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Welcome. 2 nd grade Curriculum Night LuAnne Hershberger 480-541-4346 lhersh@kyrene.org. School wide emphasis on leadership
Welcome 2nd grade Curriculum Night LuAnne Hershberger 480-541-4346 lhersh@kyrene.org
School wide emphasis on leadership • Fosters creating a sustainable, safe-and-friendly school culture for students and staff. It provides world-class professional development for teachers and administrators as it meets parent desires to be involved and for their children to be prepared for life to come. • Common Language (7 Habits for Happy Kids) • The Leader In Me fosters independence in students and staff through teaching goal setting, organization, time management, and planning skills. • It fosters interdependence through teaching teamwork, conflict management (often a big one for elementary-aged children), providing opportunities for creativity, and through teaching analytical skill development. It also fosters renewal by presenting things in fun ways, creating a desire to learn, and practicing good health and hygiene habits.
Seven Habits What are the 7 Habits of Happy Kids? Habit 1 — Be proactive You're in Charge I am a responsible person. I take initiative. I choose my actions, attitudes and moods. I do not blame others for my wrong actions. I do the right thing without being asked, even when no one is looking. Habit 2 — Begin with the End in Mind Have a Plan I plan ahead and set goals. I do things that have meaning and make a difference. I am an important part of my classroom and contribute to my school's mission and vision. I look for ways to be a good citizen. Habit 3 — Put First Things First Work First, Then Play I spend my time on things that are most important. This means I say no to things I know I should not do. I set priorities, make a schedule and follow my plan. I am disciplined and organized.
Habit 4 — Think Win-Win Everyone Can Win I balance courage for getting what I want with consideration for what others want. I make deposits in others' "Emotional Bank Accounts". When conflicts arise, I look for third alternatives. Habit 5 — Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Listen Before You Talk I listen to other people's ideas and feelings. I try to see things from their viewpoints. I listen to others without interrupting. I am confident in voicing my ideas. I look people in the eyes when talking. Habit 6 — Synergize Together Is Better I value other people's strengths and learn from them. I get along well with others, even people who are different than me. I work well in groups. I seek out other people's ideas to solve problems because I know that by teaming with others we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone. I am humble. Habit 7 — Sharpen The Saw Balance Feels Best I take care of my body by eating right, exercising and getting sleep. I spend time with family and friends. I learn in lots of ways and lots of places, not just at school. I find meaningful ways to help others.
Typical Day • Opening • Math IFG Block • Specials • Math Block • Lunch • Read-aloud • Reading and Language Arts Writing/ Spelling/ Grammar • Social Studies/Science/Health
Math Kyrene adopted a combined series for our math resources • Investigations in Data and Space • an activity based math resource • Scott Foresman (SFAW) • a traditional textbook approach • Curriculum still consists of the 6 math strands • Numbers & Operations • Measurement • Geometry • Data Analysis • Patterns/Algebra • Problem Solving
Helping Your Child At Home *Relax!*You are a “guide” *Don’t take over for your child*Believe that your child can successfully learn mathematics *Expect your child to work hard to learn mathematics *Have your child explain the problem and his/her thinking out loud*Show all work*Examine why solutions are correct and incorrect *Help your child connect math with daily life*Point out your own activities that involve mathematics *Ask questions
Great Questions for Building Number Sense At Home • Tell me about your thinking. • What do you remember after reading the problem? What can you tell me without looking? • Do you think there will be more than ___ or less than ___ at the end? • Why did you decide to +/- your numbers? What parts of the story helped you make your decision? • What tools would be helpful to your thinking? (100’s chart, number line, place value blocks etc) • What might a picture of your thinking look like? Record it! • What equation do you think matches your thinking, picture or strategy? • Can you tell or show me what each number represents from the problem? • Can you put in your own words how you got your answer? • ALWAYS DOUBLE CHECK! What’s another way you can show your work?
