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STAFF WELFARE. 1. STAFF BENEFIT FUND. 2.Railway Institutes and Clubs. 3. Schooling Facilities and Education Assoistance. 4. Grants-in-aid (to school). 5. Education Assistance, Reimbursement of Tuition fees, Hostel Subsidy. 6. Holiday Homes & Convlescent Homes. 7. Provision of Canteens.
5. Education Assistance, Reimbursement of Tuition fees, Hostel Subsidy
Staff Benefit Fund • Each Railway Administration maintains a Railway Staff Benefit Fund which is financed from: • a) receipts from fines. • b) all receipts from forfeited Provident Fund bonuses other than those of gazetted • Railway servants, and • c) an annual grant from the railway revenues at a per capita rate of Rs. 500/- for the • Financial year 2010-11 in respect of each non-gazetted Railway employee • employed on the Railway (other than in a Capital construction project) at the end • of the previous year.
The fund is administered at Headquarter level, for the benefit of non-gazetted staff, by a • committee consisting of: • Chairman Chief Personnel Officer of Zonal Rly • Members Chief Medical Officer • Dy. General Manager ( General) or C.E. • 12 selected members from each union • viz., 6 from NRMU & 6 from CRMS. • Secretary Personnel officer (Labour & Welfare)
The objects of the Fund are as under: • a) to aid education of the staff and their children when no assistance is admissible • under the rules; • b) recreation and amusement for the staff and their children; • c) relief and distress amongst the members of the staff and their families; • d) such schemes from sickness or maternity leave to the families of the employees • as are not covered by the Medical Attendance and Treatment Rules; • e) Any other object with the approval of General Manager:
Annual Inter-Railway Cultural Competitions should be financed from Staff Benefit Fund, • and out of the head “Recreation other than Sports” for which an amount of Rs. 2 per • capita has been earmarked as per capital contribution of 5 paise will be earmarked for • being spent on Inter-Railway Cultural Competition every year. Allotment of this part of • the Fund to the various organizing railway as may be decided by Railway Board, will be • made centrally by the Board. However, the amount of fund are spent according to the • following
proportion: • a) Education 31% • b) Recreation of staff and children 21% c) Relief of distress, Sickness 41% • d) Miscellaneous 7%
Divisional Staff Benefit Fund Committee consists of an officer nominated by Divisional • Railway Manager, two representatives from each union and a nominated Welfare • Inspector shall be the Secretary, and presided over by Divisional Personnel Officer. • In Workshop, Workshop Staff Benefit Fund Committee would be same as prescribed for • Divisional Committee and if there is no Senior Personnel Officer attached to Workshops • his place shall be taken by the Works Manager.
The following are the activities under the heading “ General Activities” • Education • 1. for technical education in Engineering, Medical and Scientific courses. • 2. assistance in the shape of stipend for courses of Chartered Accountancy Cost Accountancy. • 3. for opening of Vocational training centres. • 4. educational assistance to Group ‘D’ appearing in School final examination. • 5. for deaf, dumb and blind children educational expenses.
Recreation • 1. Grants to Institutes, Sports Clubs, Children Camps, Cultural activities, Recreation centres, MahilaSamities. • 2. Supply of books to Railway hospitals for indoor patients. • 3. Loans of Canteens. • 4. Mid-day meals to children of Primary schools. • 5. For uniforms to school children of Primary schools.
Sickness and distress relief • 1. For funeral expenses of low paid staff. • 2. Assistance to staff suffering from T.B., Cancer, Mental diseases when they are on • leave without pay. • 3. For purchase of artificial limb, spectacles, dentures • 4. Distress due to natural calamity. • 5. Assistance to low paid staff for loss due to fire.
Miscellaneous • 1. Provision of libraries and mobile libraries. • 2. Railway Reading rooms • SBF committee shall hold office normally for period of one year. General Manager shall • arrange for keeping the accounts of fund and audit of accounts shall be carried as • prescribed by President and G.M. shall also submit an annual report to Railway Board • on Working of fund during the previous financial year.
Salient Points a) where assistance is given under Educational Assistance Rules, no further assistance from the SBF to be given. b) In deserving cases of distress of ex-members or their families, relief may be sanctioned for the purpose of educational assistance but this cannot be as a regular measure as the serving employees have a prior claim. c) Retired Railway employees or persons dismissed/removed or outsiders cannot be nominated to the SBF Committee. d) Railway employees under suspension should not be allowed to attend the meetings of the SBF. However, there is no objection for substitute taking his place.
e) Expenditure on maintenance of maternity centres on the Railways is to be borne from 1.4.55 from Railway revenues instead of contribution from SBF. f) Railway employees serving on various Railway Recruitment Boards will continue to derive the individual benefit from the SBF of their parent Railway. For collective benefit, such as recreation, sports, etc. they will be attached to the Railway who has the Administrative control of the Railway Recruitment Boards.
g) The number of permanent staff of open line in the Railways on their regular transfer to Construction Projects except RE and COFMOW should be taken into account for the purpose of working out per-capita contribution to SBF. h) The cost of the stationary, printing charges of forms, postage charges and other contingent expenses relating to the Funds is met from the Railway revenues. Expenditure on entertainment during SBF meeting should be met from the Fund itself. i) Elected representatives when attending meetings of the SBF committees will be issued passes of the Class to which they eligible on privilege account as Railway servants.
The accounts of the SBF will be monitored and internally checked by the office of the FA & CAO and the Audit will make the checks. Annual reports on the working of the SBF should be submitted by each Railway Administration to the Railway Board.