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Reading Assignment:. Chapter 10--Sensory Perception. Fish ear. end. Growth:. Longevity unconfirmed reports of carp 200-400 yr. authenticated records for carp 50 yr. large fish-few > 12-20 yr. some marine spp > 100 yr. thornyspines, orange roughy
Reading Assignment: • Chapter 10--Sensory Perception Fish ear end
Growth: • Longevity • unconfirmed reports of carp 200-400 yr. • authenticated records for carp 50 yr. • large fish-few > 12-20 yr. • some marine spp > 100 yr. thornyspines, orange roughy • many small spp-2 yr. or less (sardines, anchovies) Note: aging with scales, bones, otoliths end
Growth: Other Generalities • females often larger than males • growth rate varies with temp. • longevity inversely proportional to temp. • stress reduces growth • dominance hierarchies - dominant get food • overcrowding can lead to stunting • indeterminate growth - grow throughout life • growth highly variable - can loose weight end
Bioenergetic Definition of Growth • energy accumulation (calories) vs. length or weight end
Bioenergetics continued: • Energy Budget: I = M + G + E where: I = ingested energy M = energy expended for metabolism G = energy stored as growth E = energy lost to environment end
heat G M Bioenergetic Energy Budget: I E end
Bioenergetics continued: Ex: M = energy for body repair maintenance activity digestion end
Bioenergetics continued: Ex: E = energy in feces ammonia, or urea mucus epidermal cells end
Terms: • Standard Metabolic Rate • maintenance met.; no growth, no activity • Routine Metabolic Rate • typical met.; routine growth & activity • Active Metabolic Rate • max. aerobic metabolism end
{ Factors Affecting Growth: Temperature routine active standard scope Metabolic Rate activity growth Where would growth be best? Temperature end
Factors Affecting Growth: Temperature normal O2 reduced O2 Metabolic Rate reduced scope reduced growth Temperature end
Growth will not occur at low O2 Ex: LMB cease growing below 5 mg/L end
O2 regulator (most species) O2 conformer 0 8 4 Factors Affecting Growth: Dissolved oxygen Routine Metabolism critical O2 concentration Dissolved Oxygen mg/L end
Effect of Ammonia on Growth: • NH3 is more toxic than NH4+ • relative Conc. Depends on pH • at 24C: 0.5% NH3 at pH = 7 34% NH3 at pH = 9 • 96 hr LC50 = 3.8 mg/L NH3 • as low as 0.6 mg/L for some spp. • slow growth & tissue damage at 0.006-0.34 mg/L (continuous exposure) Aquarium problems Transport problems end
Effects of other factors on growth: • Growth reduced at sub-optimal salinities end
scope active metabolic rate - standard metabolic rate Model: effect of environment on fishes scope simplify Metabolism Environmental Variable end
hypothetical physical or psychological stress Stress stressed tolerance lethal low lethal high lethal low lethal high tolerance Model continued: Scope Environmental Variable end
salmon; smelt Overview of Reproduction: Varies greatly among fishes 1. behavior: • courtship behavior • nest building • parental care versus no care • mixed behaviors • sneaker bass • sneaker and mimic bluegills • migration • anadromy- spawn in FW, mature in SW • catadromy - spawn in SW, mature in FW eels end
Overview of Reproduction continued 2. Anatomy: • claspers - chondrichthyes • gonopodium - Poeciliidae • sexual dimorphism • males larger in territorial species (salmon) • females usu. larger in others end
catshark with claspers claspers end
gonopodium end
Sexual dimorphism in salmon: female male end
Overview of Reproduction continued 3. Physiology • sex chromosomes: • XY = M; XX = F (most) • ZZ = M and ZW= F(Poeciliidae & Tilapia spp) • some fishes have 3 or more sex chromosomes • sex not under complete genetic control • hermaphrodites--both sexes (many in Serranidae) • usu. one sex at a time • exception hamlet (serranid) • sex changes--bluehead wrasse end
bluehead wrasse (Labridae) male • harem • dominance hierarchy • dominant F becomes M female & juv. end
Overview of Reproduction continued 3. Physiology continued • parthenogenesis -- egg develops w/o fertilization • Ex: Amazon molly • all female • produce genetic clones • Ex: gynogenesis in Phoxinus (Cyprinidae) • all female • gynogenesis--sperm required, DNA from male not incorporated in embryo end
Reproductive Modes in Fishes: • Oviparous -- egg layers; most fishes • internal or external fertilization • Ovoviviparous • internal fertilization • eggs hatch internally • live birth • yolk only nutrition • EX: Lake Baikal sculpins • marine rockfishes • some sharks end
Lake Baikal Approx. 400 mi. long 5315 ft > 1 mi. deep end
Reproductive Modes in Fishes: continued • Viviparous--live birth • nutrition provided directly by mother • EX: embryonic cannibalism -- a few sharks • fins against uterine wall -- surf perches • placenta-like structures--pericardial tissues in Poeciliidae end
lemon shark pup yolk sac and stalk function like placenta and umbilical cord end
Reproductive Strategies: Energy Investment egg size: number vs. survivability carp > 2,000,000 salmon 1500-2000 parental investment: energy vs. surviv. nest building parental care mouth brooders--cichlids; ariids end
male female end
Parental care: guarding smallmouth bass--males bullhead--both sexes end