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Atomic Mass Spectrometry. Atomic mass spectrometry offers A number of advantages over the atomic optical spectrometric methods that we have thus far considered, including (1)detection limits that are, for many elements, as great as three orders of magnitude better than optical methods; (2)
1. Chapter 11
Atomic Mass Spectrometry
2. Atomic Mass Spectrometry Atomic mass spectrometry offers A number of advantages over the atomic optical spectrometric methods that we have thus far considered, including (1)detection limits that are, for many elements, as great as three orders of magnitude better than optical methods; (2) remarkably Simple . spectra that are usually unique and often easily interpretable (3) the ability to measure atomic isotopic ratios. Disadvantages include (1) instrument costs that are two to three times that of optical atomic instruments, (2) instrument drift that can be as high as 5% to 10% per hour (3) certain types of interference effects that are discussed later.
3. 11A Atomic Mass Spectrometry
4. SOME GENERAL FEATURES OF ATOMIC MASS SPECTROMETRY An atomic mass spectrometric analysis 1 involves the following steps: (1) atomization, (2) conversion of a substantial fraction of the atoms formed in step I to a stream of ions (usually singly charged positive ions), (3) separating the ions formed in step 2 on the basis of their mass-to-charge ratio (m/z), where m is the mass number of the ion in atomic mass units and z is the number of fundamental charges that it bears, and (4) counting the number of ions of each type or measuring the ion current produced when the ions formed from the sample strike a suitable transducer.
5. 11A-1 Atomic Masses in Mass Spectrometry
6. Atomic Massesin Mass Spectrometry Atomic and molecular masses are generally expressed in atomic mass units (amu), or daltons (Da).
7. Uses of Mass Spec forms ions, usually positive, study charge/mass ratio
very characteristic fragmentation pattern in charge/mass ratio
data easier to interpret than IR and/or NMR
provides accurate MW of sample
used to determine isotopic abundances
8. Nearly all elements in the periodic table can be determined by mass spectrometry
More selective and sensitive than optical instruments
Simple spectra
Isotope ratios
Much more expensive instrumentation
9. 11A-2 Mass-to-Charge Ratio
10. Mass-to-Charge Ratio The mass-to-charge ratio of an ion is the unitless ratio of its mass number to the number of fundamental charges z on the ion. Thus: For 12C1H4+ m/z = 16.0313/1 =16.0313 For 13C1H42+ m/z = 17.0346/2 = 8.5173
11. 11A-3 Types of Atomic Mass Spectrometry
12. Types of Atomic mass spectrometers
13. 11B mass spectrometer
14. mass spectrometer A mass spectrometer is an instrument that produces ions and separates them according to their mass-to-charge ratios, m/z. Most of the ions we will discuss are singly charged so that the ratio is simply equal to the mass number of the ion. Several types of mass spectrometers are currently available from instrument manufacturers. In this chapter, we describe the three types that are used in atomic mass spectrometry: the quadrupole mass spectrometer, the time-af-flight mass spectrometer, and the double-focusing mass spectrometer.
16. Atomic mass spectrometer
17. 11 B-1 Transducers for Mass Spectrometry
18. Transducers for Mass Spectrometry Several types of transducers are commercially available for mass spectrometers. The electron multiplier is the transducer of choice for most routine experiments.
19. electron multiplier
20. electron multiplier Figure 11-2a is a schematic of a discrete-dynode electron multiplier designed for collecting and converting positive ions into an electrical signal. This device is very much like the photomultiplier transducer for ultraviolet-visible radiation, with each dynode held at a successively higher voltage. When energetic ions or electrons strike the Cu-Be surfaces of the cathode and the dynodes, bursts of electrons are emitted.
21. The Faraday Cup
22. The Faraday Cup Figure 11-3 is a schematic of a Faraday cup collector. The transducer is aligned so that ions exiting the analyzer strike the collector electrode. This electrode is
surrounded by a cage that prevents the escape of reflected ions and ejected secondary electrons. The collector
electrode is inclined with respect to the path of the entering ions so that particles striking or leaving the electrode are reflected from the entrance to the
cup. The collector electrode and cage are connected to ground through a large resistor. The charge of the positive
ions striking the plate is neutralized by a flow of electrons from ground through the resistor.
24. 11 B-2 Quadrupole Mass Analyzers
25. Quadrupole Mass Analyzers The most common type of mass spectrometer used in atomic mass spectroscopy is the quadrupole mass analyzer shown in Figure 11-6. This instrument is more compact, less expensive, and more rugged than most other types of mass spectrometers. It also has the advantage of high scan rates so that an entire mass spectrum can be obtained in less than 100 ms.
