholic beverages or tobacco at any time. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
Regarding school district and Key Club policies, chaperones must: • be fully aware of all school district and Key Club policies regarding field trips and overnight excursions. These policies do vary from district to district, and in some cases, school to school. In the case of differing policies, the stricter policy should be followed. • be aware of school district and Key Club regulations regarding driving of students to events. • always follow the supervisory ratio of 1 chaperone per 12 Key Club members. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
When attending large-scale or overnight events, chaperones must: • sign and submit the Code of Conduct and Advisor Responsibility Forms. • generate a room list of all students and chaperones, and designate room check assignments for all chaperones. • understand and strictly follow curfew regulations. • in the case of hotel overflow outside of their control, make arrangements with advisors at said hotels for supervision duties. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
When attending large-scale or overnight events, chaperones must: • conduct a dress-rehearsal or check-off for students prior to the event, to ensure that students (or chaperones) are not removed for failure to follow dress code. • follow all dress codes and codes of conduct that students are expected to follow. • attend all events with their students, even general sessions over long periods of time. At no point should a chaperone leave or remain in the hotel while students are unattended at an event. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
When attending large-scale or overnight events, chaperones must: • understand that students may never leave an event or enter one without the supervision of their chaperone. • understand and follow that extracurricular activities do not supersede the Key Club event (i.e. skipping final sessions to attend Disneyland). Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
In general, chaperones should: • have First Aid certification. • hold chaperone meetings prior to events to understand duties, rules, and regulations of the event. • know bus/driver numbers, phone numbers of other chaperones, Key Club members, and parents in case of emergency. • create sign-in sheets for Key Club members and chaperones, to ensure supervision of all attendees. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
In general, chaperones should: • ensure that Key Club members are picked up at a reasonable time, which may include calling parents ahead. • two advisors should wait in the event of late student pickups. • call the local police if students are not picked up and/or parent contact is not made. Advisor Do’s and Don’ts cont.
New officers should be formally trained at an Officer Training Conference, or OTC, held by your division’s Lieutenant Governor in early summer. • It is beneficial for you, as an advisor, to attend this training as well to stay current. • This training applies to: • Presidents • Vice Presidents • Secretaries • Treasurers • Bulletin Editors New Officer Training
New officers should read and sign the Agreement to Serve Form, which denotes all of the duties that they agree to in serving in their position for the upcoming year. These can be found at the CNH CyberKey website under Resources > Manuals, Forms and Guides. Advisor information can alsobe found here. New Officer Training cont.
Membership Update Centerhttps://members.portalbuzz.com/ Log in with your email address and password that are on file with Key Club International. Problems? Call 1-800-KIWANIS x411 For Key Club International to speak to a representative.
Plan well ahead of time. • Allow the students to plan as much as possible, then guide where they need help. • Ensure that there is enough adult supervision to accommodate the 1:12 advisor to student ratio. • Follow all do’s and don’ts related to advisor/chaperone duties. • Ensure that your project follows school guidelines. • Fill out an ERF(Event Request Form) to ensure that all Faculty and Kiwanis advisors are aware of the project. Planning Service Projects and Organizing Events
Ensure that all advisors/chaperones are capable of handling their duties. • For large-scale events, create emergency contact lists and make sure that the advisors/chaperones know how to get ahold of one another, and that students know how to get ahold of advisors/chaperones. • NEVER LET STUDENTS HANDLE MONEY WITHOUT SUPERVISION OR KEEP MONEY IN THEIR POSSESSION. Planning Service Projects and Organizing Events cont.
Sample Membership FormMembership forms or applications should be printed and passed out at the end of the first informational meeting to all prospective members. Many different types of applications can be used depending on what information you want to know about your prospective members, however the information listed below is a good starting point for your club's form. Name Address Grade PhoneWhat are your interests?What organizations do you now belong to or have you belonged to? List any offices held.
Sample Membership Formcont.List any honors or special achievements you have received. Explain.What "out of school" activities do you participate in?Why do you want to join Key Club and what can you contribute if you do join?Do you have or would you need transportation to projects or meetings?Do you have a friend you would like to have join the club with you? If so, give his/her name.List any concerns, experiences, or anything else you would want us to know.