Language Arts Block • Harcourt Reading Program • A research based Core Reading Program which uses an anthology of stories to cover the “BIG FIVE” • Phonics • Phonemic awareness • Vocabulary • Comprehension • Fluency • Students work in different groupings • Whole class • Individualized Focus Groups • Small guided reading groups • Independently
Writing Workshop • Six Trait Writing Model for instruction and assessment • Taught by using students’ writing as models, through literature, class practice, student practice and sample work • Students have writer’s notebooks to jot down ideas and observations
Grammar & Writing Skills Second Semester Contractions Capital Letters (Proper nouns) Verbs Plurals Compound words Alphabetical order (second and third letter) Dictionary Skills (guide words) Elements of Literature Editing and Writing reports Personal Narrative Letters First Semester Types of Sentences Punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point) Capital letters (beginning of sentence and names) Synonyms and Antonyms Alphabetical Order Nouns Adjectives Elements of Literature Prewriting
Spelling • Harcourt Spelling program • 15 words a week (works with word families) • Challenge words are available each week. These words are derived from our weekly vocabulary words. • Also responsible for first 200 high frequency words • Tests on Fridays
Most activities are hands-on and student centered. Covering these topics: Science process skills Weather Solids, Liquids, & Gases Insects Human Body Mammals Science
Technology • Taught in conjunction with other subject areas • Projector, 6 laptops, 2 desktop computers, document camera, and a Smart Board • Some programs children will be exposed to: Pixie 2, Word, Kidspiration, PowerPoint, Share, and Typing Agent • The internet may be used for research with direct supervision • Anywhere, anytime learning
Homework • Handed out Monday • Due back the following Monday • As a family you may choose how to divide up the homework so that it is completed for Monday. • District guidelines state 20-40 minutes/day • Star Homework is based on the Universal Homework Model used in Whole Brain Teaching • allows for a great deal of student choice and ownership of the learning at home, as well as the opportunity to focus on and develop specific individual interests. • has built in differentiation and encourages student to engage in a diverse set of learning experiences not afforded in the traditional structure of homework. It provides greater balance and flexibility, as well as fostering greater creativity at home. • helps students develop a positive appreciation for learning and setting aside time to do so at home. Students work together in the classroom towards a common goal and often encourage one another.
Fluency Builder • Copied on the back of the weekly calendar – completed on Fri. • Correlates with the phonics elements taught in the weekly lessons • Practices priority or high frequency words • Reinforces key vocabulary from weekly story • Numbered sentences incorporate the words from 3 lists • Divided into phrases to help students improve natural, smooth phrasing • Should take about 5-10 minutes
Reading At Home • Your child should be reading at least 20 minutes independently and 10 minutes orally each night. • Although second graders are capable of reading independently, it is important to continue to read aloud to him/her as well. Reading aloud enhances comprehension, reading fluency, and vocabulary development.
Snacks and Water Bottles I encourage students to bring in healthy snacks. The students need “brain food”. All students need to bring their own individual snack. We do not have a class snack. In second grade we use the 5 & 15 Rule: 5 or fewer grams of fat and 15 or less grams of sugar NO cookies, candy, cakes, or donuts even if they fit the “rule”. I tell the kids it is a snack not a treat. It is “brain food” and fuel for their bodies to make it until lunch. Children are encouraged to bring in water bottles. • Kept next to their desks • Easier to keep them drinking water all day long
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Rights and Responsibilities • Classroom Behavior Policy- Clip Chart • Birthdays • All invitations have to be mailed • No treats • Parties • Children and I will do the planning but we will need parent assistance to provide food • Thank you for everyone who volunteered • Dismissal • Parent pickup - Please make & place a name card on your visor • If any changes with transportation PLEASE provide a note or email • Book Orders • Checks or money orders made out to Scholastic - No cash please. • Teacher Communication • Please email me • 24 hours • lhersh@kyrene.org