27. Mass Analyzer (Quadrupole)
28. Ion Trajectories in a quadrupole
29. Ion Trajectories in a quadrupole To understand the filtering capability of a quadrupole, we need to consider the effect of the dc and ac voltages on the trajectory of ions as they pass through the channel between the rods. Let us first focus on the pair of positive rods, which are shown in Figure 11-7 as lying
In the xz plane. In the absence of a dc voltage, ions in the channel will tend to converge in the center of the channel during the positive half of the ac cycle and will tend to diverge during the negative half. This behavior is illustrated at points A and B in the figure. If during the negative half cycle an ion strikes the rod, the positive charge will be neutralized, and the resulting molecule will be carried away. Whether a positive ion strikes the rod depends on the rate of movement of the ion along the z-axis, its mass-to-charge ratio. And the frequency and magnitude of the ac signal.
30. Ion trajectories in a quadrupole
A pair of positive rods (as lying in the xz plane).
In the absence of a dc potential:
Positive half of the ac cycle: Converge (ion in the channel will tend to converge in the center of the channel during the positive half of the ac cycle).
Negative half of the ac cycle: Diverge (ions will tend to diverge during the negative half).
33. Scanning with a quadrupole Filter
34. Scanning with a quadrupole Filter To scan a mass spectrum with a quadrupole instrument, the ac voltage V and the dc voltage U are increased simultaneously from zero to some maximum value while their ratio is maintained at slightly less than 6. The changes in voltage during a typical scan are shown in Figure 11-9. The two diverging straight lines show the variation in the two dc voltages as a function of time.
35. Scanning with a quadrupole Filter
36. 11 B-3 Time of Flight Analyzers
37. Time of Flight Analyzers In time-of-flight (TOF) instruments, positive ions are produced periodically by bombardment of the sample with brief pulses of electrons, secondary ions, or laser generated photons. These pulses typically have a frequency of 10 to 50 kHz and a lifetime of 0.25 ms. The ions produced in this way are then accelerated by an electric field pulse of 103 to 10' V that has the same frequency
as, but lags behind, the ionization pulse. The
accelerated particles pass into a field-free drift tube about a meter long (Figure 11-10).
38. Time of Flight Analyzers non-magnetic separation
detector - electron multiplier tube
instantaneous display of results
39. 11 B-4 Double-Focusing Analyzers
40. Double-Focusing Analyzers As shown in Figure 11-11, a double-focusing mass spectrometer contains two devices for focusing a beam of ions: an electrostatic analyzer and a magnetic sector analyzer.
41. Mattacuh-Herzog type double-focusing mass spectrometer
43. INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMAMASS SPECTROMETRY Since the early 1980, ICPMS has grown to be one of the most important techniques for elemental analysis because of its low detection limits for most elements, its high degree of selectivity, and its reasonably good precision and accuracy. In these applications an ICP torch serves as an atomizer and ionizer.
44. Instruments for ICPMS 11 C-1
45. Instruments for ICPMS Figure 11-12 shows schematically the components of a commercial ICPMS systemI2 A critical part of the instrument
is the interface that couples the ICP torch,
which operates at atmospheric pressure with the mass spectrometer that requires a pressure of less than 10-4 torr.
46. ICP-MS: a handy tool!
47. Typical mass spectrum
48. 11C-2 Atomic Mass Spectraand Interferences
49. Atomic Mass Spectraand Interferences One of the advantages of using mass spectrometric detection with ICPs as opposed to optical detection is that mass spectra are usually much simpler and easier to interpret than corresponding optical spectra, This property is especially true for those elements such as the rare
earths that may exhibit thousands of emission lines.
51. Spectral Interferences
52. Spectral Interferences? Refractory oxide
As a result of incomplete dissociation of the sample matrix or from recombination in the plasma tail
MO+, MO2+, MO3+
Doubly charged ions
53. Spectral Interferences? Isobaric overlap
Due to two elements that have isotopes having substantially the same mass
40Ar+ and 40Ca+
Poly atomic
Due to interactions between species in the plasma and species in matrix or atmosphere
56Fe and 40Ar16O
44Ca and 12C16O16O.
54. Isobaric interferences?
55. Matrix Effects
56. Matrix Effects In ICPMS, matrix effects become noticeable at concomitant concentrations of greater than about 500 to 1000 mg/mL. Usually these effects cause a reduction in the analyte signal, although under certain experimental conditions signal enhancement is observed.
57. Applications of ICPMS 11C-3
58. Applications of ICPMS ICPMS can be used for qualitative, semiquantitative, and quantitative determination of one or more elements in samples of matter.
59. Qualitative and Semiquantitative Applications
60. Qualitative and Semiquantitative Applications
61. Detection Limits
62. Detection Limits One of the main attractions of ICPMS lies with the lower detection limits attainable with mass spectrometric detection than with optical detection. These limits in many cases equal and sometimes exceed those that can be realized by electrothermal atomic absorption
63. Detection Limits
64. quantitative Analyses
65. quantitative Analyses The most widely used quantitative method of ICPMSuses a set of calibration standards for preparing a calibrationcurve. Simple aqueous standards are usually
adequate if the unknown solutions are sufjiciently dilute - less than 2000 g/mL of total dissolved solid.
