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BB BIS Local Conversation

BB BIS Local Conversation. ksadnaklsdnalksdnm. Welcome!. A quick look at what is happening now in the Humber across the European Structural F unds 2007-2013 A chance to explore local priorities and opportunities before a more formal consultation process begins. Structural funds?.

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BB BIS Local Conversation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. BBBIS Local Conversation ksadnaklsdnalksdnm

  2. Welcome! • A quick look at what is happening now in the Humber across the European Structural Funds 2007-2013 • A chance to explore local priorities and opportunities before a more formal consultation process begins

  3. Structural funds? • The Structural Funds are set up to implement the cohesion or regional policy of the EU. They aim to reduce regional disparities in terms of income, wealth and opportunities. Europe's poorer regions receive most of the support, but all European regions are eligible for some funding.

  4. The Structural Funds are made up of the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the European Social Fund (ESF). Together with the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), the Structural Funds and the Cohesion Fund make up the great bulk of EU funding, and the majority of total EU spending.

  5. Other funds contribute to regional development. These are: • Funds under the CAP, namely the European Agricultural Guarantee Fund (EAGF) and the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD) • The European fisheries fund (EFF)

  6. Y&H ERDF • Priority 1 - Promoting Innovation and Research and DevelopmentPriority 2 - Supporting and Stimulating Successful Enterprise Priority 3 - Sustainable communities • Priority 4 (South Yorkshire phasing in only) - Economic infrastructure and place based regeneration

  7. Y&H ERDF Yorkshire and the Humber's ERDF Programme 2007-13 has invested ERDF with 94 projects. Cumulatively, these projects have been allocated £308.8 million from ERDF and have cumulative eligible expenditure of £668.7 million. This means that the programme has contracts for over 65% of the total ERDF available

  8. ERDF in the Humber

  9. Humber TA • Supporting beneficiaries in project development and delivery, including social enterprises • Providing information & promoting ERDF • Supporting programme delivery • Playing a strategic role, supporting LEPs & 2014-20 programme development

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