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Implications of Cancun Agreement from Kiribati's Perspective

Positive reflections on Cancun outcomes and challenges faced, including limitations in progress, insufficient targets, and the urgency of addressing climate issues. The text examines implications on climate change responsibility at the national level.

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Implications of Cancun Agreement from Kiribati's Perspective

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  1. Implications from Cancun: Kiribati perspective Mr Riibeta Abeta Environment and Conservation Division MELAD Kiribati Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati 3rd Pacific Climate Change Round table, Alofi, Niue March 2011

  2. Positive impressions on the Cancun Outcomes Inclusion of the Bali Action Plan elements Restore confidence in the multilateral (UNFCCC) process Establishment of the Green Climate Fund CANCUN OUTCOMES (Cancun Agreement and Decisions) Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati Establishment of the Cancun Adaptation Framework and sealed fate of the Adaptation Committee Key political decisions are contained enough to guide future negotiations towards a LBA “Pledge and Review” system to review adequacy of 20C possibly to 1.50C

  3. Lack lustres of the Cancun outcomes Limited progress on the Kyoto Protocol and it uncertain extension into 2nd commitment period Inadequacy of mitigation targets and peaking timelines Prospects on possible weak commitments of Decisions in contrast to a desire for a LBA CANCUN OUTCOMES (Cancun Agreement and Decisions) Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati Challenge to muster up confidence and conclude negotiations against urgency of addressing the problems No preferential treatment of SIDS as vulnerable group in the Adaptation Framework Transparency over commitments and delivery of Fast-Start Finance

  4. Treating Climate Change at the national level Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati

  5. Implications of Cancun on the climate change thematic responsibility Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati

  6. Implications from Cancun on climate change thematic responsibility Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati

  7. End of Story! Fakaue lahi Ministry of Environment, Lands and Agriculture Development - Kiribati

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