66. quantitative Analyses
67. How good this is?
68. Isotope Ratio Measurements
69. Isotope Ratio Measurements The measurement of isotope ratios is of considerable importance in several fields of science and medicine. For example, archeologists and geologists use such data to establish the age of artifacts and various types of deposits. Chemists and clinicians use isotopically enriched materials as tracers in various types of studies. The outcome of these studies is based on isotope ratio measurements.
71. SPARK SOURCE MASS SPECTROMETRY In SSMS. the atomic constituents of a sample are converted by a high-voltage (-30 kv), radio-frequency spark to gaseous ions for mass analysis. The spark is housed in a vacuum chamber located immediately adjacent to the mass analyzer. The chamber is equipped with a separate high-speed pumping system that quickly reduces the internal pressure to about 10-8 torr after sample changes. Often, the sample serves as one or both electrodes. Alternatively. it is mixed with graphite and loaded into a cup-shape electrode. The gaseous positive ions formed in the spark plasma arc drawn into the analyzer by a de voltage.
72. spectra 11 D-1
73. spectra Like ICP mass spectra, spark source mass spectra are much simpler than atomic emission spectra, consisting of one major peak for each isotope of an element as
well as a few weaker lines corresponding to multiply charged ions and ionized oxide and hydroxide species. The presence of these additional ions creates the potential
for interference just as in ICPMS.
74. Qualitative Applications 11 D-2
75. Qualitative Applications SSMS is a powerful tool for qualitative and semiquantitaative analysis. All elements in the periodic table from 7Li through 238Ucan be identified in a single excitation. By varying data-acquisition parameters, it is possible to determine order of magnitude concentrations for major constituents of a sample as well as for constituents in the parts-per-billion concentration range. Interpretation of spectra does require skill and experience, however, because of the presence of multiply charged species, polymeric species, and molecular ions.
76. Quantitative Applications A radio-frequency spark is not a very reproducible source over short periods. As a consequence. it is necessary to integrate the output signals from a spark for periods that range from several seconds to hundreds of seconds if good quantitative data are to be obtained .The detection system must be capable of electronic signal integration,
78. GLOW DISCHARGE MASS SPECTROMETRY As shown in Section 8C-2, a glow-discharge source is used as an atomization device for various types of atomic spectroscopy.In addition to atomizing samples, it also produces a cloud of positive analyte ions from solid samples. This device consists of a simple two electrode closed system containing argon at a pressure of 0.1 to 10torr. A voltage of 5 to 15 kv from a pulsed dc power supply is applied between the electrodes, causing the formation of positive argon ions, which are then accelerated toward the cathode.
79. Methods for elemental surface analysis 11 F
80. Methods for elemental surface analysis Two atomic mass spectrometric methods are often used to determine the elemental composition of solid surfaces: secondary-ion mass spectrometry and laser microprobe mass spectrometry.
81. Advanced Analytical Chemistry – CHM 6157 ® Y. CAI Florida International UniversityUpdated on 9/13/2006 Chapter 3 ICPMS Isotope Dilution
Isotope dilution is a super internal standard addition method on the basis of isotope ratios.
Add a known amount (spike) of a stable enriched isotope of the element considered, which has at least two stable isotopes 1 and 2, to the sample
Measure the isotope ratio of isotopes 1 and 2 in the Spike, the unspiked sample and finally the spiked sample.
The concentration of the element of interest can then be deducted from these isotopic ratios and from the amount of spike added.
82. Advanced Analytical Chemistry – CHM 6157 ® Y. CAI Florida International UniversityUpdated on 9/13/2006 Chapter 3 ICPMS Advantages:
Simplified chemical and physical separation procedures
Elimination (reduction) of matrix effects
Elimination of the effect of instrumental drift
83. Advanced Analytical Chemistry – CHM 6157 ® Y. CAI Florida International UniversityUpdated on 9/13/2006 Chapter 3 ICPMS Theory
In principle, any element with at least two isotopes that can be measured is suitable for determination by isotope dilution. The two selected are designed 1 and 2.
Three solutions will be used:
Sample (s) Standard (t) Spiked sample (m)
84. Advanced Analytical Chemistry – CHM 6157 ® Y. CAI Florida International UniversityUpdated on 9/13/2006 Chapter 3 ICPMS 1ns is the number of moles of isotope 1 in the sample.
2ns is the number of moles of isotope 2 in the sample.
1nt is the number of moles of isotope 1 in the standard.
2nt is the number of moles of isotope 2 in the standard.
Rs is the ratio of isotope 1 to isotope 2 in the sample solution.
Rt is the ratio of isotope 1 to isotope 2 in the standard.
Rm is the ratio of isotope 1 to isotope 2 in the spiked sample.
85. Mass Analyzer Double-Focusing Analyzers
higher resolution, need higher amplification
2 magnets or 1 magnet & 1 electrostatic field