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Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God

…. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God. The Two “Books” Of God… The “Book Of Nature” Psa 19:1 Rom 1:18-20 It proclaims His existence and nature It does not tell us who He is…what He wants… what pleases Him, etc. The Bible

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Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God

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  1. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God

  2. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God The Two “Books” Of God… • The “Book Of Nature” Psa 19:1 Rom 1:18-20 • It proclaims His existence and nature • It does not tell us who He is…what He wants… what pleases Him, etc. • The Bible • It reveals His mind in understandable communication 1 Cor 2:7-13

  3. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God The Bible… • …What Is It? • A fire & a hammer Jer 23:29 • Living & active...“doubly” sharp Heb 4:12 • Illuminating Psa 119:105

  4. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God The Bible… • …What Does It Do? • It cleanses Jn 15:3 Eph 5:26 • It sustains Deut 8:3 Mt 4:4 • It protects us from sin Psa 119:11

  5. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God The Bible… • …What Should Be Our Attitude Toward It? • Absolute awe Psa 119:161 cp. Ezra 9:4 • We should recognize its value Psa 19:10a • Develop a taste for it Psa 19:10b 1 Pet 2:2-3 Mt 5:6 • Receive gladly what it teaches Acts 2:41

  6. Our Attitude Toward The Word Of God Conclusion • The fact that God has spoken reveals… • …He is not some impersonal force, but is rational and intelligent • …He also thinks we are intelligent enough to understand and comply with what He has said • Question : how does my attitude compare to Psa 119:1-8, 9-16, 97-104, 129-136

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