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The Christian and Self-Renewal. Why We Need Renewal. Introduction. Being at Ease in Zion. Guard against complacency Some are not growing spiritually—why? What can we do about it? Where do we REALLY stand before God? What will it REALLY take to change?. Introduction.
The Christian and Self-Renewal Why We Need Renewal
Introduction • Being at Ease in Zion. • Guard against complacency • Some are not growing spiritually—why? • What can we do about it? • Where do we REALLY stand before God? • What will it REALLY take to change?
Introduction • We need self-renewal in every aspect of our lives. • Any organization’s survival depends on those of whom it consists. • Churches grow as Christians grow. • God does speak on the subject. • Self-renewal is needed in the Christian’s life. • This is also true of the Lord’s Church!
What Is Self-Renewal? • Defined as: • “to make new again; to restore to freshness, perfection, or vigor; to give new life to; to rejuvenate; to reestablish; to recreate, to rebuild.” • Thayer’s Greek Lexicon: • “a renewal, renovation, complete change for the better.”
Passages That Deal With Renewal • Romans 12:2 • “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…” • 2 Corinthians 4:16 • “…Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.”
Passages That Deal With Renewal • Colossians 3:10 • “And have put on the new man who is renewed in knowledge according to the image of Him who created him.” • Hebrews 6:6 • “if they fall away, to renew them again to repentance, since they crucify again...”
Self-Renewal • We are defining self-renewal as… • Personal and inward renewal • The ability to put into place measures to ensure that we are perpetually revitalizing ourselves.
As Individuals, We Sometimes Need Renewal • Consider your own life— • How do you feel about religion? • Do you have zeal for God? • Do you consider worship a drudgery? • How easily are you distracted from your service to Him? • Is your Biblical knowledge greater than it was a year ago?
As Individuals, We Sometimes Need Renewal • Consider your own life— • What about five years ago? • When you first obeyed the gospel? • Are you continually looking for ways to serve Him and your brethren? • Is Christ at the center of your thoughts? • Is your Christianity merely existing or moving at a slow pace? • Are you in a rut or thriving?
Sometimes, Churches Also Need Renewal • From time to time, churches need to examine themselves. • Consider the churches inRevelation 2, 3. • Some had sinful practices that needed correcting. • Some had poor attitudes that needed correction. • Today, some churches are dying. • Membership is dwindling. • Only a select few show real interest. • Holding our own? In a rut or thriving? • Need to develop a self-renewing spirit.
Why We Need Self-Renewal • Because we are expected to thrive. • Every Christian is expected to grow. • “But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ…” {2 Peter 3:18} • “…add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love .” {2 Peter 1:5-7}
Why We Need Self-Renewal • Mature Christian growth does not grow a little—it thrives. (prospers or flourishes) • “…I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” {John 10:10} • “For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.” {2 Peter 1:8}
Why We Need Self-Renewal • The inward man is being renewed day by day. It’s not an occasional process; it’s a daily thing. This is thriving! • “Therefore we do not lose heart. Even though our outward man is perishing, yet the inward man is being renewed day by day.” {2 Corinthians 4:16}
Dangers of Not Progressing • Failure to grow is rebuked. • Failure to grow in life, which may lead to mediocrity, is always devastating. • Many are content to stay where they are and see little or no reason to move ahead. • Failure to progress spiritually can have eternal consequences.
Dangers of Not Progressing “For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of the oracles of God; and you have come to need milk and not solid food. For everyone who partakes only of milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, for he is a babe. But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.” {Hebrews 5:12-14}
Dangers of Not Progressing • You might grow indifferent. • In Christianity, indifference is a big concern. • There are other words—apathy, complacency-- that describe it. • Indifference and apathy are always a problem in any society. • Moving beyond mediocrity to a level where you fail to act results in negative consequences.
Dangers of Not Progressing • The Bible condemns spiritual apathy. • It led to Israel’s captivity— • “But they refused to heed, shrugged their shoulders, and stopped their ears so that they could not hear. Yes, they made their hearts like flint, refusing to hear the law and the words which the LORD of hosts had sent by His Spirit through the former prophets…” {Zechariah 7:11,12}
Dangers of Not Progressing • The Bible condemns spiritual apathy. • The marriage feast— • “…Come to the wedding. But they made light of itand went their ways, one to his own farm, another to his business. And the rest seized his servants, treated them spitefully, and killed them.” {Matthew 22:4-6}
Dangers of Not Progressing • The Bible condemns spiritual apathy. • Neglecting divine offers— • “How shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him.” {Hebrews 2:3}
Dangers of Not Progressing • Lost opportunities. • Do we realize the value of the soul. • Everyone will die; our souls will spend eternity in one of two places—heaven or hell. • Sadly, most will be lost. • The greater number will be because of indifference and apathy.
Dangers of Not Progressing • The question is, “Whose apathy?” • Will we be like Felix? • “…Go away for now; when I have a convenient time I will call for you." {Acts 24:25} • Will we be lost because of our OWN apathy? • “For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” {1 Corinthians 9:16}
Dangers of Not Progressing • We’re running out of time. • As previously noted, we have only a limited amount of time. • When we fail to see the importance of progressing, we waste precious time and opportunity. • Famous words—”I’m going to start doing better.”
Dangers of Not Progressing • Because life is uncertain, we’re sure to experience anxiety in our lives. • “Knowing, therefore, the terror of the Lord, we persuade men; but we are well known to God, and I also trust are well known in your consciences.” {2 Corinthians 5:11} • “But others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire, hating even the garment defiled by the flesh.” {Jude 23}
Don’t Lose and Allow Things to Wither Away • Let it be clearly understood—apathy has serious spiritual consequences. • “If anyone does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is withered; and they gather them and throw them into the fire, and they are burned.” {John 15:6} • “And cast the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” {Matthew 25:30}
Don’t Lose and Allow Things to Wither Away • Let it be clearly understood—apathy has serious spiritual consequences. • “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: For yet a little while, and He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith; But if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.” {Hebrews 10:36-38}