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Explore the difference between Past Simple and Present Perfect tenses, with examples and time expressions for each. Learn how to form and use these tenses correctly in English grammar.
1) John Lennon made a lot of records 2) Julian Lennon has made a lot of records What’s the difference in meaning between the sentences above? What are the different tenses used in these sentences?
John Lennon’s making records does not have anything to do with the present now. (Infact, he is dead). The Past Simple expresses a past action that is now finished. John Lennon made a lot of records
Julian Lennon has made a lot of records.Julian Lennon has been in the music business since he was 19 (and he still is in the music business). The Present Perfect expresses what has happened before now. The action can continue to the present, and probably into the future.
Past Simple : I broke my leg (maybe last year, two months ago etc.) but now maybe she’s feeling ok
Present Perfect: I’ve broken my legand still he has got it broken! No doubt about it!
What time expressions do we use with the Past Simple? • For • Last year • Last month/ Last night • In 1965 • Five years ago • Yesterday morning • At 5 o’clock • This morning/afternoon
How do you make the Present Perfect? AuxiliaryHave + pastparticiple Ex. havewritten havespoken haveseen havebeen
What time expressions do we use with the Present Perfect? • Ever, never • Always • Recently • Just, already, yet • For • since
What time expressions do we use with the Present Perfect? Ever, never • A: Haveyoueverbeen to Africa? B: No, I haven’t. • I’veneverseen a jaguar.
What time expressions do we use with the Present Perfect? Always • I’vealwaysloved rock music. Recently • I’verecentlybought a new bike.
What time expressions do we use with the Present Perfect? Just, already, yet • I’ve just read a fantasticarticle. • I’vealready made my bed. • I haven’tbeen to universityyet. • Haveyou made lunch yet.
When do we use for and since with the Present Perfect? For, since • I’ve worked here for twenty years We use for with a period of time • I’ve worked here since 1994 We use since with a point in time